Excise a Gerp Today (was The Breakup of the United States)

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Bob Hurt

Jul 26, 2010, 5:32:36 PM7/26/10
to Natlaw...@yahoogroups.com, law...@googlegroups.com

We don’t need to break up the US or the states.  We need only to identify the criminals in government and excise them one at a time.




YOUR own personal IRS agent.

Your own personal bailiffs down at the courthouse, the one that belly bumped you and ordered you out of the courtroom

Your own personal judge, the one that snatched your kids and ignored you divorce settlement agreement

You other own personal. Judge, the one who gave a summary judgment to the bank who foreclosed on you without proving ownership of your note

Your own personal sheriff, the one who allows deputies to work as lapdogs for judges, and lets them pillage speeders while letting criminal illegal aliens run wild

Your own personal jail guard, the one who threw you in the hole for refusing to sign that paper

Your own personal clerk of court, the one who lets the IRS file fraudulent liens against you without showing either authority to enforce collections or a shred of proof that you owe unpaid, lawfully assessed taxes


Just think of all the veterans now in their twilight years, once trained as brutal killers for our government, and now on their way off this planet for good.  Each of them could take one of the above crooks with him on the way out.  Each could, if properly aware and motivated.



Americans need to realize that crooks in government deserve summary excision from government, without advance notice.  One day the gerp is on the job.  Next day the gerp doesn’t show up for work, nor the next or next or next, forever.


Crime  in and by government could become very unpopular.


Remember that a perpetrator of crime in government (a gerp) does not constitute de jure government.  The gerp functions as mugger and thief under color of law, stomping your rights willy nilly, ultra vires, outside the scope of lawful constitutional authority, in violation of that precious loyalty oath that keeps the rest of us relatively safe from injustice.  The gerp has become a self-styled, self-appointed autocrat, choosing to impose upon you and others a form of government to which you never agreed, and which the nation’s founders did not contemplate, other than by reference to “treason,” a muddy term that has little meaning today.  Such treason by gerps has become so popular that people dare not call it by that name.


Note these clarifying words from the Florida Constitution of 1838 (other states have similar provisions):



Declaration of Rights. 

That the great and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognized and established, we declare: 

Section 1. That all freemen, when they form a social compact, are equal; and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property and reputation; and of pursuing their own happiness. 

Section 2. That all political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and established for their benefit; and, therefore, they have, at all times, an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter or abolish their form of government, in such manner as they may deem expedient. 



Yes, I know that legislators pulled Article I Section 2 out and replaced it with pabulum, but stop and think of the meanings of “inalienable” and “indefeasible.”


Adjective: inalienable

1. Incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another

2. Not subject to forfeiture




Adjective: indefeasible

1. Not liable to being annulled, voided or undone




In other words, those rights came from God.  Thus, you cannot forfeit or give them away, and nobody can nullify, void, undo, or repudiate them.


You HAVE the right, therefore, to drop an autocrat mugger dead in his tracks for the purpose of eliminating the fact and the threat of criminal government over you.  God gave you that right.  The constitutions and declaration of independence simply realleged, acknowledged, and clarified it.  For a little more clarification, look carefully at the warnings to gerps in the CUSA’s 9th and 10th amendments:


The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.  The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

You see, the founders did not mean the above warning for YOU, the feckless Citizen. They meant it for government employees who might decide to start tinkering with their powers under “color of law” to stomp your rights.  Lest they think they can get away with it, the CUSA warns them that those rights belong to you unless the CUSA specifically declares otherwise.


You therefore face only two questions, some admittedly quite difficult to answer in this era of rampant, flaming patriot myths scorching the landscape of commonsense across America:


1.       Has a gerp committed a crime under color of law, abusing your rights in the process?

2.       How and when will you summarily excise the bastard from government without becoming a victim in execution of that excision?


Corrupt judges get away with crooked, unconstitutional rulings all the time because they have armed bailiffs in the courtroom, and those bailiffs do the bidding of the judge, right or wrong, caring nothing for their actual constitutional duties as conservators of the peace. If the baliff senses a threat to the judge’s physical safety, the baliff will immediately attack the threat.  The attacker will suffer physical injury and jail time, if not death.


