Lc0 will participate at the WCCC? Wow!

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Martin Renneke

2018年7月11日 13:04:292018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
Hi all. That sounds very interessting. Refer to the blog for details. WCCC is the world champion chip for chess computer. Tomorrow the player will setup there environment and on Friday 13th July they'll start. But who is the player using lc0 and what kind of machine is he using? Thx. Martin. 

John D

2018年7月11日 14:22:172018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
not sure; since it wasn't in the blog i'd imagine nothing was official as of the writing. which presumably means it was just decided by the organizers & how the hell are they gonna do this in 2 days??

Jesse Jordache

2018年7月11日 15:25:362018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
There's been grumblings about it for a while, championed on the con side by Chris Wittington who's pointed to ethically questionable actions by the group that organizes the WCCC, and on the pro side by no one in particular, arguing that as the TCEC was putting off making a decision about GPU's, presumably while they consulted the pay engines that Leela makes look silly (a subset that does NOT include Stockfish), it's likely that they'll return a CPU only decision which leaves the WCCC as the only available competition.


2018年7月11日 15:31:332018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
Surprising news indeed, given that the tournament will already start tomorrow. But why doesn't Leela participate in blitz?

Last year WCCC was well before the Alpha Zero shock to the computer chess world. It will be interesting to see if the deep learning approach has influenced other participants in some way.

Matt Blakely

2018年7月11日 15:48:512018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
Where can I follow the games and/or results?

What is the time control?

I can't find much good info on google

Martin Renneke

2018年7月11日 15:48:572018/7/11
收件人 LCZero

Am Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2018 19:04:29 UTC+2 schrieb Martin Renneke:
Hi all. That sounds very interessting. Refer to the blog for details. WCCC is the world champion chip for chess computer. Tomorrow the player will setup there environment and on Friday 13th July they'll start. But who is the player using lc0 and what kind of machine is he using? Thx. Martin. 

From Borg I got the info that this was discussed somewhere in June already in the dev community. A 8 GPU Computer with P40 or newer Nvidia from Western Digital Research will be used in the world championchip. From my understanding a lot of effort was spend to make lc0 working on multi GPU environments. I think this year it's a little bit early for the world championchip, but this might help to get more GPU power in place. Let's look what will happen at the WCCC. 

The rules are here:

It's a 45 minutes game + 15 Seconds per move. So let's keep fingers crossed for the tournament. 

Dietrich Kappe

2018年7月11日 16:35:412018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
No big discussion. A third party with a ton of gpu offered to do it and it was “pax vobiscum” from there. We’ll see how it goes.

Nabil Danial

2018年7月11日 16:44:482018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
Cyril (the operator/rep of leela on WCCC) said on Discord that it is going to be 8 V100s. Its gonna be awesome.

Jesse Jordache

2018年7月11日 17:12:152018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
What kind of processing power do other engines bring to the event?

Jesse Jordache

2018年7月11日 17:16:402018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
I think a lot of.. not to use the word "tantrum", but a lot of "who entered Leela?  Whooooo did it?  Let me tell you why this is a bad idea.  And here's the same reason again.  The devs need to consider because they're going to lose a ton of credibility.  Well I guess no one here cares about credibility" etc, although at the end the general concept of "open source and its consequences: 101" were brought up.

Nabil Danial

2018年7月11日 17:41:072018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
Jonny used to use a cluster of 2400 cores in several WCCC events in the past, so I'm expecting the same this time. GridGinkgo was using some 200+ cores cluster and Komodo was on a 60+ cores machine. I don't know what they plan to use this time around though.

Ron Langeveld

2018年7月11日 17:46:312018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
Sorry Jesse, but is there any coherent thought coming up soon? I don't have the faintest clue what you trying to say here. I hope it doesn't refer to one of your other posts. It's hard to keep track on a train of thought via this forum.

Matt Blakely

2018年7月11日 18:13:282018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
Care to share why?

Please don't say because you think it will do poorly.  Because on that hardware it should compete for the win.

Dietrich Kappe

2018年7月11日 18:15:352018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
He’s referring to the Rybka kerfuffle.

