WLS to IRT parameters

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Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal

Jul 17, 2018, 2:56:27 PM7/17/18
to lavaan

I am working with ordinal indicadors with WLSMV. This works well for the estimation part. But for ordinal variables the Item Characteristic Curves, and "a" and "b" parameters are commonly used and interpretable than the WLS parametrization. 

Found the attach Mplus technical paper about the IRT parametrization from CFA. Was able to calculate the "b" parameter based on equation 22, but was unable to replicate the "a" parameter based on equations 24 and 25 for theta and delta parametrization respectively. 

For theta parametrization they refer to a "theta" parameter but I couldnt figure out which is that parameter from lavaan.

And for delta parametrization they refer to a "delta" parameter that again I could figure out from lavaan.

Here is a toy example comparing mirt (for the IRT comparison) to lavaan

Any help is appreciated


data <- expand.table(LSAT7)

(mod1 <- mirt(data, 1,type="2PL"))
coef(mod1, IRTpars=T) ### this are the target parameters

mm <- '
f1 =~ Item.1 + Item.2 + Item.3 + Item.4 + Item.5

fit1 <- cfa(mm, data=data, std.lv=T, 
            estimator="wlsmv",ordered =colnames(data) ,
summary(fit1, standardized=T)

b1 <- (-1.097 - (0.587*0))/(0.587*sqrt(1))


Hugo Harada

Jul 17, 2018, 11:40:05 PM7/17/18
to lavaan
Maybe you are forgetting the D=1.7 scaling? Ignore the MIRT part.  See the code below and see if it helps.

Also, check the following paper for unidimensional conversions...

  author  = {Akihito Kamata and Daniel J. Bauer}, 
  title   = {A Note on the Relation Between Factor Analytic and Item Response Theory Models},
  journal = {Structural Equation Modeling},
  year    = 2008,
  pages   = {136–153},
  volume  = 15

  title={On the relationship between item response theory and factor analysis of discretized variables},
  author={Takane, Yoshio and De Leeuw, Jan},




dat <- expand.table(LSAT6)

# Unidimensional case

#estimating parameters using MIRT.
mirt.lSAT6.2PL = mirt(dat, 1, itemtype = '2PL', method = 'EM')  # 
PAR$items[,1]/1.7 #normal ogive scaling

#estimating parameters using lavaan.
lavaan.lsat6.2pl.model <-'
Theta =~ l1*Item_1 + l2*Item_2 + l3*Item_3 + l4*Item_4 + l5*Item_5
Item_1 | th1 *t1
Item_2 | th2 *t1
Item_3 | th3 *t1
Item_4 | th4 *t1
Item_5 | th5 *t1

#fitting model
lavaan.lsat6.2pl.model.fit <- cfa(lavaan.lsat6.2pl.model, data = dat , std.lv=TRUE , ordered =c("Item_1","Item_2","Item_3","Item_4","Item_5"))
#getting lambda values
lambda <- lavInspect(lavaan.lsat6.2pl.model.fit,what = 'est')$lambda
#getting tau values
tau <- lavInspect(lavaan.lsat6.2pl.model.fit,what = 'est')$tau

# Convert regression to IRT
# alpha1 := ( l1)/ sqrt (1- l1^2)
# beta1 := ( - th1 )/ sqrt (1- l1^2)
# a_IRT := alpha1*1.7
# b_IRT := -beta1/alpha1

a_sem <- (lambda/sqrt(1-lambda*lambda))
b_sem <- tau/sqrt(1-lambda*lambda)/a_sem
a_sem <- 1.7*a_sem #normal ogive scaling

#making comparison tables. a and b values are close.
a_comp <- cbind(a_sem,PAR$items[,1])

b_comp <- cbind(b_sem,PAR$items[,2])

Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal

Jul 18, 2018, 12:51:45 AM7/18/18
to lavaan
Oh, right, the IRT model works with the logit link, while WLS works with the probit link

