NA Fit Indices in SEM Mediation Model with Second Order Mediator

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Apr 4, 2019, 12:46:15 PM4/4/19
to lavaan
Hello everyone, 

I am still very new to lavaan and SEM and hope you can help me with a problem I can't seem to solve.
I have a mediation model with two dependent variables. I use a second order mediator. The basic model works just fine and shows good fit when I run it. Then I introduced some control variables, which are all binary variables and work in a similar previous model I defined in which, however, I did not use a second order form of the mediator, but the underlying latent dimensions directly. The model still seems just fine with the second order structure for some of the controls, but as soon as I introduce a few others, it shows NA for some of the fit measures. I am not sure what this is due to, it doesn't change when I take out some of the regressors on the left hand side of the regression equations, so it must be the controls themselves.

Its the upper two lines within the control section of the model that won't work.

Please find my model specification and output below. Thanks very much in advance!!

med.secord.mod <- '
# Latent Variables
GA =~ cca_01 + cca_02 + cca_03 + cca_04 + cca_05 #+ cca_06 + cca_07
IA =~ cca_08 + cca_09 + cca_10 + cca_11
WA =~ cca_12 + cca_13 + cca_14
CCA =~ GA + IA + WA
cca_03 ~~ cca_04
cca_01 ~~ cca_05

JS =~ js_01 + js_02 + js_04
js_01 ~~ js_02 + js_04

CCA + JS + pri_total ~ v_77_3 + v_77_4 +
CCA + JS + pri_total ~ v_79_2 + v_79_3 + v_79_4
CCA + JS + pri_total ~ v_78_new + v_80 + v_108 + v_81_new
CCA + JS + pri_total ~ EX + AGR + CON + NEU + OP

CCA ~ a*cds
JS ~ b_j*CCA + c_j*cds
pri_total ~ b_p*CCA + c_p*cds
pri_total ~~ JS

indirect1 := a*b_j
indirect2 := a*b_p
direct1 := c_j
direct2 := c_p
total1 := indirect1 + direct1
total2 := indirect2 + direct2'

lavaan 0.6-3 ended normally after 163 iterations

  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of free parameters                         86

  Number of observations                           156

  Estimator                                         ML
  Model Fit Test Statistic                     397.094
  Degrees of freedom                               290
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

User model versus baseline model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                       NA
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                          NA

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)              57019.265
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2319.008

  Number of free parameters                         86
  Akaike (AIC)                              -113866.530
  Bayesian (BIC)                            -113604.242
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)       -113876.459

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.049
  90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.036  0.060
  P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.565

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.059

Parameter Estimates:

  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
  Standard Errors                             Standard

Latent Variables:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  GA =~                                               
    cca_01            0.719    0.064   11.276    0.000
    cca_02            0.673    0.060   11.206    0.000
    cca_03            0.500    0.064    7.823    0.000
    cca_04            0.552    0.063    8.796    0.000
    cca_05            0.569    0.068    8.310    0.000
  IA =~                                               
    cca_08            0.751    0.064   11.747    0.000
    cca_09            0.619    0.067    9.200    0.000
    cca_10            0.718    0.065   11.110    0.000
    cca_11            0.670    0.066   10.177    0.000
  WA =~                                               
    cca_12            0.415    0.080    5.162    0.000
    cca_13            0.387    0.076    5.102    0.000
    cca_14            0.382    0.075    5.088    0.000
  CCA =~                                              
    GA                0.580    0.105    5.531    0.000
    IA                0.451    0.097    4.630    0.000
    WA                1.526    0.394    3.875    0.000
  JS =~                                               
    js_01             0.135    0.193    0.701    0.483
    js_02             0.173    0.247    0.701    0.484
    js_04             0.142    0.201    0.708    0.479