Chris Whittington

2018年7月11日 18:20:482018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
There's also the zxvega plus issue


2018年7月11日 18:54:132018/7/11
收件人 LCZero


2018年7月11日 19:08:262018/7/11
收件人 LCZero
Looks like there is a speed chess format also,Leela should do well in that format. NN seem to have a great intuitive grasp of chess.

Martin Renneke

2018年7月12日 14:53:242018/7/12
收件人 LCZero
I'm sorry. I misunderstood the schedule information. The WCCC - World Championchip for chesscomputer will start at Monday 16th July. 

Albert Silver

2018年7月12日 15:10:322018/7/12
收件人 LCZero
Why would it need to use CPU only??


2018年7月12日 15:58:102018/7/12
收件人 LCZero
Just read the rules she can use GPU,they say 8xV100

Rudolf Posch

2018年7月16日 03:46:202018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Currently Leela Chess Zero plays live against Komodo, see

John D

2018年7月16日 04:04:182018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
thanks for the heads up, but i'm not getting anything with either link (second one is a redirect to itself, first has no action, including opponent names

Tryfon Gavriel

2018年7月16日 04:05:142018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
It is a bit tricky:

Click on the "vs"

Then click on Round 1

John D

2018年7月16日 04:10:142018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
got it now, thanks guys

Chris Whittington

2018年7月16日 05:27:542018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
looking like a draw (move 38), although Leela can often manage to snatch a defeat from drawn position

Tryfon Gavriel

2018年7月16日 05:45:022018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
This seems to be an endgame thriller from what I just saw - I thought Komodo's plan of a4 was to make Nb5 winning - by winning the a3 pawn

But then Leels played the super mysterious Rg8 - and I could only imagine it is to do with f4 and somehow breaking on the kingside - to try and queen the h pawn!

There is thrilling stuff going on behind the scenes here!

Chris Whittington

2018年7月16日 06:28:362018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
it is a draw, but Leela has a little problem here, she thinks she is +0.75 or something, which means that, rather than accept a draw by repetition, she'll tend to play something else - that might be the blunder.

difficult to see and AB program with 40 ply or so endgame lookahead blundering here

Chris Whittington

2018年7月16日 06:32:202018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
whereas, in this position, Komodo does not have much in the way of positional guidance and is really dependent on lookahead not positional. Leela the opposite.

Tryfon Gavriel

2018年7月16日 06:36:552018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Do they have a normal 50 move draw rule or has it been extended for this competition to something higher like 75 or 100 ?

Also what hardware is Komodo running on? I have noticed this Wiki page, and Komodo is the reigning champion last two years:

Chris Whittington

2018年7月16日 07:17:142018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
I assume 50 move rule. chess programs are coded for that count.

last pawn move was #52, so not far to go now

Chris Whittington

2018年7月16日 07:19:062018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
101 h4 and Leela resets the 50 move counter


2018年7月16日 07:32:122018/7/16
收件人 LCZero


2018年7月16日 07:35:282018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Are they allowed table base? , this is tb draw. If not white has some chance to win.


2018年7月16日 07:39:222018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Looks like Leela has lost. What has happened? Timeout?

Chris Whittington

2018年7月16日 07:41:042018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Komodo will have EGTBs presumably. Leela has no EGTB but the neural network eval in this P on R-file endgame will act as a perfectly good EGTB. So, consider it a draw, both sides have enough chess "knowledge" at this stage of the game

2018年7月16日 07:42:182018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
it seems Leela lost due to lack of time... too bad.

Chris Whittington

2018年7月16日 07:45:072018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Weird. Time loss for Leela? Oh well, Karma strikes again. Leela should not have been entered into the evil tournament. Can't say I didn't warn them.


2018年7月16日 07:47:392018/7/16
Not too bad..Idiotic..What the hell is going on?

16 Tem 2018 Pts 14:42 tarihinde <> şunu yazdı:
it seems Leela lost due to lack of time... too bad.

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2018年7月16日 07:49:462018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Cant follow your last implication. I'd say it looks like there is some timing problem, maybe related to the extra delay of the human operator. That should be easily fixable though.

