CALL FOR PAPERS VRIC 2013 / Laval Virtual
15th Virtual Reality International Conference, March 20-24, 2013, Laval, France
Everything you ever wanted to know about virtual reality, augmented reality and their applications.
Existing or future applications, technical analysis, user benefits, trends, evolution…
6 exciting symposiums are proposed this year, be involved, and submit a paper!
330 participants at the conference in 2012, all papers published by ACM (
S2 - VR, Serious Game and Interactive Storytellingbased training/education
March 21, 2013, AR & ART
S3 - Mobile Immersion and Augmented Reality
S5 - Immersive Collaboration: One step beyond, let's understand eachother!
S6 - The Progress and Uncertainties of Human-Robot Relationships
>>>>>> DEADLINE to submit a paper: January 17th, 2012 <<<<<<
Submission page:
- Submission deadline: 17 January 2013
- Notification to Authors: 7 February 2013
- Final Camera-Ready Submission: Until 28 February 2013
- All papers will be published on ACM Digital Library
- The authors of the best publications will be invited to submit a paper in the international journals IJODIR & JVRB
VR, AR and Serious Games... What's Next? March20, 2013, 14h
Prof ROBERT STONE, opening Keynote Speaker, VR Pioneer, Birmingham Univ., for his 25 years of working time in VR field
S1• Sharing Live User Experience: How New Mixed Reality Technologies and Networks Support Real-Time Interactions, March 22, 2013, 9h-16h
This one-day symposium is dedicated to the potential contribution of new technologies (e.g. AR glasses, Cloud Computing, Big Data) and networks (4G) for supporting real-time interactions and live User Experience among dispersed participants. The main goal consists in presenting/demonstrating how emerging technologies, such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality, Internet of Things, Web3D and networks (4G) enable real-time immersive environments, and could facilitate the engagement of diverse stakeholders, from different locations, in the Experiential Design for co-creating value through the best user experience. Submitted papers could be on original theoretical or methodological approaches, empirical studies or field experimentations within controlled or live environments.
Keywords & Topics: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Network, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Internet of Things, Web3D, Living-Lab, Open Innovation, Co-creation, Collaborative Engineering, Participative Design, Ergonomics…
Chair: Marc Pallot, Nottingham University Business School, UK and Collaborative Engineering, Italy
Co-chair: Petros Daras, CERTH-ITI, Greece
S2• VR, Serious Game and Interactive Storytelling based training/education, March 20, 2013, 10h-18h
The last few years have witnessed scientific advances in Virtual Reality, allowing virtual training environments to get closer and closer to reality (realistic physics, natural interaction, immersion, etc.). With free interaction in these simulated realities, both coherent and true to life on technical and behavioural levels, interesting learning situations can emerge. However, they are not always sufficient to ensure the development of competencies that would be useful in genuine work situations. The different features of didactical situations and the way they are used and staged in the environment play an as important part as the technical simulation. Thus, the integration of pedagogical functions through Intelligent Tutoring Systems, or motivational aspects as in Serious Gaming and Interactive Storytelling, offers new possibilities for training, especially in scenarization and pedagogical control. Moreover, the use of semi-autonomous, or even completely autonomous virtual characters allows for the creation of engaging and relevant situations on the learning level.
Suggested research topics for contributions include, but are not limited to: Virtual Environment for Learning / Serious Game / Interactive Storytelling / Dynamic adaption Scenario / Intelligent tutoring systems (Interactive pedagogical agents) / Informed virtual environments / Educational/Training Narrative-Based Environment / Virtual agents / Simulation-based learning / Serious games for creativity stimulation and knowledge generation / Social gaming (games for social networks) / Collaborative Learning environment / Collaboration
Chairs: Domitile Lourdeaux, Heudiasyc UM7253, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Valérie Gouranton, Team VR4i (BUNRAKU), INSA Rennes, IRISA, Inria, France
Samir Garbaya, Le2i, INSTITUT IMAGE - ENSAM
Chance and Complexity - March 21, 2013, 14h.
Alan Dorin, Monash University, Australia - Artificial Life researcher and electronic media artist
S3• Mobile Immersion and Augmented Reality, March 21, 2013, 9h-18h
Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) allow the creation of fascinating new types of user interfaces, and are beginning to show significant impact on industry and society. The field is highly interdisciplinary, bringing together signal processing, computer vision, computer graphics, user interfaces, 2D/3D interactions, human factors, wearable computing, mobile computing, computer networks, displays, sensors... MR/AR concepts are applicable to a wide range of applications (medical, entertainment, military, design, manufacture, maintenance and robotics/telerobotics…) moving from pure academic research into industrial and potential consumer areas.
Recently, new concepts such as Natural User Interfaces and Mobile Immersion have emerged. Mobile Immersion combines augmented/mixed reality technologies with new mobile human machine interfaces. These interfaces use new ultra mobile devices with glass displays overlaying and augmenting the real world to give real time information. Many issues require to be highlighted: How to immerse a user in a mixed reality world while ensuring mobility? How to keep the sensory consistency between the user action in the real environment and the response of the system in a mixed/augmented reality environment?
Consequently, mobile immersion will allow users to move away from purely physical communication mode to a mixed/augmented reality communication, interaction and collaboration mode. Interactions will be natural and augmentations will become ubiquitous.
