Policy format POLICY_ATTENTION is not supported by CuDNN backend

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Walter Mascarenhas

Apr 28, 2022, 5:12:41 PM4/28/22
to LCZero
I'm trying to run leela 0.29 on a RTX 3080 gpu, in
an ubuntu 20.04 machine, with a ryzen processor.
I am getting the error message above
when using networks like ap-mish-20b-swa-2812750.pb

What should I do to solve this problem?



Apr 29, 2022, 6:16:43 AM4/29/22
to LCZero
I think the attention nets are only supported with cuda not cudnn for now.

Walter Mascarenhas

Apr 30, 2022, 7:11:43 PM4/30/22
to brian.p.r...@gmail.com, LCZero
Are there any nets supported with cudnn? If so,
how can I download them?

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Apr 30, 2022, 8:08:17 PM4/30/22
to LCZero
Nearly all of the nets are supported with cudnn.
It is only the most recent still experimental nets that are not.
On the Lc0 GitHub page on the Wiki tab look for the Best Nets entry.

Alex Patch

Jun 26, 2023, 12:08:34 PM6/26/23
to LCZero
I'm getting the same error with the pre-compiled networks (e.g. T1-768x15x24h-swa-4000000) on lc0 v0.30, running on CuDNN 8.9.2/RTX 2080Ti/Ubuntu 22.04. From the blog post announcing the the 0.29 release (12/27/2022) it appeared the attention issue had been fixed for CuDNN backends. Suggestions?

Alexander Lyashuk

Jun 27, 2023, 1:24:42 AM6/27/23
to LCZero
Someone asked that today in chat, probably you, if so then you already have the answer.
But in any case, the new transformer nets are only supported by the CUDA backend, not cudnn.

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