Hartmut Hering

2018年7月16日 08:01:462018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Would not have happened, if the development team had integrated the tablebase functionality before starting at such an event...

Martin Renneke

2018年7月16日 08:10:492018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
The second round has started: Leela vs. booot. 

you might enter via:

click at "vs" and select board 4.

2018年7月16日 08:19:542018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Can't the result be simply changed by the arbiter as TB draw? This is an engine's tournament why the hell human errors are a factor to the tournament?!

And kinda bad sport for komodo's part if it didn't even accepted draw on an obvious position, feels like a desperate move to keep their program on top.

Hartmut Hering

2018年7月16日 08:30:122018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Well... it is not fair what the komodo-team was doing there. But it is understandable. Becoming "World-Champion" means to earn money with their program. And the customers only see. "Komodo is champion". They don't see how he became champion at last... You cannot expect fair play under those conditions...

Jesse Jordache

2018年7月16日 09:42:472018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Any reason you don't just assume you weren't part of the conversation?  You can ask things to be explained to you, and you can be rude, but if you do them at the same time you won't get any help.

On Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 5:46:31 PM UTC-4, Ron Langeveld wrote:
Sorry Jesse, but is there any coherent thought coming up soon? I don't have the faintest clue what you trying to say here. I hope it doesn't refer to one of your other posts. It's hard to keep track on a train of thought via this forum.

On Wednesday, 11 July 2018 23:16:40 UTC+2, Jesse Jordache wrote:
I think a lot of.. not to use the word "tantrum", but a lot of "who entered Leela?  Whooooo did it?  Let me tell you why this is a bad idea.  And here's the same reason again.  The devs need to consider because they're going to lose a ton of credibility.  Well I guess no one here cares about credibility" etc, although at the end the general concept of "open source and its consequences: 101" were brought up.

On Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 4:35:41 PM UTC-4, Dietrich Kappe wrote:
No big discussion. A third party with a ton of gpu offered to do it and it was “pax vobiscum” from there. We’ll see how it goes.

Albert Silver

2018年7月16日 09:50:202018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Yes, it is Komodo's fault that Leela and the operator lost on time.


2018年7月16日 09:57:512018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
The operator could sac the rook for the pawn to earn an immediate draw in the first game. Is it allowed?

Albert Silver

2018年7月16日 09:59:232018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
No, the operator must execute the moves chosen by the engine. He is an intermediary, but this is not a Centaur game.

georgi stoilov

2018年7月16日 11:13:202018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Which version is used of leela n what hardware?
Which version is used for komodo and what hardware? Is it monte karlo komodo?
Did leela lost on time really?
Someone answer please, yhank you.

georgi stoilov

2018年7月16日 11:31:522018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Leelas hardware is 8xV100 wuut

Usman Shahid

2018年7月16日 13:41:052018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
At one stage, Komodo had 5 minutes left and Leela had around 15 minutes but then leela wasted so much time.

Ron Langeveld

2018年7月16日 13:57:432018/7/16
收件人 LCZero

You dive in practically each and every discussion here uninvited as if you are a moderator or super expert of some sort, and when on such an occasion you talk 'gibberish' you feel offended when you get a provocative reply. 'Keep up the good work' <\sarcasm>
...and I wasn't asking for help, especially not from you!

Martin Renneke

2018年7月16日 14:10:412018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
What's going on in the first game. Komodo winning unfair?

From my understanding they are using a Fischer Clock. Because of that 15 seconds will come on top per move and the Komodo Operator was very quick. He has increased the time from 4:39 to 7:13 during the last 30 moves. In move 119 it was according to endgame books already a draw. I would assume that Leela moved very quick for the last moves, but according to the discussion in talkchess @cyril was not able to move within 15 seconds all the time. All what was required is to reach move 170 and than nothing more to do, because than the 50 move rule will stop the trouble. 

An other option might be, that Leela moving to slow in the endgame, but I don't think so. 