Without those bailiffs, many judges would die in their robes, slumped over their benches, a cavity from a .44 slug in the brain.  And, but for the threat of disbarment and sanction, more than half of those slugs would come from weapons wielded by angry attorneys.


“WAIT JUST A DADGUM MINUTE,” you yell.  “You’re writing about killing judges here. And judges are kind of like, well, the daddies of American society  We cannot just up an kill them because we don’t agree with their rulings.. … CAN WE?”


Well, ideally, NO.  And that explains the Marshals and Deputy Sheriffs in our courtrooms.


But somewhere, somehow, if society has come to the point where people cannot reliably obtain remedy in courts because 1) they cannot afford lawyers, 2) They cannot win without a lawyer, 3) the judges are crooked, 4) the process of getting into court and having a jury trial has become crooked, 5) they cannot afford the court costs and associated fees and fines and taxes, 6) their politicians squander their time in office and end up making government worse and more abusive than ever, 7) the people have no hope of electing honest politicians because the political process has become so crooked, and tens of millions of stupid people swamp the sanity we should normally expect from the electorate, 8) the grand jury system either does not exist or does not work in bringing government criminals to justice, 9) The good old boys network of criminals in government actually protects criminals in government, at all levels…


Well, a pistol and a chamber of .44 magnums don’t cost all that much by comparison.  And many Americans have begun to make that comparison. Rightly so, in my humble opinion.


Yes, I have started discussing VIOLENCE and THREAT OF VIOLENCE as a viable solution to our problems with criminals in government.  True, Jesus and the declaration of Independence both give lip service to turning the other cheek and showing monumental patience and forebearance.  They encourage us to forgive others and to suffer all kinds of abuse before resorting to out and out hostility for solving problems.


But let us look at this issue frankly.  Government exists to prevent, not foster, injustice.  Our nation’s founders vested government with a military and acknowledged the need for militias and for bearing arms for that purpose: WEILDING FORCE THROUGH VIOLENCE AND THE THREAT OF VIOLENCE to prevent injustice, either by warding off invasions and fighting wars against enemy nations, or to enforce the safeguards and enjoyment of rights guaranteed in and by the constitutions of the US and the several states.  And take note that militias have but one major purpose aside from squelching civil uprisings:  preventing the establishment and perpetuation of abusive government.


Furthermore, take note of the favorite American pastimes like football, hockey, boxing, UFC/Wreckage, and even basketball.  We like them because the players resort to violence to accomplish their goals.


So, in all honesty, you must admit that you love violence, you believe in violence, and you employ violence, through government and personally, every day of your life, in spite of what Jesus, MLK, Ghandi, the Declaration of Independence, and any other harbinger of world peace has spoken, written, or advocated.  You possess weapons, some knowledge of how to use them in self-defense, and some willingness to use them, even if it means grabbing a butcher knife in your kitchen to ward off a midnight burgler-rapist.  Bottom line, you and our entire society have become inculcated with and steeped in violence. And I don’t believe that will change any time soon.  Get used to it.  Confess to it. Admit it.  Face it.  Acknowledge it.  Embrace it. Become it.  It fits you like a nice suit of clothes.


And start conditioning yourself to use it to excise gerps from government, and if necessary from the planet.  Don’t hide it like some politically incorrect topic.  Talk about it.  Openly.  TO YOUR POLITICIANS, judges, attorneys, and law enforcers.  Nicely, of course.  Ask your family, friends, associates, and political leaders about it, and about their loyalty to their loyalty oaths.  Ask what recourse Citizens should seek when it becomes impossible to obtain remedy in our crooked courts and to enjoy our 4th Amendment and 1st Amendment rights to associate and be let alone, free from government interference with the exercise of all those rights to which the 10th Amendment and extended bill of rights refer.  Don’t feel surprised if such government employees take on a nervous, hunted look.  That’s the general idea – they should begin to worry, a lot, about Americans’ sense of justice for gerps.


NO, I do NOT promote REBELLION against government, I do NOT promote OVERTHROWING government, even though the CUSA, the Constitutions of the several states, the Declaration of Independence, and the BIBLE blatantly encourage it in some situations.


