Dear all,
I have the following 2-1-1 MSEM mediation model with Responsible Leadership as independent and Performance and Psychological Wellbeing as dependent variables:
model211 <- "
level: 1
Performance ~ Psychological_Wellbeing + Age + Gender_dummy + Organization_1 + Organization_2 +
Organization_3 + Organization_4 + Organization_5 + Organization_6 + Organization_7 +
Organization_8 + Organization_9
level: 2
agPerformance ~ b*agPsychological_Wellbeing + c*Responsible_Leadership
agPsychological_Wellbeing ~ a*Responsible_Leadership
# indirect and total effects
The model works well and all relationships are significant. However, the CFI and TLI indices do not show (appear as NA) and I think it is because I have 0 degrees of freedom. The problem surely occurs because of these 9 organisation dummies, but I need them as controls.
According to Mair(2018) those two indices are anyways of limited use in multilevel SEMs - he purports that one should only look at chi-square - however, in any case, it looks quite ominous that they show "NA" and I would like to fix this (also, and I assume for the same reason, lavaan tells me that the baseline model estimation failed) -- any suggestions on how I can solve it??
- I attached a screen shot of the entire output -
Thanks for any help in advance, much appreciated!