Hartmut Hering

2018年7月16日 14:39:332018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Well... I saw the game live on the server. The truth is somewere netween... Leela really moved a little bit slow while Komodo answered very quickly. But... Komodo had Tablebases and it was a 6-piece-draw. And they were not able to give lc0 the ability to use tablebases before the WCCC began. So she tried to avoid the 50-move-rule in Move 100 moving the h-pawn. I guess without the tablebase-knowledge she saw a smart advantage for herself. It was not really fair from the Komodo-team to decline the draw offer, but of course they had the right to decline. I don't know what GUI the operator used, but he should give himself a little bit more operator time... It will still not be impossible for Leela to win but it will be much more difficult now after this unnessessary loss.

Martin Renneke

2018年7月16日 15:50:442018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
Yes. In the chat it was mentioned, that the time for the operator to move was 5 of 15 seconds. In the second game he changed that. Is it already clear that Leela will get tablebases implemendet? I thought she will learn the game without external help. 

Hartmut Hering

2018年7月16日 16:04:032018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
To your question: "Is it already clear that Leela will get tablebases implemendet? I thought she will learn the game without external help."

Well, of course I don't know the plans of the developers, but in my understanding there is a difference between the phase of "learning" and the phase of "playing in a tournament". Of course. For learning we can discuss a lot about tablebases yes or no. There might be reasons for the usage of tablebases and also reasons against. But for a tournament Leela can train as much as she wants. She will always have a disadvantage if she doesn't recognice a deadly drawn position. Therefore I don't see why tablebases shouldn't be implemented for practical play. By the way: Tablebases are implemented in LCZero 0.10. But they are not implemented in the newer LC0. And I really wonder why.

Chris Whittington

2018年7月16日 16:38:542018/7/16
收件人 LCZero
There's been a good deal of discussion that Leela has no EGTB (unlike Komodo of course) and that therefore it was fine to play on. If both programs knew it was a draw, it should have been declared a draw, or at least the operators should have agreed draw or accepted a draw offer. So said Lefler, no less.

Lefler, Talkchess: "You might ask why we played on once Komodo reached the 6 piece Syzygy draw. Our experience with MTCS nn engines is they do not play the endgame as well as traditional programs. We also discussed Syzygy with the lc0 operator and he said they had not implement them yet. If they had them, we would have proposed a draw ourselves long before since why play on when we know the result? When you know little about a new opponent, the safest thing to do is play on."

Note Lefler claiming: "if Leela (knew it was draw) we would have proposed it long before ..."

Yanquis1972, Talkchess: "you say the board position implied no chance of a win, but that isn't how leela interpreted it. it makes sense to see if leela can draw against perfect play. this is the same thing an impartial operator would do out of sheer curiosity."

I was watching the game online and had a 1080 version of Leela running analysis in the background. I was posting into Lc0 forum and wrote this (actually just at the moment Leela lost on time): 

"Komodo will have EGTBs presumably. Leela has no EGTB but the neural network eval in this P on R-file endgame will act as a perfectly good EGTB. So, consider it a draw, both sides have enough chess "knowledge" at this stage of the game"

It was obvious for some many moves that Leela (her neural net eval) knew that taking the black a4 pawn, giving herself a passed a-file pawn was drawn. At the same time Leela thought if she didn't take the pawn the KRPvKBP, her neural net eval was about +3 pawns. Obviously all that was going to happen in this game was that Leela was going to play to keep the black king cutoff, but she was never going to take the a-pawn. Therefore draw after a lot of useless shuffling around.

And that is what happened. Leela showed +3 and her main lines NEVER showed a capture on a4.

So, I'm a competent (ex)chess programmer, I could tell immediately in three way a) the endless shuffling not capturing on a4, b) the evaluations, c) the lack of the capture move in the main lines that Leela had, in effect a neural net EGTB for KPK where P is on the a-file.

If I could tell so quickly, then Lefler, the programmer, wondering around, talking to the Leela operator, talking to his own operator, and obviously interested in the result, can hardly failed to have noticed it too.

Lefler's reason for playing on (basically that anything could happen because Leela has no EGTB, otherwise he'ld have taken the draw way earlier) is disingenuous to say the least.