Instead, I promote individual GUERILLA action by individuals to excise criminals from government.  Now, if we had a law abiding government, I’d suggest filing criminal complaints and tort lawsuits and ethics complaints and impeachment articles.  Actually, I do promote and suggest that all citizens with knowledge of such crimes report them through such administrative and legal channels.  But at the same time, I urge caution, such as filing them under some nom du guerre or alter ego.  Why?  Because when you file, you paint a big set of crosshairs on your face, and you might end up with a destroyed career, or wake up dead in a public parking lot some morning.  Government criminals REALLY ARE CRIMINALS, and they become mean when somebody threatens their income such as by trying to expose them.


You see, the point of guerilla action becomes escape to fight another day.  A guerilla act does not need to become a death blow.  It can wound an Achilles heel in the target gerp. 


I’ll give you an example in an anecdote from my friend Stanley, a pig hunter from Pahala on the Big Island of Hawaii.  He explained to me that the wild pigs on the island used to get fat from the sugar cane they ate.  And their meat had a particular flavor because as you might guess, feed lot hogs eat grain, not sugar cane.  So island pigs became favorites at luaus.  But in the early 1990s the sugar cane harvesting had become so expensive that the growers switched to macadamia nut orchards and coffee plantations.  Sugar cane stands still dot the landscape, but macadamia nuts have taken over, as you can see from zooming around an aerial view of the Pahala area.


I asked Stanley how he hunted pigs.  He said he uses dogs to find them, then he shoots the old mean ones, and tags the young ones so they can fatten up non macadamia nuts for a year or so.  I asked if he uses pit bulls to go after those big mean boars.  Oh, hell no, he told me.  The pit bulls are too aggressive.  They go right after the pig’s face and neck, then in one chomp the pig bites the pit bull and kills him dead on the spot.  With one bite.  A 300-pound boar has that kind of power, especially against an 80 pound pit bull.  Instead, Stanley uses smaller terriers to go after the boars.  They scramble faster than the pigs and bite at their hind legs and tails, and infuriate the pigs, wearing them down till the hunter arrives.  Then BOOM, dead boar.  And they cart the carcass off to bury it in the ground for a luau feast.  And that macadamia-fed pig flesh tastes indescribably delicious.  Better than the old sugar cane taste.


The principle of living to fight another day makes sense.  Without a militia, people must resort to individual guerilla action, and work in small groups.  That means every one of them needs a good sniper rifle and hiding places and multiple escape routes.  A sniper can shoot an enemy from a long way off, and have time to evade capture.  My friend JC tells me he recommends the Winchester Model 70 bolt action fitted with a fiberglass stock, 4x or 6x telescope, chambered for 30-06 or.308 NATO cartridges because of their ubiquity and power to reach out to long distances. 


I prefer the Remington model 700 SPS with 22-250  chambering under a variable 3x-10x scope.  The hot round (4500 f/s) gives excellent accuracy at a thousand yards, it penetrates steel plate better than 30-06, it weighs less to carry a bunch of rounds, it makes less noise, it recoils less, it lets the barrel last longer, and target practice costs far less.  Plus, anything that will turn a fat groundhog into a pink mist at half a mile will easily reduce a human adversary to a non-threat, permanently.  The hydrostatic shock of the full-velocity 22-250 impact is something to behold.  A shot to the chest area can turn the brain and liver into mush.  The frangible bullet fully unloads residual muzzle velocity into the target as the bullet disintegrates.  It thus diminishes over-penetration and ricochets, causing less inadvertent and collateral damage than the 30-06 or .308. 


Of course, your operating environment might make a high-magnification scope impractical, so think before you buy. And, if you can feel content with the widely available NATO 7.62mm (.308 calibre) ammo, you might want to opt for the standard US Military issue M24 Sniper system (bolt action Remington 700 with 10x scope) or the new M110 Sniper System (semi-automatic with scope).


Every American should become a guerilla in mind and heart, armed and conditioned for guerilla activism.  Why?  Because when it comes to excising rogue gerps from government, NO safety exists AT ALL for the excisor.  Bringing gerps down through lawsuits and criminal complaints has become next to impossible and personally dangerous to the Citizen. The individual Citizen cannot stand up to the unified military and police power of a city, county, state, or federal government motivated and armed to murder those who would excise its rogue leaders.


