I can't seem to be able to install semTools from GitHub using devtools
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I’m trying to use the new measEq.Syntax() function to study measurement invariance on the ISSP religion data. Here is the structure of the data frame:
> str(df)
'data.frame': 35198 obs. of 20 variables:
$ V28 : Ord.factor w/ 3 levels "I don't believe in God"<..: 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ V30 : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "No, definitely not"<..: 2 4 2 2 4 NA 1 NA 2 1 ...
$ V31 : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "No, definitely not"<..: 2 4 2 1 NA 1 1 NA 1 3 ...
$ V32 : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "No, definitely not"<..: 2 2 2 1 NA 1 1 1 2 3 ...
$ V33 : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "No, definitely not"<..: 3 4 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 ...
$ V35 : Ord.factor w/ 5 levels "Strongly disagree"<..: 2 5 3 1 2 NA 1 3 3 NA ...
$ V37 : Ord.factor w/ 5 levels "Strongly disagree"<..: 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 NA ...
$ V46 : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Never"<"Yearly"<..: 4 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 ...
$ V47 : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Never"<"Yearly"<..: 3 NA 2 1 2 NA 1 1 1 3 ...
$ V48 : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Never"<"Yearly"<..: 4 4 2 1 2 4 3 1 2 3 ...
$ V49 : Ord.factor w/ 5 levels "Never"<"Yearly"<..: 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 ...
$ V50 : Ord.factor w/ 5 levels "Never"<"Yearly"<..: 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...
$ V51 : Ord.factor w/ 5 levels "Highly non-religious"<..: 4 1 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 ...
$ ATTEND : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Never"<"Yearly"<..: 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 ...
$ AGE : Ord.factor w/ 5 levels "0-24"<"25-44"<..: 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 ...
$ SEX : Factor w/ 2 levels "Male","Female": 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 ...
$ DEGREE : Ord.factor w/ 6 levels "No formal qualification"<..: 2 4 4 6 4 6 3 3 4 3 ...
$ RELIGGRP : Factor w/ 5 levels "No religion",..: 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 ...
$ COUNTRY.NAME: Factor w/ 26 levels "AU-Australia",..: 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 12 13 17 ...
$ YEAR : Ord.factor w/ 1 level "2008": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
I defined the following items as ordinal and converted to numeric, and for simplicity I used “SEX” as the group factor (just two levels):
> indicators <- c("V28", "V30", "V31", "V32", "V33",
+ "V35", "V37",
+ "V46", "V47", "V48", "V49", "V50",
+ "V51", "ATTEND")
> for (ind in indicators) {
+ df[,ind] <- as.numeric(df[,ind])
+ }
> group <- "SEX"
I now tried to compute a configural model, first with “cfa” and then with “measEq.syntax”, for a single factor:
> model <- "afterlife =~ V30 + V31 + V32 + V33"
> config <- cfa(model, data = df, ordered = indicators, parameterization = "theta",
+ estimator = "WLSMV", group = group, group.equal = "")
> config <- measEq.syntax(model, data = df, ordered = indicators, parameterization = "theta",
+ ID.fac = "", = "Wu.Estabrook.2016", estimator = "WLSMV",
+ group = group, group.equal = "", = TRUE)
Error in specify[[1]][RR, CC] : subscript out of bounds
The first runs, the second gives an error. However, if I define this 2-factor model:
model <- "afterlife =~ V30 + V31 + V32 + V33
belief.God =~ V28 + V35 + V37"
it runs OK:
> config <- cfa(model, data = df, ordered = indicators, parameterization = "theta",
+ estimator = "WLSMV", group = group, group.equal = "")
> config <- measEq.syntax(model, data = df, ordered = indicators, parameterization = "theta",
+ ID.fac = "", = "Wu.Estabrook.2016", estimator = "WLSMV",
+ group = group, group.equal = "", = TRUE)
What am I doing wrong?