Tryfon Gavriel

2018年7月17日 01:58:442018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
Hi all,

We "bombed" for sure in the World championship but we can learn from it. In particular, I wonder if we should try and establish some specific "tournament checklists" - so maybe for this particular tournament next time, we should consider using tablebases - because it does seem to me a massive burden on the operator to have to put in the moves especially for these 100+ move games. We could have checklists established in advance for all different weird and wonderful tournaments and specific rules of specific tournaments. 

I mention "checklists" because traditionally they were very useful avoiding embarrassing human-machine blunders as described here:
See this article about checklists:

"B-17 Bombers. You’re likely familiar with the iconic B-17 “Flying Fortress” Bomber. But did you know if it weren’t for a simple checklist, it never would have gained its renown in WWII? In the 1930s, the U.S. Army Air Corps held a competition for airplane manufacturers vying to secure a contract to build the military’s next long-range bomber. Boeing produced a plane that could carry five times as many bombs as the army requested, and flew faster and further than previous bombers. On the day Boeing demonstrated its Flying Fortress, the plane lifted off the tarmac, stalled at 300 feet, and then crashed in a fiery explosion.

Investigators discovered the crash wasn’t caused by a mechanical malfunction, but rather pilot error. The problem was while the new bomber could carry more and fly faster and further than any other bomber in history, it was also an extremely complex plane to operate. To fly it, a pilot had to pay attention to four different engines, retractable landing gear, wing flaps, electric trim tabs, and much, much more. Because the pilot was so preoccupied with all these different systems, he forgot to release a new locking mechanism on the elevator and rudder controls. Overlooking something so simple killed the two men at the helm.


We should consider each tournament and its nuances and create a certain leela implementation and associated checklists for that implementation in my view.

This is the sort of silly stuff we can avoid.

The good news for me is that Leela held her own on the board - which is the really important thing. She wasn't positionally or tactically crushed etc. She held the position.

Cheers, K


2018年7月17日 03:27:462018/7/17
收件人 LCZero

"Round 3 has started. Unfortunately Leela Chess Zero will not be playing at this moment, due to unforeseen problems. They are looking for another operator to finish the tournament. If anybody is available to operate, please contact both the Leela team and the ICGA organisation ("

What is going on there?

John D

2018年7月17日 04:42:332018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
screw it. i'll do it. email me the plane tickets, departing o'hare. lodging for the first night would help since this is quite sudden.

Martin Renneke

2018年7月17日 05:03:102018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
@cyril has to went home, because of an accident in his family. I hope an other operator is on the way to Stockholm already. 

Tryfon Gavriel

2018年7月17日 06:04:412018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
If we can't get an operator out there - can we politely encourage on the Komodo team members there to be our operator - especially given the unfortunate 1st round game?

I would video annotate some of Komodo's wins if they could do us that favour. Don't know if they read the forums etc.

Is that a remote possibility? Or is Leela now going to default games. 

Alexander Lyashuk

2018年7月17日 06:33:402018/7/17
We will have an operator for a second game today!
Also hardware will be different. Instead of 8x VT100, it will be 2x GTX1080ti (same computer that played TCEC).

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2018年7月17日 06:37:482018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
That's bad news. Lets hope for the best for his family.

Alexander Lyashuk

2018年7月17日 07:07:432018/7/17
fyi the game has started.

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Chris Whittington

2018年7月17日 07:21:452018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
Leela might not be on the 8 GPU system any longer, I read somewhere

at move 19 Gridginkgo seems to have been making the running so far

Hartmut Hering

2018年7月17日 08:42:002018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
Well... with the much weaker hardware it had been better to withdraw from the tournament. Leela is without any chance now...

Alexander Lyashuk

2018年7月17日 09:03:142018/7/17
收件人 Hartmut Hering、LCZero
Even without winning a single game, it's still a lot of fun to watch and participate in general. I'm totally fine with that, we are not yet the strongest chess engine.