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  CCA ~                                               
    v_77_3            0.279    0.310    0.900    0.368
    v_77_4            0.234    0.361    0.647    0.517
  JS ~                                                
    v_77_3           -0.778    1.611   -0.483    0.629
    v_77_4           -1.012    1.966   -0.515    0.606
  pri_total ~                                         
    v_77_3           -0.157    0.233   -0.675    0.500
    v_77_4           -0.354    0.271   -1.306    0.191
  CCA ~                                               
    v_79_2           -0.503    0.494   -1.017    0.309
    v_79_3           -0.078    0.357   -0.220    0.826
    v_79_4            0.388    0.578    0.671    0.502
  JS ~                                                
    v_79_2            3.471    5.399    0.643    0.520
    v_79_3            0.965    1.858    0.519    0.604
    v_79_4            0.219    1.986    0.110    0.912
  pri_total ~                                         
    v_79_2           -0.180    0.372   -0.486    0.627
    v_79_3            0.155    0.267    0.580    0.562
    v_79_4            0.074    0.433    0.172    0.864
  CCA ~                                               
    v_78_new         -0.354    0.343   -1.031    0.302
    v_80              0.080    0.069    1.168    0.243
    v_108             0.094    0.096    0.977    0.328
    v_81_new          0.517    0.243    2.128    0.033
  JS ~                                                
    v_78_new          1.932    3.111    0.621    0.535
    v_80             -0.587    0.896   -0.655    0.513
    v_108            -0.388    0.673   -0.577    0.564
    v_81_new          0.022    0.860    0.026    0.980
  pri_total ~                                         
    v_78_new         -0.299    0.258   -1.160    0.246
    v_80              0.090    0.052    1.739    0.082
    v_108             0.036    0.072    0.499    0.618
    v_81_new          0.218    0.185    1.180    0.238
  CCA ~                                               
    EX               -0.042    0.070   -0.595    0.552
    AGR               0.048    0.081    0.587    0.557
    CON               0.233    0.091    2.571    0.010
    NEU              -0.090    0.071   -1.257    0.209
    OP                0.093    0.077    1.207    0.228
  JS ~                                                
    EX                0.038    0.251    0.151    0.880
    AGR              -0.384    0.629   -0.611    0.541
    CON              -0.106    0.397   -0.267    0.789
    NEU              -0.466    0.675   -0.690    0.490
    OP               -0.396    0.654   -0.606    0.545
  pri_total ~                                         
    EX                0.003    0.053    0.056    0.955
    AGR               0.035    0.061    0.574    0.566
    CON              -0.085    0.069   -1.227    0.220
    NEU               0.018    0.054    0.336    0.737
    OP                0.051    0.058    0.880    0.379
  CCA ~                                               
    cds        (a)    0.001    0.016    0.046    0.963
  JS ~                                                
    CCA      (b_j)    4.109    6.088    0.675    0.500
    cds      (c_j)    0.063    0.105    0.598    0.550
  pri_total ~                                         
    CCA      (b_p)   -0.262    0.093   -2.813    0.005
    cds      (c_p)   -0.001    0.012   -0.045    0.964

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
 .cca_03 ~~                                           
   .cca_04            0.228    0.056    4.076    0.000
 .cca_01 ~~                                           
   .cca_05           -0.230    0.049   -4.696    0.000
 .js_01 ~~                                            
   .js_02             0.074    0.052    1.412    0.158
   .js_04             0.224    0.060    3.726    0.000
 .JS ~~                                               
   .pri_total         0.053    0.363    0.147    0.883

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .cca_01            0.243    0.059    4.151    0.000
   .cca_02            0.338    0.053    6.394    0.000
   .cca_03            0.631    0.076    8.323    0.000
   .cca_04            0.552    0.068    8.076    0.000
   .cca_05            0.524    0.077    6.805    0.000
   .cca_08            0.277    0.051    5.403    0.000
   .cca_09            0.507    0.067    7.588    0.000
   .cca_10            0.338    0.054    6.233    0.000
   .cca_11            0.422    0.060    7.056    0.000
   .cca_12            0.285    0.051    5.573    0.000
   .cca_13            0.379    0.056    6.707    0.000
   .cca_14            0.392    0.057    6.830    0.000
   .js_01             0.593    0.085    6.999    0.000
   .js_02             0.340    0.074    4.597    0.000
   .js_04             0.551    0.076    7.292    0.000
   .pri_total         0.831    0.098    8.433    0.000
    GA                1.000                           
    IA                1.000                           
    WA                1.000                           
   .CCA               1.000                           
   .JS                1.000                           

Defined Parameters:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    indirect1         0.003    0.067    0.046    0.964
    indirect2        -0.000    0.004   -0.046    0.963
    direct1           0.063    0.105    0.598    0.550
    direct2          -0.001    0.012   -0.045    0.964
    total1            0.066    0.115    0.574    0.566
    total2           -0.001    0.012   -0.060    0.952

Terrence Jorgensen

Apr 5, 2019, 5:33:29 AM4/5/19
to lavaan
however, I did not use a second order form of the mediator, but the underlying latent dimensions directly. 

What do you mean?  You used each indicator as a distinct mediator instead of the common factor?  What is "higher order"?

Your output says ML estimation. Any categorical endogenous variable must be declared using the ordered= argument, to trigger DWLS estimation
(thus fitting a probit regression to model the latent response underlying the discrete observed response).  

Terrence D. Jorgensen
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam


Apr 5, 2019, 2:03:13 PM4/5/19
to lavaan
Dear Mr. Terrence,

thank you very much for the quick reply!

What I meant with regard to the underlying dimensions is that in a previous model, I did not create a second order factor for the latent construct "CCA" but instead used the three first order factors "GA", "IA" and "WA". I then specified regressions for each dimension individually. In theory, however, these dimensions all pertain to a common concept denoted "CCA". Thus, in order to reduce model complexity, I decided to attempt using a second order factor, which would be conceptually more correct. In the previous (first-factor) model, the controls work just fine, but now when I introduce them, the fit turns NA.

GA =~ cca_01 + cca_02 + cca_03 + cca_04 + cca_05 #+ cca_06 + cca_07
IA =~ cca_08 + cca_09 + cca_10 + cca_11
WA =~ cca_12 + cca_13 + cca_14
CCA =~ GA + IA + WA

Thank you for your suggestion, I will try whether that works. 

Best regards,
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