We invite submissions that address theoretical, technical, and practical topics or related to mobile immersion, mixed and augmented reality applications, including but not limited to:
Keywords & Topics: Interaction techniques for MR/AR, models and software architectures for design mobile MR/AR applications, Multiuser an collaborative MR/AR systems, Calibration methods, Vision-based registration and tracking, hybrid tracking, localization, sensor fusion, RFID sensors for mobile AR, augmented interaction, human-scale MR, new AR/MR devices, innovative AR/MR applications, User experience assessments, new challenges of mobile immersion…
Chair: Pr Samir Otmane, UEVE/IUT/Laboratoire IBISC EA 4526
S4• A New Kind of Art, March 21, 2013, 9h-18h
New technologies of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are booming. Artists use them, to build tomorrow's art. Future Painting, Future Sculpture, Future Architecture, Future Dance, Future Music, Future Literature, Future Cinema. All start today!
The seven major arts are revisited at Laval Virtual.
Keywords & Topics: Art and Virtual Reality, Art and Augmented Reality, Future Painting, Future Sculpture, Future Architecture, Future Dance, Future Music, Future Literature, Future Cinema.
Chair: Alain LIORET, Arts et Technologies de l'Image, Université Paris VIII, France
S5• Immersive Collaboration: One step beyond, let's understand each other! March 20, 2013, 10h-18h
We need to improve interaction and collaboration in immersive virtual environments. Indeed, frameworks for the design of immersive and collaborative virtual environments are now mature enough to allow researchers to focus on higher-level description of immersion and collaboration rather than on low-level system features. However, we still have to improve both the immersion of the users and the ability of distant users to collaborate efficiently when they are sharing a virtual environment, by proposing new metaphors for immersive 3D collaborative interactions.
To meet these requirements, we need to be able to adapt VR software to various kinds of immersive hardware devices while we need also to embed a symbolic representation of these devices into the virtual environment in order to make users aware of the limitations of these devices at run-time. For example, embedding in the VE a 3D model of the bounds of the displays devices may prevent users to collide with these devices, if the VR system can rely on an adequate metaphor to make the user aware of the danger. In the same way, when distant users are collaborating in a shared virtual environment, they need interaction metaphors that are adapted to collaboration and also able to make them aware of the actions of the distant users as well as of their limitations.
So, these new trends of immersive and collaborative interaction techniques are raising new issues for design, implementation and evaluation of Immersive Collaborative Virtual Environments. We invite submissions that address theoretical, technical, and practical topics that are related to immersive and/or collaborative VR applications, including but not limited to:
Keywords and Topics: Immersive Virtual Reality, 3D Interaction, Metaphors for Collaborative 3D Interactions, Awareness of Collaboration.
Chair: Thierry Duval, Université de Rennes 1, IRISA, France
S6• The Progress and Uncertainties of Human-Robot Relationships, March 22, 2013, 9h-16h
Due to technological interfaces and homo- and robo- sapiens encounters, our nurturing instinct and general emotional dispositions have evolved over time. In a certain way there has been a re-injection of the human into the human-machine equation. The present symposium is an enquiry into the possible forms of relations humans can experience with robots for everyday life. As humans, we have our habits: we perform a sub-set of our daily tasks with the help of machine strength, machine intelligence or robots configured for specific tasks (some only entertain the idea of accepting to do so). Technological advance and applications in the fields of service robotics, epigenetic robotics and cognitive robotics go to suggest great opportunities for change although our habits guide us to reserving another sub-set of activities to be done with humans only. Question: being permanently faced with technological change, will we remain tributary to our habits? Will we be able to, or even wish to, maintain the separation we entertain between human-centred activities and robot-lead activities? Human companions do trigger human interest, quite naturally, but what are personal robots, as well as virtual or digital companions able to do? Some people already seem more enticed by a screen than a face. In this symposium we plan to discuss the scientific, religious and media-driven conceptions in relation to the integration of robots and cyborgs in society, artificial pleasure and discomfort, communitarian value-sphere and social change.
Keywords & Topics: ▪ Indetermination ▪ Seduction ▪ Risk ▪ Artificial General Intelligence ▪ Social impact ▪ Originality in robotic creations ▪ Cognitive enhancement ▪ Technological offer and influence ▪ Dogma, moral and technological discovery ▪ Care-giving robots ▪ Robot companions for citizens ▪ Advanced robotics for increased social presence ▪ Personification ▪ Acceptance ▪ Incommunicability ▪ Human factors philosophy ▪ Revision of the definition of Relationships ▪ Hybrid engineering ▪ Freedom and rights of machines ▪ Co-constructed experiences ▪ Artificial Selves and Identities ▪ Permanence of human values, Ethics ▪ The uncanny valley problem ▪ Communication and dialogue ▪ Human resemblance and undecidability ▪ Personal preferences ▪ Theoretical controversies
Chair: Colin Schmidt, Arts et Metiers ParisTech, Presence & innovation, LAMPA (EA1427), Laval.
VRIC’13 General Chair: Pr Simon Richir, Arts et Metiers ParisTech, Presence & innovation, LAMPA (EA1427), Laval.
>>> International Professional Exhibition
• Laval Virtual, Professional Exhibition & VRIC Demonstration Forum (ReVolution scientific contest), March 20-22.
>>> Social events
• Laval Virtual Gala Dinner, March 20, 20h
• Laval Virtual Awards Ceremony, March 21, 19h (Laval Grand Theatre)