Tryfon Gavriel

2018年7月17日 10:33:502018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
Look like Leela shoud draw vs Chiron (move 26)

5r1k/1pp3pp/p1n5/2Q1p3/8/P2PP1P1/1P3q1P/2R1R2K b - - 0 1

Analysis by Stockfish 8 64:

1. = (0.00): 26...Qf3+ 27.Kg1 Qf2+ 
2. +- (2.70): 26...Rg8 27.Qc2 Qxc2 28.Rxc2 Rd8 29.Rf1 Kg8 30.Rcf2 Ne7 31.e4 Ng6 32.Rf7 Rf8 33.R7f5 Re8 34.Kg2 Nh8 35.R5f2 Rd8 36.Rf3 g6 37.Kf2 Rd7 38.Ke3 Nf7 39.Rf6 Re7 40.b3 Kg7 41.a4 Nd8 42.R6f2 Rd7 
3. +- (3.18): 26...Kg8 27.Rf1 Qxf1+ 28.Rxf1 Rxf1+ 29.Kg2 Rf7 30.Qc4 Kf8 31.Qe6 Nd8 32.Qxe5 h6 33.e4 Re7 34.Qd5 Ke8 35.Qh5+ Rf7 36.d4 c6 37.d5 Kd7 38.Qg6 cxd5 39.exd5 Ke7 40.Qe4+ Kd7 41.Kh3 Kd6 42.Kg4 Rf6 43.Qe8 Nf7 
The position is equal

(,  17.07.2018)

Tryfon Gavriel

2018年7月17日 10:41:492018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
There is only 3 rounds to go - and it is an incredible achievement for Leela in my view to draw with Chiron in Round 4 when Leela only has 2 standard graphics cards!

We will win it next year if we go prepared with more contingency - team of relayers, and much better graphics cards, and a much more evolved Leela ID of course :) Maybe also tablebase to take the pressure off the longer games. Tablebases for tournaments - not for training. 

We have absolutely nothing to prove on the current Leela ID version, especially just with the two graphics cards now, so I think we should celebrate even draws against the mighty hardware faced!

Cheers, K

josé luis

2018年7月17日 12:33:012018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
Absolutly amazing result!!

Weber Yan

2018年7月17日 22:08:022018/7/17
收件人 LCZero

On Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 1:04:29 AM UTC+8, Martin Renneke wrote:
Hi all. That sounds very interessting. Refer to the blog for details. WCCC is the world champion chip for chess computer. Tomorrow the player will setup there environment and on Friday 13th July they'll start. But who is the player using lc0 and what kind of machine is he using? Thx. Martin. 

What network number Leela used, for those WCCC? Anyone?


2018年7月17日 22:18:072018/7/17
收件人 LCZero
Hi Weber,

It's ID 495, from main.

Weber Yan

2018年7月17日 23:41:482018/7/17
收件人 LCZero

On Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 10:18:07 AM UTC+8, jadelan wrote:
Hi Weber,

It's ID 495, from main.

Why aren't they using the latest network?

Tryfon Gavriel

2018年7月18日 05:50:562018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
Anyone following the Shredder game? Leela seems winning to me ! :)

Move 60 - 3 pawns for the exchange - more than enough compensation surely!

Nabil Danial

2018年7月18日 05:59:512018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
TB draw now?

Tryfon Gavriel

2018年7月18日 06:00:192018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
Yep! Unfortunately!

Nabil Danial

2018年7月18日 06:04:592018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
Leela threw FeelsBadMan. Just kidding, a draw against a top chess is always a good result but Leela can do better there. On a side note, lots of people are enjoying the games on WCCC channel over at Discord, why don't you come over and analyze the game together as the game happens? :)

Adam Lischinsky

2018年7月18日 06:09:592018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
Still, outplayed Shredder on 36 cores with black, after drawing Komodo with 58 cores and drawing Chiron with 64 cores. One bad game, sure, but hard to complain at this stage. 

Warren D Smith

2018年7月18日 10:15:572018/7/18
收件人 Adam Lischinsky、LCZero
In the WCC, it seemed to me Leela outplayed Komodo, but nevertheless lost
on time in a TB draw position. (That was pathetic programming; no computer
should ever lose on time.) And then Leela outplayed Shredder but
nevertheless drew,
again due to TB. Is Leela using a TB or is it simply being victimized
by opponents
using TBs? And if the latter, did Leela actually have any
theoretically-won position in either game, which it later let its
opponent convert into a draw due to its failure to understand perfect
endgame play?

