Yes, it is the average of the standardized mean and (co)variance residuals. Or if type="bollen", it is the average of the standardized-mean and correlation residuals. Sounds the same, but Bollen (1989) standardized observed statistics and standardized model-implied statistics separately, then took the difference (which will always make it look like variances are perfectly estimated, even when they are not). Bentler (the default, EQS method) on the other hand, took unstandardized residuals (the basis of the regular RMR) and standardized those using the model-implied SDs. Without restrictions on observed variables' residual variances, these 2 approaches are typically identical.
Both are based on 2-way tables, but the first one is the default option (type = "cells"), so you are seeing the number of people (in column obs.freq) and the equivalent proportion of the total sample (in column obs.prop) for each response pattern in each 2-way table. For example, the top line tells you that there are 4 people (1.2% of your sample) who responded in the first category of both "out_1" and "out_2". The second line tells you that 4 people responded 1 to "out_1" but 2 to "out_2", and so on.
est.prop is the estimate of obs.prop based on the model parameters, and X2 is the chi-squared statistic comparing these predicted vs. observed values to see if they are quite different. Notice from the very large X2 values that the model as the hardest time reproducing extreme responses (e.g., when either "row" or "col" are an extreme category like 1 or 7).
The second one sets type = "table", so you are seeing a simultaneous test statistic (G2) that tests the equivalence of each entire 2-way table's observed and estimated proportions. G2 is also asymptotically distributed as a chi-squared random variable (under the null hypothesis of perfect fit) with degrees of freedom indicated in the "df" column, but G2 deviates from a true chi-squared distribution when there are lots of zeros in a 2-way table, which is the case with your data). It is similar to a chi-squared test of independence (see the ?chisq.test help page or any introductory statistics book), except the expected values are decided by the SEM parameters instead of derived from the observed-table's marginal cell counts.
Terrence D. Jorgensen
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam