Project Announcement!

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Evan Tahler

Sep 13, 2013, 12:18:56 PM9/13/13
Today we announced the ETC Creative Good fund to the ETC community.  The announcement from Dr. Drew Davidson is copied below:


Hi All -

I am excited to announce the creation of the ETC Creative Good Fund, an internship fund organized by our ETC alumni and faculty to support current students.

As you know, the ETC and our students have a long history of working with nonprofit organizations, but often students or their clients don’t have the financial means to do so. We are looking to change that. Our goal is to raise enough money to enable us to fully fund one or more first- or second-year ETC students to spend a summer working with a nonprofit location-based entertainment entity without incurring any financial burden. One or more students will be chosen each summer to work with a museum, park, library, institution or theater proposed by the student, providing the student with a client to earn real-world experience and tangibly make a difference. 

With over 700 graduates, the ETC now has a large, experienced and successful alumni network poised to truly make a meaningful difference in our world. Helping to create wonderful environments for learning and discovery is what we do best, so let’s take our skills to those who need it most. One way to do this is by supporting our ETC Creative Good Fund. I encourage you to make your gift today.

Interested in helping further?

  • Tell everyone you know to visit the Creative Good Fund website and donate! 
    Contributions are tax-deductible in many countries.
  • Check with your employer to see if they have a matching gift program.
  • Join our discussion forum and mailing list. We want to hear feedback from alumni and industry members on how you would like to see this project grow.

Thanks and best wishes,


P.S. Our goal is to endow this fund, which requires a $50,000 commitment; should the endowed fund not be fully committed, gifts to this fund will be used to establish an expendable internship fund.

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