Warren D. Smith <-- add your endorsement (by clicking
"endorse" as 1st step)

Adam Lischinsky

2018年7月18日 10:54:522018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
To be clear, Leela didn't lose on time, her operator lost on time by not moving quickly enough - Leela drew. 

Leela does not use tablebases. I don't think she ever actually had a win against Komodo, but possibly against Shredder. 

Jesse Jordache

2018年7月18日 15:41:422018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
"You dive in practically each and every discussion here uninvited..." yeah.  I think there are fundamental things about human interaction that you don't understand.  I'm not really interested in being a topic of conversation for you.  I would suggest the block button is a better choice than an admitted attempt to provoke me - which isn't hard to do - but do you think it's really a productive or meaningful use of your time?  That's something for you to think about and not answer before you've had time to see if you're making any sense or not.

On Monday, July 16, 2018 at 1:57:43 PM UTC-4, Ron Langeveld wrote:

You dive in practically each and every discussion here uninvited as if you are a moderator or super expert of some sort, and when on such an occasion you talk 'gibberish' you feel offended when you get a provocative reply. 'Keep up the good work' <\sarcasm>
...and I wasn't asking for help, especially not from you!

On Monday, 16 July 2018 15:42:47 UTC+2, Jesse Jordache wrote:
Any reason you don't just assume you weren't part of the conversation?  You can ask things to be explained to you, and you can be rude, but if you do them at the same time you won't get any help.

On Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 5:46:31 PM UTC-4, Ron Langeveld wrote:
Sorry Jesse, but is there any coherent thought coming up soon? I don't have the faintest clue what you trying to say here. I hope it doesn't refer to one of your other posts. It's hard to keep track on a train of thought via this forum.

On Wednesday, 11 July 2018 23:16:40 UTC+2, Jesse Jordache wrote:
I think a lot of.. not to use the word "tantrum", but a lot of "who entered Leela?  Whooooo did it?  Let me tell you why this is a bad idea.  And here's the same reason again.  The devs need to consider because they're going to lose a ton of credibility.  Well I guess no one here cares about credibility" etc, although at the end the general concept of "open source and its consequences: 101" were brought up.

On Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 4:35:41 PM UTC-4, Dietrich Kappe wrote:
No big discussion. A third party with a ton of gpu offered to do it and it was “pax vobiscum” from there. We’ll see how it goes.

Dietrich Kappe

2018年7月18日 18:02:342018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
If it’s a choice between Jesse and Ron participating, I pick Ron.

Chris Whittington

2018年7月18日 19:45:592018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
Hey man, that's out of order. If Ron and Jesse want to disagree with each other or have a fight even, ok, these things happen, but it's bad form and not your place to try and start some kind of social exclusion process. Pack it in, eh?

In actuality, both guys are just fine, one can disagree or agree with one or both, but use factual, logical, reasoned argument to do so, if you don't have that, then keep your mouth shut.

John D

2018年7月18日 22:23:392018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
i'm confused by the blog description. the devs tinkered w/ a book, so they forced c5 if e4 was played?? from the game clock it looks like that's literally what happened (leela out of book after), so i'm less confused than surprised. but it seems like the main net, at least, has a lot of trouble with e4 as black.

was gridginko the first anti-leela book, or just the first successful one?

Dietrich Kappe

2018年7月18日 23:02:532018/7/18
收件人 LCZero

stop trying to stir the pot.

Dietrich Kappe

2018年7月18日 23:05:522018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
I don't think the books were anti-leela, just sharp tournament books that try to achieve an advantage. Sometimes they succeed more than others. Shredder also achieved a substantial advantage out of the opening, but was unable to convert.

2018年7月18日 23:43:382018/7/18
收件人 LCZero
Results so far...

Tournament report by Jan Krabbenbos, Jaap van den Herik and Guy Haworth on Leela's first game...

In the first round Leela Chess Zero and Komodo played an ex
citing game which ended unexpectedly not in a draw (white lost by time forfeit).
In the opening the key feature was the isolated centrepawn on d5. Was ita strong asset in thecentre?
Yes, it was but taking the pawn by white would give black even more chances.
At the first opportunity white preferred to castle to the king side and not to take the pawn (indeed it was impossible).
Only a few moves later small combinations played a key role in the game complexities.