I proceeded to compute a model with constrained thresholds and loadings, which tests for metric invariance (scales of both latent response variables and factors fixed across groups):
> metric <- measEq.syntax(model, data = df, ordered = indicators, parameterization = "theta",
+ ID.fac = "", = "Wu.Estabrook.2016", estimator = "WLSMV",
+ group = group, group.equal = c("thresholds","loadings"), = TRUE)
and it runs OK and has good fit (cfi = 0.99936, rmsea = 0.03707745, srmr = 0.0183). I inspected the parameter table and checked that the identification conditions in eq. (19) of Wu and Estabrook are nicely in place (thank you very much for this!!!). However, when I check the estimator:
> unlist(lavInspect(metric, what = "Options"))["estimator"]
I don’t get “WLSMV”, which is recommended for MGCFA with ordinal variables.
Finally, I have another doubt. I’m trying to run multiple imputed files with measEq.syntax(), but since this takes a long time with “mice”, I thought of saving the imputed data frames in a “mids” object and then running the analysis. However, I could not figure out how to do this with the help page of measEq.syntax().
Thank you very much once again for writing this wonderful function and for your help and attention.
Carlos M. Lemos
Hi Terrence,
Thank you very much for this function.
I have a problem running my model, it is a longitudinal invariance analysis with categorical variables.
They are a total of seven measurements (DEP0 to DEP6), with nine items in each measurement. The items score from 0 to 3, however, in some follow-ups the items only reach scores from 0 to 2.
model <- "
DEP0 =~ f0V1 + f0V2 + f0V3 + f0V4 + f0V5 + f0V6 + f0V7 + f0V8 + f0V9
DEP1 =~ f1V1 + f1V2 + f1V3 + f1V4 + f1V5 + f1V6 + f1V7 + f1V8 + f1V9
DEP2 =~ f2V1 + f2V2 + f2V3 + f2V4 + f2V5 + f2V6 + f2V7 + f2V8 + f2V9
DEP3 =~ f3V1 + f3V2 + f3V3 + f3V4 + f3V5 + f3V6 + f3V7 + f3V8 + f3V9
DEP4 =~ f4V1 + f4V2 + f4V3 + f4V4 + f4V5 + f4V6 + f4V7 + f4V8 + f4V9
DEP5 =~ f5V1 + f5V2 + f5V3 + f5V4 + f5V5 + f5V6 + f5V7 + f5V8 + f5V9
DEP6 =~ f6V1 + f6V2 + f6V3 + f6V4 + f6V5 + f6V6 + f6V7 + f6V8 + f6V9
var0 <- c("f0V1", "f0V2", "f0V3", "f0V4", "f0V5", "f0V6", "f0V7", "f0V8", "f0V9")
var1 <- c("f1V1", "f1V2", "f1V3", "f1V4", "f1V5", "f1V6", "f1V7", "f1V8", "f1V9")
var2 <- c("f2V1", "f2V2", "f2V3", "f2V4", "f2V5", "f2V6", "f2V7", "f2V8", "f2V9")
var3 <- c("f3V1", "f3V2", "f3V3", "f3V4", "f3V5", "f3V6", "f3V7", "f3V8", "f3V9")
var4 <- c("f4V1", "f4V2", "f4V3", "f4V4", "f4V5", "f4V6", "f4V7", "f4V8", "f4V9")
var5 <- c("f5V1", "f5V2", "f5V3", "f5V4", "f5V5", "f5V6", "f5V7", "f5V8", "f5V9")
var6 <- c("f6V1", "f6V2", "f6V3", "f6V4", "f6V5", "f6V6", "f6V7", "f6V8", "f6V9")
longFacNames <- list(FU = c("DEP0","DEP1","DEP2","DEP3","DEP4","DEP5","DEP6"))
syntax.config <- measEq.syntax(configural.model = model, data = DEP_SAL, parameterization = "theta",
ID.fac = "", = "millsap", estimator = "WLSMV", = TRUE, longFacNames=longFacNames,
ordered = c("f0V1", "f0V2", "f0V3", "f0V4", "f0V5", "f0V6", "f0V7", "f0V8", "f0V9",
"f1V1", "f1V2", "f1V3", "f1V4", "f1V5", "f1V6", "f1V7", "f1V8", "f1V9",
"f2V1", "f2V2", "f2V3", "f2V4", "f2V5", "f2V6", "f2V7", "f2V8", "f2V9",
"f3V1", "f3V2", "f3V3", "f3V4", "f3V5", "f3V6", "f3V7", "f3V8", "f3V9",
"f4V1", "f4V2", "f4V3", "f4V4", "f4V5", "f4V6", "f4V7", "f4V8", "f4V9",
"f5V1", "f5V2", "f5V3", "f5V4", "f5V5", "f5V6", "f5V7", "f5V8", "f5V9",
"f6V1", "f6V2", "f6V3", "f6V4","f6V5", "f6V6", "f6V7", "f6V8", "f6V9"))
summary(syntax.config, fit.measures=TRUE, standardized=TRUE)
When I mail the analysis I get this error
Error in lav_samplestats_step1(Y = Data, ov.names = ov.names, ov.types = ov.types, :
lavaan ERROR: some categories of variable `f0V8' are empty in group 1; frequencies are [1670 45 43 0]
I defined the following items as ordinal and converted to numeric
Error in specify[[1]][RR, CC] : subscript out of bounds
when I check the estimator:
> unlist(lavInspect(metric, what = "Options"))["estimator"]
I don’t get “WLSMV”, which is recommended for MGCFA with ordinal variables.
