Warning: covariance matrix of latent variables is not positive definite

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Aug 10, 2018, 11:21:08 AM8/10/18
to lavaan

I have looked on the forum and this has been covered before but I am confused with my particular situation.

I am running the following code and I receive the warning message that the covariance matrix is not positive definite.  See code and results of inspect function below.  I receive good model fit so I am not sure what to do at this stage.  Is this telling me that I have to exclude PAa from my model?  I need to keep PAa in the model so I am not sure what to do at this stage if anything at all.


model.Rq3eq <- '
# measurement model
ERa =~ ER1 + ER2 + a4*ER3 + a2*ER4 + a3*ER5
PAa =~ PA1 + PA2 + PAMV1
ERb =~ a4*ER6 + a2*ER7 + a3*ER8
ERc =~ a4*ER9 + a2*ER10 + a3*ER11
AAa =~ AcAtMCS4MSS + AcAtMCS4LSS + a1*AcAtMCS4E + a2*AcAtMCS4M + a3*AcAtMCS4S + a4*AcAtMCS4IT + a5*AcAtMCS4ADM + a6*AcAtMCS4PE
AAb =~ a1*AcAtMCS5E + a2*AcAtMCS5M + a3*AcAtMCS5S + a4*AcAtMCS5IT + a5*AcAtMCS5AD + a5*AcAtMCS5Mus + a6*AcAtMCS5PE
ER3 | c1*t1 + c2*t2; ER9 | c1*t1 + c2*t2; ER6 | c1*t1 + c2*t2
ER4 | d1*t1 + d2*t2; ER10 | d1*t1 + d2*t2; ER7 | d1*t1 + d2*t2
ER5 | e1*t1 + e2*t2; ER11 | e1*t1 + e2*t2; ER8 | e1*t1 + e2*t2
AcAtMCS4E  | h1*t1 + h2*t2 + h1*t3 + h1*t4; AcAtMCS5E  | h1*t1 + h2*t2 + h1*t3 + h1*t4
AcAtMCS4M  | i1*t1 + i2*t2 + i1*t3 + i1*t4; AcAtMCS5M  | ii1*t1 + i2*t2 + i1*t3 + i1*t4
AcAtMCS4S  | j1*t1 + j2*t2 + j1*t3 + j1*t4; AcAtMCS5S  | j1*t1 + j2*t2 + j1*t3 + j1*t4
AcAtMCS4IT  | k1*t1 + k2*t2 + k1*t3 + k1*t4; AcAtMCS5IT  | k1*t1 + k2*t2 + k1*t3 + k1*t4
AcAtMCS4ADM  | l1*t1 + l2*t2 + l1*t3 + l1*t4; AcAtMCS5AD  | l1*t1 + l2*t2 + l1*t3 + l1*t4; AcAtMCS5Mus | l1*t1 + l2*t2 + l1*t3 + l1*t4
AcAtMCS4PE  | m1*t1 + m2*t2 + m1*t3 + m1*t4; AcAtMCS5PE  | mm1*t1 + m2*t2 + m1*t3 + m1*t4
# regressions
# a Path
ERa ~ a * PAa
ERc ~ d * PAa
# b path
AAa ~ b1 * ERa + b2 * CaAap
AAb ~ e1 * ERa + e2 * CaAap
#c prime path
AAa ~ cp * PAa
AAb ~ fp * PAa
#Indirect and total effects
ab := a * (b1 + b2)
total := cp + ab
de := d * (e1 + e2)
totali := fp + de'
fit.M3 <- sem(model.Rq3eq, data=imputeFMoutliersRC, std.lv = TRUE, estimator="WLSMV")

> inspect(fit.M3,"cor.lv")
             ERa    PAa    ERb    ERc    CaAap  AAa    AAb   
ERa    1.000                                          
PAa   -0.794  1.000                                   
ERb    0.303 -0.382  1.000                            
ERc    0.625 -0.788  0.301  1.000                     
CaAap  0.678 -0.854  0.407  0.673  1.000              
AAa    0.797 -0.657  0.259  0.252  0.587  1.000       
AAb    0.236 -0.649  0.229  0.925  0.491  0.335  1.000

Terrence Jorgensen

Aug 14, 2018, 6:11:08 AM8/14/18
to lavaan
Is this telling me that I have to exclude PAa from my model? 

I'm not sure why you are singling out this one factor.  I don't see any Heywood cases in your latent correlation matrix, so I think the linear dependency is instead due to (multi)collinearity.  Without it being a specific parameter to test whether the CI includes acceptable values (http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0049124112442138), it is not straight-forward to find out why it is a NPD matrix.  But if your model fits well, I would not let this warning prevent you from proceeding.

Terrence D. Jorgensen
Postdoctoral Researcher, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam

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