Black decided to play 15. ...Na2, a very remarkable move.
The continuation was 15...Na2 16. Rcd1, Qxb3 17. Bxb5, Rxd5 18. Qxd5, Qxd5 19. Rxd5, Be6 20. Re2 resulting in an endgame in which black had two pieces for a rook and a pawn.
This was move 20,the endgame was sometimes exciting and other times rather boring. It lasted more than 110 moves.
At that time the tablebases and human chess players with mediocre knowledge of the game all knew the game was drawn.
However, black continued to play since white did not have table bases and have to compute all variations. This took a lot of time and on move 134 white overstepped the time limit and lost by time forfeit.

On Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 5:02:34 PM UTC-5, Dietrich Kappe wrote:
If it’s a choice between Jesse and Ron participating, I pick Ron.

That was a remarkably rude statement.
If it's a choice between Jesse, Ron, Chris and you, I'd pick all except you.

Jesse Jordache

2018年7月19日 05:43:192018/7/19
收件人 LCZero
That was unexpected, seeing as how this started when I was minding my own and got attacked by the forum's Statler/Waldorf.  I appreciate the kind words Chris, and think it's funny that a dev said you were stirring the pot one post after he set it to a boil.

You get your wish Dietrich.  Even though it was never a choice, I don't put up with mean girl tactics.  One active participant isn't going to make or break the project anyway.

Adam Lischinsky

2018年7月19日 06:18:252018/7/19
收件人 LCZero
With GridGinko winning the last round, and Komodo heading for a draw, looks like Komodo's decision to screw Leela (and sportsmanship) was a smart one - otherwise GridGinko would have come in clear first.

2018年7月19日 07:25:282018/7/19
收件人 LCZero
From a competition point of view, yes, it was a great decision. But for me is like hitting a defendless child. You win but with no honour...

Chris Whittington

2018年7月19日 07:48:572018/7/19
收件人 LCZero
If he were to apologise, would that help?

Shame to see you go otherwise

Dietrich Kappe

2018年7月19日 13:56:542018/7/19
收件人 LCZero
You're relentless. Please stop.

Chris Whittington

2018年7月19日 17:31:132018/7/19
收件人 LCZero
but you're the troll round these parts, are you not? Apart from the gratuitous attack which now seems to have driven a poster, Jesse, off the forum, how many times have you been trawling the Internet looking up my name? It's the problem for chess programmers using their real names when trolls like you find the chess program they've written 20 years ago and then start up with attacks on the program which have absolutely nothing at all to do with this forum, Leela or anything else. How many times have you done that trolling on here and on Discord? I lost count.

Apparently, my program is really bad and you want your money back, you've been announcing, right? Apparently you "bought" it im America, right? Only when I tell you it wasn't sold in America, so where did you "buy" it, you switch to "buying" in it Germany. Chess Tal II you said. Where in Germany? Karstadt department store, you tell me. But no copies of Chess System Tal II were sold in Germany, the distributor cancelled the order, no units were shipped to Germany. So, now you claim you "bought" it in some grey store. Yeah right.

How much money are you asking for btw? This money back you say you want? Mr Troll?

Not that I would ever say such a thing, but I think I would agree with other posters here who have stated they would prefer Jesse posting. If I were him, I would not let a troll like you drive him off the group, not under any conditions.

Robert Clark

2018年7月19日 17:47:442018/7/19
收件人 Chris Whittington、LCZero
Without pointing fingers at anyone, because I have no idea what this is about, could I suggest that in the interest of world peace we all just stop posting to this thread?


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Dietrich Kappe

2018年7月19日 17:54:062018/7/19
收件人 LCZero

Dietrich Kappe

2018年7月19日 17:59:062018/7/19
收件人 LCZero

Let me apologize for asking for my money back. As it turns out, the system I bought was complete chess system, not complete chess system Tal. They're both fairly weak (I've since had a chance to play Tal here:, so it's hard to tell them apart, except for the migraine inducing graphics.

You can have the last word, if you want it. (But please stop.)
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