I'm trying to run a model (a replication of a previous paper) in lavaan using the 'sem()' function. I have four endogenous variables (three are continuous and one is a binary variable), five exogenous variables, and I have one covariate. My sample size is N=1172. I believe my issue is to do with specifying the binary variable in my model - when I run the model without the binary variable (with 3 endogenous variables), it works just fine. However, when I do include the binary variable (0/1 coded responses), I get this error:
lavaan WARNING:
Could not compute standard errors! The information matrix could
not be inverted. This may be a symptom that the model is not
identified.lavaan WARNING: could not invert information matrix needed for robust test statistic
My model is as follows:
mymodel <- '
#endogenous variables
endo1 =~ sds_q1 + sds_q4 + sds_q6 + sds_q8
endo2 =~ sds_q2 + sds_q3 + sds_q5 + sde_q7
endo3 =~ dis_q1 + dis_q2 + dis_q3 + dis_q4
endo4 =~ sh_q2 #categorical variable (0/1)
#exogenous variables
exo1 =~ sresil_q1 + sresil_q2 + sresil_q5 + sresil_q9 + sresil_q11 + sresil_q13 + sresil_q19 + sresil_q20 + sresil_q25
exo2 =~ sresil_q4 +sresil_q8 + sresil_q10 + sresil_q12 + sresil_q14 + sresil_q18 + sresil_q23 + sresil_q24
exo3 =~ sresil_q3 + sresil_q6 + sresil_q7 + sresil_q11 + sresil_q13 + sresil_q15 + sresil_q16 + sresil_q17 + sresil_q21 + sresil_q22
exo4 =~ in_q1 + in_q2 + in_q3 + in_q4 + in_q5
exo5 =~ inq_6 + in_q7 + in_q8 + in_q9 + in_q10
covariate =~ csds_q1 + csds_q2 + csds_q3 + csds_q4 + csds_q5 + csds_q6 + csds_q7 + csds_q8 + csds_q9 + csds_q10
endo1 ~ covariate
endo2 ~ endo1 + covariate
endo3~ endo2 + exo1 + exo2 + exo3 + exo4 + exo5 + covariate
endo4 ~ endo3 + covariate'
# model identification and estimation
modelfit <- sem(mymodel, data = data, ordered = "sh_q2") #to specify categorical variable
#print results
summary(modelfit, fit.measures = T, standardized = T)
I have two questions;
1. In the output for the model above, I get the error but I also get the output. All standard errors are NA, and lavaan doesn't compute SEM fit indices. I'd really appreciate some guidance as to where I might be going wrong with this.
2. When I run the model without the binary variable (exactly the same as above but without "endo4"), and I print rsquare values, only two values show up - the other is na. I get no errors, however, I'm curious as to why this might be the case, and how I might be able to get all three rsquare values as in the study I am replicating. It looks like this:
endo1 NA
endo2 0.848
endo3 0.695
Overall, could the issue be that I am just specifying too many endogenous variables for lavaan? Or that I'm specifying it incorrectly?
Thank you for any help!