Thank you so much

Balal Ezanloo

Aug 7, 2019, 6:10:27 AM8/7/19
to lavaan
Hi hugo

I find you post in lavaan group very useful. but i think some of your commands are Vague. for example D=1.702 is not used for b_sem parameters at all and you Unnecessarily complicatethe the bellow term. do you have any idea for it?

b_sem <- tau/sqrt(1-lambda*lambda)/a_sem

Christie Barron

Mar 21, 2024, 3:40:39 PMMar 21
to lavaan
Hi all,

In case others have a similar question, I'm sharing a function developed by Jonathan Templin that creates item response functions from lavaan's cfa() output with ordered categorical items when using DWLS. Assumes theta parameterization. 

Templin describes the function during a lecture available on his youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txIEpF-rXJE 

lavaanCatItemPlot = function(lavObject, varname, sds = 3){ output = inspect(object = lavObject, what = "est") if (!varname %in% rownames(output$lambda)) stop(paste(varname, "not found in lavaan object")) if (dim(output$lambda)[2]>1) stop("plots only given for one factor models") itemloading = output$lambda[which(rownames(output$lambda) == varname),1] itemthresholds = output$tau[grep(pattern = varname, x = rownames(output$tau))] factorname = colnames(output$lambda) factormean = output$alpha[which(rownames(output$alpha) == factorname)] factorvar = output$psi[which(rownames(output$psi) == factorname)] factormin = factormean - 3*sqrt(factorvar) factormax = factormean + 3*sqrt(factorvar) factorX = seq(factormin, factormax, .01) itemloc = which(lavObject@Data@ov$name == varname) itemlevels = unlist(strsplit(x = lavObject@Data@ov$lnam[itemloc], split = "\\|")) if (length(itemthresholds)>1){ plotdata = NULL plotdata2 = NULL itemY = NULL itemY2 = NULL itemX = NULL itemText = NULL for (level in 1:length(itemthresholds)){ itemY = pnorm(q = -1*itemthresholds[level] + itemloading*factorX) itemY2 = cbind(itemY2, pnorm(q = -1*itemthresholds[level] + itemloading*factorX)) itemText = paste0("P(", varname, " > ", itemlevels[level], ")") itemText2 = paste0("P(", varname, " = ", itemlevels[level], ")") plotdata = rbind(plotdata, data.frame(factor = factorX, prob = itemY, plot = itemText)) if (level == 1){ plotdata2 = data.frame(factor = factorX, plot = itemText2, prob = matrix(1, nrow = dim(itemY2)[1], ncol=1) - itemY2[,level]) } else if (level == length(itemthresholds)){ plotdata2 = rbind(plotdata2, data.frame(factor = factorX, plot = itemText2, prob = itemY2[,level-1] - itemY2[,level])) plotdata2 = rbind(plotdata2, data.frame(factor = factorX, plot = paste0("P(", varname, " = ", itemlevels[level+1], ")"), prob = itemY2[,level])) } else { plotdata2 = rbind(plotdata2, data.frame(factor = factorX, plot = itemText2, prob = itemY2[,level-1] - itemY2[,level])) } } names(plotdata) = c(factorname , "Probability", "Cumulative") ggplot(data = plotdata, aes_string(x = factorname, y = "Probability", colour = "Cumulative")) + geom_line(size = 2) names(plotdata2) = c(factorname, "Response", "Probability") ggplot(data = plotdata2, aes_string(x = factorname, y = "Probability", colour = "Response")) + geom_line(size = 2) } else { itemY = pnorm(q = -1*itemthresholds[1] + itemloading*factorX) itemText2 = paste0("P(", varname, " = ", itemlevels[1], ")") plotdata = data.frame(factor = factorX, prob = itemY, plot = itemText2) names(plotdata) = c(factorname , "Probability", "Response") ggplot(data = plotdata, aes_string(x = factorname, y = "Probability", colour = "Response")) + geom_line(size = 2) } } lavaanCatItemPlot(lavObject = grm2Pestimates, varname = "cia2", sds = 3)
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