Just in case you think me a rabble-rouser for bringing the obvious to the forefront of your attention, please give me just this one opportunity to convince you otherwise.  For that purpose I call your attention to the Peninsular War of 1807-1814.  For 75 years France, England, and Spain and bickered, squabbled, and fought bloody wars in the Americas, each vying for control, running low money and friends, and doing whatever they could to increase the holdings of their monarchies, at the expense of the American colonists.  In order to prevent England from capturing the entirety of France’s holdings in the Americas, France, in the sneaky Treaty of Fontainbleu (1762), on the virtual eve of the Treaty of Paris, gave Louisiana to Spain.  You might remember that all those Arcadians won the right in the Treaty of Paris to leave unmolested for other French holdings to escape incessant harassment by the British.  Only, when they finally ended up in Louisiana, their safe haven, they discovered it no longer belonged to France.  Many “Cajuns” harbor resentment to this day, feeling oppressed and looked down upon as third-rate citizens.


After the reign of terror ended the monarchy in France and Napoleon rose to power, Napoleon allied with Spain against England, Russia, and Portugal.  Unfortunately for Bonaparte, who wanted his brother on the Spanish throne to solidify his empire, Napoleon played a dirty trick on the Spanish, and ended up paying for it dearly.  He disguised his troops as wounded veterans seeking refuge in Barcelona, then upon entering the city, those veterans pulled out their guns and took over the city by violence.  And Napoleon put his brother on the throne.


Oooh, did that make Spain’s citizens angry.   Foreign disputes and campaigns in the Americas had bankrupted Spain’s government.  Spain lay in chaotic poverty, ripe for Napoleon’s plucking.  But Napoleon’s high-handed betrayal stirred them like a nest of hornets.  For 7 years they fought little skirmishes, attacking, destroying, sabotaging, and doing everything they could to make Napoleon’s troops miserable.   Oh, they paid for it, though.  They lost virtually every skirmish and battle, badly. And still, they came back, nipping at the heels of Napoleon’s troops, making governing of Spain by the French nearly impossible.


Finally, with Napoleon weakened by his idiotic invasion of Russia, the Duke of Wellington drove his army into Spain and liberated Madrid.  The French withdrew to France, leaving Spain in an economic shamble.  It took many decades for Spain to recover economically, and in fact, many in the Western world look upon Spain as a third world country today, for it still has not recovered from its experiments in imperialism in the Americas.


But Spain did recover one thing – its national sovereignty.  True, the Spanish Citizens suffer from the squalor of invasions from  Muslim lands, from oppressive taxation, from multilingual multiculturalism, and from a half-baked republic still toying with a monarch.  But Spaniards at least don’t live under Napoleon and nobody has forced the French language down their throats.  Thanks to their overwhelming refusal to tolerate the interlopers in their country. Hundreds of thousands of Spanish Citizens got murdered and/or pillaged of their properties during the 7-year Peninsular War of 1807-1814.


Now, if we could only regenerate such a fighting spirit among American Citizens to excise criminals from Governments across the land and replace those criminals with men and women of knowledge and integrity.]


What will it take to make that happen?


I believe it starts with dialog.  So, I encourage you to talk about it, and don’t turn into a wimp when it comes to discussing violence as a viable option for dealing with gerps.  The very notion that we have yielded to government our war-making sovereignty along with sweeping police powers shows that we believe in violence as an option for preventing injustice.  Until Jesus comes back and straightens everyone out, I imagine violence will remain an option.


Ooops.  Did I just mention Jesus?  Well, while I’m at it, I might as well point your attention to the Book of Daniel and the fall of the dragon (presumably Lucifer) at the hands of the Archangel Michael, believed by many to have been Jesus before he was born on this world as baby Joshua ben Joseph.  And the new testament goes on to record that famous dialogue between Jesus and Satan, who had some connection to that dragon, and who suffered a spiritual trouncing that day in the wilderness when Jesus put Satan in his place terminated the Lucifer Rebellion once and for all.


But this raises the issue that violence or the threat of it, or the use of force of some kind, to terminate and prevent the injustice perpetrated by Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Caligastia, Daligastia, and other minions of the Dark Side, was good enough for Michael and Jesus.  Whatever became of Lucifer?  Do you suppose Michael or Jesus tossed him in some kind of spiritual prison?  Do you imagine he employed some king of force in the process, or did Lucifer go along willingly?  Did Satan>?