Finally, I have another doubt. I’m trying to run multiple imputed files with measEq.syntax(), but since this takes a long time with “mice”, I thought of saving the imputed data frames in a “mids” object and then running the analysis. However, I could not figure out how to do this with the help page of measEq.syntax().
HSMiss <- HolzingerSwineford1939[ , paste("x", 1:9, sep = "")]
HSMiss$x5 <- ifelse(HSMiss$x1 <= quantile(HSMiss$x1, .3), NA, HSMiss$x5)
HSMiss$x9 <- ifelse($x5), NA, HSMiss$x9)
HSMiss$school <- HolzingerSwineford1939$school
HS.amelia <- amelia(HSMiss, m = 20, noms = "school")
imps <- HS.amelia$imputations
HS.model <- '
visual =~ x1 + a*x2 + b*x3
textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9
ab := a*b
mgfit1 <- cfa.mi(HS.model, data = imps, = TRUE, group = "school")
syntax.mi <- measEq.syntax(configural.model = mgfit1, group = "school",
group.equal = c("loadings","intercepts"))
## return fit
fit.mi <- measEq.syntax(configural.model = mgfit1, group = "school",
group.equal = c("loadings","intercepts"), = TRUE)
When I mail the analysis I get this error
Error in lav_samplestats_step1(Y = Data, ov.names = ov.names, ov.types = ov.types, :
lavaan ERROR: some categories of variable `f0V8' are empty in group 1; frequencies are [1670 45 43 0]
long.partial = c("x2.1 ~ 1","x2.2 ~ 1"))And this is the warning message:Warning message: In if (long.partial == "") { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be usedIf I use only long.partial="x2 ~ 1", it doesn't give a warning message, but it still equals the intercepts.
If I understood correctly, in long.partial I can not use actual observed-variables names
I have to use a name refered to in longIndNames.
Is there maybe a way to access the automated indicator names, and then use those names when testing partial invariance? <- ' FU1 =~ u1 + u2 + u3 + u4
FU2 =~ u5 + u6 + u7 + u8 '
## the 2 factors are actually the same factor (FU) measured twice
longFacNames <- list(FU = c("FU1","FU2"))
## configural model: no constraints across groups or repeated measures
syntax.config <- measEq.syntax(configural.model =, data = datCat,
ordered = paste0("u", 1:8),
parameterization = "theta",
group = "g", longFacNames = longFacNames)
## extract default longIndNames
Thank you for all the effort put in SEM tools,
It seems that the function is working OK
Is there any function in lavaan to test the equality of the group variance-covariance matrices (general and/or multiple pairwise)?
varnames <- paste0("x", 1:6)
## specify model parameters
covstruc <- outer(varnames, varnames, function(x, y) paste(x, "~~", y))
satMod <- c(paste(varnames, "~ 1"), # mean structure
covstruc[lower.tri(covstruc, diag = TRUE)]) # covariance structure
cat(satMod, sep = "\n")
## fit model, unconstrained across groups
fit1 <- lavaan(satMod, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school")
## fit model, all parameters constrained across groups
fit0 <- lavaan(satMod, data = HolzingerSwineford1939, group = "school",
group.equal = c("intercepts","residuals","residual.covariances"))
How can I get Chi-square contributions for each group other than using summary()?
