Yes. I used this specification in the model syntax you gave me
'Y =~x1+ x2+ x3...
foo ~~ c(1, NA, NA, ..., NA)*foo'
...along with and group.equal to constrain loadings across groups (cfa function for metric invariance). And this made the metric-invariance model fit as it is supposed to and assured me that the metric invariance model is good. However, it still doesn't allow for the omnibus tests you gave me a code for to run when loadings of all indicators are constrained.
So, I just swapped the first indicator (the one that passes the metric to the latent var) with the one that was shown to be least invariant in order to assess the invariance of that first indicator (because it turns out the first one is the most non-invariant).
Finally, the syntax you gave me for omnibus tests of releasing the constraints really saved the day it seems. I just wonder is there a specific reference for it. Does it work in the principle of "all others as anchors" while releasing the "studied" items (mentioned in the article by Woods you recommended) and giving the chi-square diff for that would result if the studied indicator is freed?. Because as I understand the manual, the code you wrote is the for the multivariate (omnibus) LM test.
This is the code I was referring to (you provided me with).