So, in proper context, if force or the threat of it was good enough for Michael and Jesus, it ought to be good enough for us to employ in excising gerps from government. 


Shouldn’t it?  We don’t need to contemplate the breakup of the United States, as urged in the article below.  We merely need to excise gerps from government.


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Bob Hurthttp://bobhurt.com727 669 5511
2460 Persian Drive #70, Clearwater, Florida 33763 USA





From: Bob Fasanella
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 9:42 AM
The Breakup of the United States



The Breakup of the United States

by Michael S. Rozeff

As the dissatisfactions of Americans with their national government grow, so does the likelihood of the breakup of the United States. I believe that most Americans can improve their well-being by ending the national government, that is, ending the Union. I believe that this goal should shape politics if politics is to do much good.

I don’t think Americans are going to be the first people in the modern era to initiate a large-scale anarchy. But Americans might conceivably move back to a federal form of government something like that under the Articles of Confederation. If so, the problem is how to proceed. Many Americans feel (and are) trapped and thwarted by government power.

I see two paths. Americans can do this either acting as individuals formed into a body politic of 300 million Americans or as 50 body politics organized by state. I think action by state has a better chance of success.

To act as one body, Americans would have to alter their Constitution. The divisions among Americans make this highly unlikely. Even if it were pursued, the results would be highly uncertain.

I like to think of federal programs being made optional at either the state or the personal level, but that means ending the Constitution or radically amending it. This takes me back to the other path of change: the States. This path looks more viable.

We the People created the Constitution through state legislatures. That is a quasi-legal path to undoing the Constitution and thus breaking up the United States. This begins a process by which Americans take back their own government. I say "begins" because most states are also candidates for restructuring. Many local governments are also out of control.

I don’t think Americans can improve their lot by participating in national politics under the current rules of the national game. I think they have to change the rules. They have to end the Union and get out from under the existing Constitution, which is now entirely controlled and interpreted by the national government.

Since there is no consensus for going back to the original Constitution and since it would have to be rewritten and renegotiated, which is a process of uncertain outcome and which is impractical anyway, this leaves one viable path: ending the Union and ending this Constitution.

Rather than thinking in terms of national politics, which at best can only produce marginal changes and which plays into the hands of the national powers-that-be, it would be far smarter to have no national or federal government at all. Although this involves significant political restructuring, We the People and the States can always retain or exercise options to form federated organizations for specific and limited purposes if we so desire.

But by what means can Americans undo the Union?

A viable means is the withdrawal of consent by Vermonters or Texans or Alaskans or Arizonans or Californians or the citizens of any state to the U.S. government. People gain leverage and power against the national Leviathan by acting as citizens of their respective states. They need to act through their state legislatures, not as citizens of the United States. In the old days of whaling, the method of bringing down the whale was by several crews working together in several boats. It was not by individual whalers rowing around by themselves and confronting Leviathan on their own.

The states entered the Union. Secession once before almost ended the Union. The states are the political entities by which the Union and its burdens and injustices can be ended.

Action through one or more states is one of the few and maybe the only viable political means by which the Union can be broken up.

Contrast this with a national tax revolt, something that I believe is not a viable means of achieving a significant and lasting change in our politics. A tax revolt movement that seeks redress at the national level will not cause the U.S. to break up. That is the politics of accommodation and adjustment. It doesn’t challenge Congress itself. It doesn’t challenge the United States. It doesn’t challenge the Constitution. It leaves the power structure intact. As soon as such a movement is tossed a few crumbs, it loses its momentum. The national government divides it and conquers it. The national government lives on. It can regain its dominance over time by any number of means, such as by invoking some imaginary emergency.

A tax revolt that works from and through the state legislatures directly undermines the Union. It directly challenges the power of Congress to tax. That’s a far stronger political platform for restructuring the United States.

Outright secession is one political measure in a spectrum of possible actions by which one or more states stand up to the U.S. government. Nullification is another. Withdrawal from the banking system is another. A separate payments system at the state level is a fourth. Refusal to obey any of hundreds of U.S. directives is a fifth. The formation of alliances among states is another.