fit@test[[1]]$ # naïve
fit@test[[2]]$ # robust
- Some authors state that 0.05 <= RMSEA < 0.08 means acceptable fit, but others (particularly Hu & Bentler (1999)) recommend 0.06 as cutoff for acceptable fit. I'm using the more restrictive limit, particularly because a recent paper warned on the use of criteria based on ML estimation for assessing fit of models with ordinal items obtained using WLSMV:
Do you know about any recent study that recommends criteria for assessing fit in measurement invariance tests of complex models with large samples and ordinal items?
retest.model.FPP <- 'FPP_T1 =~ "PPQ7_Emp"+ "PPQ19_Emp"+ "PPQ25_Emp"+ "PPQ31_Emp"+ "PPQ37_Emp"+"PPQ2_Furchtl"+ "PPQ8_Furchtl"+ "PPQ14_Furchtl"+ "PPQ26_Furchtl"+ "PPQ38_Furchtl"+"PPQ3_Ego"+ "PPQ9_Ego"+ "PPQ21_Ego"+ "PPQ27_Ego"+ "PPQ39_Ego"+"PPQ4_Impul"+ "PPQ10_Impul"+ "PPQ16_Impul"+ "PPQ22_Impul"+ "PPQ40_Impul"+"PPQ11_Soz"+ "PPQ17_Soz"+ "PPQ23_Soz"+ "PPQ29_Soz"+ "PPQ35_Soz" +"PPQ6_Macht" + "PPQ12_Macht"+ "PPQ18_Macht"+ "PPQ24_Macht"+ "PPQ36_Macht"FPP_T2 =~ "PPQ7_A_Emp" + "PPQ19_A_Emp" + "PPQ25_A_Emp"+ "PPQ31_A_Emp"+ "PPQ37_A_Emp" +"PPQ2_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ8_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ14_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ26_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ38_A_Furchtl"+"PPQ3_A_Ego"+ "PPQ9_A_Ego"+ "PPQ21_A_Ego"+ "PPQ27_A_Ego"+ "PPQ39_A_Ego"+"PPQ4_A_Impul"+ "PPQ10_A_Impul"+ "PPQ16_A_Impul"+ "PPQ22_A_Impul"+ "PPQ40_A_Impul"+"PPQ11_A_Soz"+ "PPQ17_A_Soz" + "PPQ23_A_Soz"+ "PPQ29_A_Soz"+ "PPQ35_A_Soz"+"PPQ6_A_Macht"+ "PPQ12_A_Macht" + "PPQ18_A_Macht"+ "PPQ24_A_Macht"+ "PPQ36_A_Macht"'var1 <- c("PPQ7_Emp", "PPQ19_Emp", "PPQ25_Emp", "PPQ31_Emp", "PPQ37_Emp","PPQ2_Furchtl", "PPQ8_Furchtl", "PPQ14_Furchtl", "PPQ26_Furchtl", "PPQ38_Furchtl","PPQ3_Ego", "PPQ9_Ego", "PPQ21_Ego", "PPQ27_Ego", "PPQ39_Ego","PPQ4_Impul", "PPQ10_Impul", "PPQ16_Impul", "PPQ22_Impul", "PPQ40_Impul","PPQ11_Soz", "PPQ17_Soz", "PPQ23_Soz", "PPQ29_Soz", "PPQ35_Soz" ,"PPQ6_Macht" , "PPQ12_Macht", "PPQ18_Macht", "PPQ24_Macht", "PPQ36_Macht")var2 <- c("PPQ7_A_Emp" , "PPQ19_A_Emp" , "PPQ25_A_Emp", "PPQ31_A_Emp", "PPQ37_A_Emp" ,"PPQ2_A_Furchtl", "PPQ8_A_Furchtl", "PPQ14_A_Furchtl", "PPQ26_A_Furchtl", "PPQ38_A_Furchtl","PPQ3_A_Ego", "PPQ9_A_Ego", "PPQ21_A_Ego", "PPQ27_A_Ego", "PPQ39_A_Ego","PPQ4_A_Impul", "PPQ10_A_Impul", "PPQ16_A_Impul", "PPQ22_A_Impul", "PPQ40_A_Impul","PPQ11_A_Soz", "PPQ17_A_Soz" , "PPQ23_A_Soz", "PPQ29_A_Soz", "PPQ35_A_Soz","PPQ6_A_Macht", "PPQ12_A_Macht" , "PPQ18_A_Macht", "PPQ24_A_Macht", "PPQ36_A_Macht")
