Material library is not saved on exit

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Fabrizio Prato

May 6, 2014, 12:23:03 PM5/6/14
OS Windows XP SP3
Therm version 7.2.5

Even if in "Options/Preferences" both "Save program settings on exit" and "Prompt for saving libraries on program exit" options are selected, my personal material library is not saved on exit (even if I say yes to the final prompt to save libraries on exit).
This is a problem, because when I re-open a file on which I was working, new materials created in a previous session do not appear in my material library and the opening "Library conflict Warning" appears. I have already tried to save my library with the "Save library as" with the same name, tried to rename materials erasing the file name appended (file name:material name) and reassigning materials to poligons, and so on, but without success. All other libraries are correctly saved (BC, U-Factors)

I can't attach my personal material library, which is correctly positioned in \LBNL\THERM7.2\lib folder
I never had such a problem with Therm 5.2.

Is it a knowns problem or I'm making some mistake?

arch. Fabrizio Prato

Robin Mitchell

May 6, 2014, 1:04:36 PM5/6/14
to Fabrizio Prato,
Have you tried clicking the "Save Lib As" button when in the Material LIbrary? And then either give it a new name or just have the program overwrite the default "material.lib" file.


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Robin Mitchell
Windows & Daylighting Group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Fabrizio Prato

May 6, 2014, 2:10:23 PM5/6/14
to, Fabrizio Prato

Have you tried clicking the "Save Lib As" button when in the Material LIbrary? And then either give it a new name or just have the program overwrite the default "material.lib" file.


Hi Robin.
As I wrote I've already tried clicking the "Save Lib As" button and have the program overwrite my personal material library .lib file with no success.
I also tried what you suggest, but again without success. I just tried the same combinations on Therm 5.2 and there everything works correctly.


Robin Mitchell

May 6, 2014, 3:47:41 PM5/6/14
to Fabrizio Prato,

We changed compilers between THERM 5 and 6 so maybe there is an issue there.


Please email me  your THERM7.2.ini file, which should be located in




Make sure it is the one the program is using, ie, it should have a very recent date on it because it is saved everytime you exit THERM.



Robin Mitchell

Windows & Envelope Materials Group

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Fabrizio Prato

May 7, 2014, 5:40:19 AM5/7/14
to, Fabrizio Prato
Here is my Therm7.2.ini found in C:\Programs\LBNL\Settings.
It is the last one saved yesterday evening before leaving office.


Robin Mitchell

May 7, 2014, 1:57:37 PM5/7/14
to Fabrizio Prato,



I have looked at your INI file and I do not see anything unusual about it except that you have very long path names for the DocPath and your files. But I don’t think that is the problem.


I cannot replicate your problem, at least when defining a simple material. I define it, do Save Lib As, close the program, open it, and the new material is there.


Can you email me a screen shot of the type of material you are defining ? Maybe there is something unusual about it?




Robin Mitchell

Windows & Envelope Materials Group

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


From: [] On Behalf Of Fabrizio Prato
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 2:40 AM
Cc: 'Fabrizio Prato'
Subject: Re: [LBNL-THERM] Material library is not saved on exit


Here is my Therm7.2.ini found in C:\Programs\LBNL\Settings.


Robin Mitchell

May 7, 2014, 3:57:22 PM5/7/14
to Fabrizio Prato,

I think I know what is going on. 

Looking more closely at your INI file, it looks like you have installed the program in "c:\Programmi", which I am thinking is potentially the equivalent of "c:\Program Files" ? 

Inline image 2

Because you are using the Windows 7 operating system, THERM is not allowed by the operating system to write to the Program Files directory. 

So I suspect when you are saving the THERM Material Library, Windows 7 is putting it in the "Virtual Store" directory, which is explained on our website Knowledge Base:

The default installation of THERM should put only the program in "Program Files" and all the other associated files that THERM has to write to are put in c:\Users\Public.

I believe if you save your material library in a directory other than Program Files, you will see that it will be saved. 

Inline image 1

Also, I think you will find your modified file in the Virtual Store directory that Windows 7 has made for it -- see the very last screen shot on the Knowledge Base referenced above. 


Robin Mitchell
Windows & Daylighting Group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Fabrizio Prato

May 12, 2014, 10:36:41 AM5/12/14
to, Fabrizio Prato
Sorry Robin, my operating system is not Windows 7, but Windows XP SP3.

Please find attached:
- the sequence of creating a new material, using it, performing a simulation with it, saving the .THM file and answering Yes to "Save library on exit?" prompt.
- the .THM file used in the sequence
- the relative Mat_persoli 02.lib file
- the relative therm7.2.ini file

Fabrizio Prato

20140512 Per Forum therm material library.pdf
20140512 Material library

Fabrizio Prato

Jun 4, 2014, 9:45:27 AM6/4/14
Any news about this problem?
Fabrizio Prato

Wouter Hilderson

Sep 15, 2015, 8:13:48 AM9/15/15
Hi, I have the same problem in Therm 7.3.
I'm working on Windows 7 servicepack1 64bit. I use the lib folder C:\Users\Public\LBNL\THERM7.3\lib to place my library.
Therm7.3  does not want to save any changes to the materials library when closing the programm. In fact, even in the standard library that comes with the program, this occurs. So renaming my library to the standard does not help.
I've installed older versions: up untill version 7.0.19 beta Therm saves changes to the material library, starting from version 7.2.5, it does no longer.
I've installed and uninstalled 7.2.5, 7.2.9 and 7.3.2 multiple times with the same settings. It does not change anything.
When I compare the settings (therm7.ini and therm7.3.ini) I do not find any relevant differences.

Thanks for your help,


Op woensdag 4 juni 2014 15:45:27 UTC+2 schreef Fabrizio Prato:

Marles McDonald

Sep 16, 2015, 12:39:52 PM9/16/15
I have also duplicated the issue in Therm 7.3. There is a relatively simple work around for the problem. Once you have created the new materials in your materials library  create a Therm file which is simply a set of rectangles, each rectangle should be one of your created materials. Save the file somewhere convenient. Close Therm and re-open, the materials will be missing but just open your previously created file. When the file opens and the "library Conflict" warning appears select the option to add the materials to your library and the second option to use the properties in the library so you don't overwrite an exiting material. Once the file opens your materials should be in your materials library, save this library for safety.

Robin Mitchell/LBNL

Sep 16, 2015, 12:48:35 PM9/16/15
I will look into this and see if we can get it fixed in the next few weeks. 


On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 9:23:03 AM UTC-7, Fabrizio Prato wrote:

Robin Mitchell/LBNL

Sep 16, 2015, 12:58:23 PM9/16/15
The simplest thing to do is to not rely on the program saving the material when it saves the THERM file but to save it in the Material Library using the "Save Lib As" button. It asks what library you want to save to and you can have the program just overwrite the existing file or you can create a new material library (*.lib) file. I tested this on THERM 7.3.2 and it works. 

I will see about fixing the feature that the program will save new materials when it saves the THERM file. 

But at least saving the new material in the actual Material Library dialog box seems to work, so I would recommend that route for now. 


On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 9:23:03 AM UTC-7, Fabrizio Prato wrote:

Robin Mitchell/LBNL

Sep 16, 2015, 1:37:48 PM9/16/15
THERM 7.3.13 is actually a newer version than THERM 7.3.2 (which is really 7.3.02). 

7.3.13 is a test version, not a released version. 

I will test the material library save functionality in the latest version of the program.


On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 9:23:03 AM UTC-7, Fabrizio Prato wrote:

Fabrizio Prato

Sep 18, 2015, 3:45:56 AM9/18/15
Thanks a lot Robin.
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