In fact, there are so many possible ways by which one or more states stand up to the Union that, given enough time and the right conditions, a breakup is all but assured. The same cannot be said of any movement that seeks to work change by confronting Americans as one large group with their national government.

All that has to happen at present is a spark lit by one or more States and the Union will go up in smoke. The Empire will fall. The tinder is very dry right now. One bolt of lightning will set the U.S. ablaze.

The breakup can start small. Momentum will do the rest. There will be a bandwagon effect. The accumulated dissatisfactions with the monumental corruption, power-mongering, waste, and totalitarian nature of the United States government will seek and find channels of political relief.

The number of potential actions that can set off a chain reaction is very large. Once one or more of the States throw down the gauntlet, the downfall of the U.S. will be sparked.

This will come through the financial markets. The value of the United States paper currency depends critically on the taxing power of the United States. Anything that undermines U.S. tax collections undermines the U.S. dollar.

To bring down the U.S. government, all it may take is for one state to declare that its citizens need no longer pay taxes to the U.S. government. No matter what the national government does next and no matter what complex sequence of political tit for tat ensues, the uncertainty will balloon.

The financial markets will do the rest. A flight from the U.S. dollar will set in. Flight from the dollar will torpedo and sink the national government.

The Chinese and other foreign lenders will be very unhappy about their investments. So will anyone who is a creditor of the U.S.

Financial market prices at present are not factoring in even a small chance of this happening. Lenders to Uncle Sam act as if everything is hunky-dory. U.S. government bonds even look attractive to those who believe further and deeper depression is imminent.

No break up is visible in the short run. This seems to confirm such thinking. But boiling beneath the surface is a rising stream of heated discontent. Major political change is far more likely than it may seem to superficial observation.

Greek bond prices fell very sharply when the government went into crisis. They only recovered when the rest of Euroland decided to bail out the Greek government and bondholders.

There is no external bank or government that can or will extend credit to the U.S. to save the dollar once the perception spreads that its tax-collecting power is permanently impaired.

The Federal Reserve can’t save the dollar or the U.S. government by extending credit. The markets will see right through that. In a politically fragile situation where the tax-collecting power of the national government has sunk, the Fed is powerless to save the national government.

Once enough people in a given state gain the conviction that they will be far better off by shutting off the flow of their incomes to Washington, then they will get their legislature to stand up to Washington’s dictates. This will encourage citizens of other states who are in a similar situation.

There does not have to be a shot heard round the world as on April 19, 1775. A Declaration of Tax Independence will take its place.

Even if such a process of one state standing up against Uncle Sam fails, even if it elicits responses from the national government that thwart immediate success, experience will be gained. The national government is bound to show its true oppressive colors in such an episode. The game changes. A game-changing event or series of events is what is needed.

The government of the United States markets itself as the nation’s defender. It advertises that it provides security nationwide for We the People. It claims that it provides military security, economic security, and social security.

These are all false claims. More and more Americans recognize these claims as false. More and more Americans recognize that the United States government has reduced their security in all its many forms.

The United States government has succeeded in entangling Americans in an endless succession of foreign wars. It has succeeded in retarding and even reversing standards of living. It has succeeded in raising medical care costs and reducing the quality of medical care. It has perpetuated a Ponzi scheme of social security that is doomed to fail. The United States government is responsible for reducing American freedoms, for spying on Americans, for searching them, and for turning travel into a nightmare.

More and more Americans realize that promises of security do not create security. More and more Americans realize that the United States government creates insecurity and disorder.

The United States government does not deserve the tax dollars it collects. This is the fundamental bread-and-butter reason for ending the Union. The Constitution allows massive tax collections for purposes enunciated by Washington. There is no way to stop this process, which is killing the country, except by undoing the political foundation by which it is enforced.

The stream of tax dollars flowing to Washington can be turned off by the action of one or more state legislatures who act on behalf of their citizens. When that source of financing is halted, the United States government will be well on its way to breakup. This is the great gift that we should bestow on ourselves and future Americans.

Americans will remain. America will remain. The nation will remain. The People will remain. The country will remain. The United States government is none of these things. It will go. With that burden lifted from our shoulders, we can once again make our way to better lives. We can renew a process of liberation and liberty that has been frustrated.

July 26, 2010


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