longFacNames <- list(FU = c("FPP_T1", "FPP_T2"))measEq.syntax(retest.model.FPP_lavaan, #spezifiziertes Modell über LavaanID.fac = "", #standardisierter latenter = "Wu", #default GuidelinelongFacNames = longFacNames, = TRUE)
I receive the error message:"lavaan 0.6-3 did not run (perhaps = FALSE)?** WARNING ** Estimates below are simply the starting values"
Would you help me out and tell me where I went wrong?Here is my code:retest.model.FPP <- 'FPP_T1 =~ "PPQ7_Emp"+ "PPQ19_Emp"+ "PPQ25_Emp"+ "PPQ31_Emp"+ "PPQ37_Emp"+"PPQ2_Furchtl"+ "PPQ8_Furchtl"+ "PPQ14_Furchtl"+ "PPQ26_Furchtl"+ "PPQ38_Furchtl"+"PPQ3_Ego"+ "PPQ9_Ego"+ "PPQ21_Ego"+ "PPQ27_Ego"+ "PPQ39_Ego"+"PPQ4_Impul"+ "PPQ10_Impul"+ "PPQ16_Impul"+ "PPQ22_Impul"+ "PPQ40_Impul"+"PPQ11_Soz"+ "PPQ17_Soz"+ "PPQ23_Soz"+ "PPQ29_Soz"+ "PPQ35_Soz" +"PPQ6_Macht" + "PPQ12_Macht"+ "PPQ18_Macht"+ "PPQ24_Macht"+ "PPQ36_Macht"FPP_T2 =~ "PPQ7_A_Emp" + "PPQ19_A_Emp" + "PPQ25_A_Emp"+ "PPQ31_A_Emp"+ "PPQ37_A_Emp" +"PPQ2_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ8_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ14_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ26_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ38_A_Furchtl"+"PPQ3_A_Ego"+ "PPQ9_A_Ego"+ "PPQ21_A_Ego"+ "PPQ27_A_Ego"+ "PPQ39_A_Ego"+"PPQ4_A_Impul"+ "PPQ10_A_Impul"+ "PPQ16_A_Impul"+ "PPQ22_A_Impul"+ "PPQ40_A_Impul"+"PPQ11_A_Soz"+ "PPQ17_A_Soz" + "PPQ23_A_Soz"+ "PPQ29_A_Soz"+ "PPQ35_A_Soz"+"PPQ6_A_Macht"+ "PPQ12_A_Macht" + "PPQ18_A_Macht"+ "PPQ24_A_Macht"+ "PPQ36_A_Macht"'
measEq.syntax(retest.model.FPP_lavaan, #spezifiziertes Modell über LavaanID.fac = "", #standardisierter latenter = "Wu", #default GuidelinelongFacNames = longFacNames, = TRUE)
# Latent common factor means
# Fix T1 common factor mean to zero
C1FAMo ~ 0*1
# Freely estimate T2-T4 common factor means
C2FAMo ~ 1
C3FAMo ~ 1
C4FAMo ~ 1
FS_early ~ alpha.1*1 + NA*1
FS_late ~ alpha.2*1 + NA*1
This is my correct code:library(semTools)retest.model.FPP_lavaan <- 'FPP_T1 =~ "PPQ7_Emp"+ "PPQ19_Emp"+ "PPQ25_Emp"+ "PPQ31_Emp"+ "PPQ37_Emp"+"PPQ2_Furchtl"+ "PPQ8_Furchtl"+ "PPQ14_Furchtl"+ "PPQ26_Furchtl"+ "PPQ38_Furchtl"+"PPQ3_Ego"+ "PPQ9_Ego"+ "PPQ21_Ego"+ "PPQ27_Ego"+ "PPQ39_Ego"+"PPQ4_Impul"+ "PPQ10_Impul"+ "PPQ16_Impul"+ "PPQ22_Impul"+ "PPQ40_Impul"+"PPQ11_Soz"+ "PPQ17_Soz"+ "PPQ23_Soz"+ "PPQ29_Soz"+ "PPQ35_Soz" +"PPQ6_Macht" + "PPQ12_Macht"+ "PPQ18_Macht"+ "PPQ24_Macht"+ "PPQ36_Macht"FPP_T2 =~ "PPQ7_A_Emp" + "PPQ19_A_Emp" + "PPQ25_A_Emp"+ "PPQ31_A_Emp"+ "PPQ37_A_Emp" +"PPQ2_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ8_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ14_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ26_A_Furchtl"+ "PPQ38_A_Furchtl"+"PPQ3_A_Ego"+ "PPQ9_A_Ego"+ "PPQ21_A_Ego"+ "PPQ27_A_Ego"+ "PPQ39_A_Ego"+"PPQ4_A_Impul"+ "PPQ10_A_Impul"+ "PPQ16_A_Impul"+ "PPQ22_A_Impul"+ "PPQ40_A_Impul"+"PPQ11_A_Soz"+ "PPQ17_A_Soz" + "PPQ23_A_Soz"+ "PPQ29_A_Soz"+ "PPQ35_A_Soz"+"PPQ6_A_Macht"+ "PPQ12_A_Macht" + "PPQ18_A_Macht"+ "PPQ24_A_Macht"+ "PPQ36_A_Macht"'
retest.model.FPP_lavaan <- '
FPP_T1 =~ PPQ7_Emp+ PPQ19_Emp+ PPQ25_Emp+ PPQ31_Emp+ PPQ37_Emp+
PPQ2_Furchtl+ PPQ8_Furchtl+ PPQ14_Furchtl+ PPQ26_Furchtl+ PPQ38_Furchtl+
PPQ3_Ego+ PPQ9_Ego+ PPQ21_Ego+ PPQ27_Ego+ PPQ39_Ego+
PPQ4_Impul+ PPQ10_Impul+ PPQ16_Impul+ PPQ22_Impul+ PPQ40_Impul+
PPQ11_Soz+ PPQ17_Soz+ PPQ23_Soz+ PPQ29_Soz+ PPQ35_Soz +
PPQ6_Macht + PPQ12_Macht+ PPQ18_Macht+ PPQ24_Macht+ PPQ36_Macht
FPP_T2 =~ PPQ7_A_Emp + PPQ19_A_Emp + PPQ25_A_Emp+ PPQ31_A_Emp+ PPQ37_A_Emp +
PPQ2_A_Furchtl+ PPQ8_A_Furchtl+ PPQ14_A_Furchtl+ PPQ26_A_Furchtl+ PPQ38_A_Furchtl+
PPQ3_A_Ego+ PPQ9_A_Ego+ PPQ21_A_Ego+ PPQ27_A_Ego+ PPQ39_A_Ego+
PPQ4_A_Impul+ PPQ10_A_Impul+ PPQ16_A_Impul+ PPQ22_A_Impul+ PPQ40_A_Impul+
PPQ11_A_Soz+ PPQ17_A_Soz + PPQ23_A_Soz+ PPQ29_A_Soz+ PPQ35_A_Soz+
PPQ6_A_Macht+ PPQ12_A_Macht + PPQ18_A_Macht+ PPQ24_A_Macht+ PPQ36_A_Macht
retest.model.FPP_lavaan <- c(paste("FPP_T1 =~", var1), paste("FPP_T2 =~", var2))
retest.model.FPP_lavaan <- c(paste("FPP_T1 =~", var1), paste("FPP_T2 =~", var2),
"PPQ24_A_Macht ~~ PPQ36_A_Macht")
when I try to replicate the syntax with measEq.syntax() (as shown below) the first mean is not fixed to zero but is freely estimated:## LATENT MEANS/INTERCEPTS:
FS_early ~ alpha.1*1 + NA*1 FS_late ~ alpha.2*1 + NA*1