First order and second order models and their loadings (CFA)

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Lisanne K.

Nov 19, 2018, 8:36:11 AM11/19/18
to lavaan
Hello everyone,
I am new to R and lavaan and have a few questions about a CFA I am running at the moment.
The original model is shown in picture 1.

First order Complete.jpg

Because F2 is only measured by two items I was wondering about the following:
I could either fix F2’s variance to one or I fix both loadings to one and freely estimate F2’s variance.
But why is it the case? I've heard something about "underidentification" when using only two Items but why do I need to fix both loadings to one? And what about the factor loadings belonging to the other factors which are measured by three items?
Do I need to fix all of them to one as well? (Maybe this question is reduntant as soon as I understand why it's important to fix both factor loadings).
I compared both and CFI, RMSEA and SRMR are slightly different.

In theory a more detailed version of the model is possible as well:

Now F1 is measured by two variables which by themselves are measured by two items each.
What about the factor loadings in this case?
This is my syntax, using the command:

Detailed <- '
Lv1 =~ Item1 + Item 7
LV2 =~ Item5 + Item11
F3 =~ Item4 + Item8 + Item10
F4 =~ Item2 + Item6 + Item12
F2 =~ Item3 + Item 9

F1 =~ LV1 + LV2' <- sem(model= FirstOrderDetailed, data = exploration, =T, estimator= "mlr")
summary(, fit.measures=TRUE, standardized=TRUE)

I can also think about the following model:

Hierarchical Detailed.png

This is a syntax with fixing the LV's loadings to 1 but not for each item.
I also used the but I am unsure about this in this case:

HierarchicalDetailed <- '
### first-order variables
LV1   =~ 1*Item1 + Item 7
LV 2 =~ 1*Item5 + Item11

F3 =~ 1*Item4 + Item8 + Item10
F4 =~ 1*Item2 + Item6 + Item12
F2 =~ 1*Item3 + Item 9

## second-order models

F1      =~ 1*LV1+ 1*LV2
U1 =~ 1*F3 + F4 + F2

#Free estimation of variance*
F1 ~~ NA*F1
U1 ~~ Na*U1

## covariances
F1 ~~ U1
LV1 ~~ 0*LV2
LV1 ~~ 0*F3
LV1 ~~ 0*F4
LV1 ~~ 0*F2
LV2 ~~ 0*F3
LV2 ~~ 0*F4
LV2 ~~ 0*F2
F2 ~~ 0*F3
F2 ~~ 0*F4
F3 ~~ 0*F4

' <- sem(HierarchicalDetailed, data = exploration, estimator = "mlr", =T, missing = "fiml")
summary( , fit.measures = T, standardized = T)

I am not quite sure if  "" has been used right in this way?
And is it useful to use the "fiml" command?

These are the estimated values:

id            lhs op            rhs user block group free ustart exo label plabel start    est    se

1   1        LV1        =~       Item1    1     1     1    0      1   0         .p1. 1.000  1.000 0.000

2   2        LV1        =~       Item7    1     1     1    1     NA   0         .p2. 0.439  0.255 0.016

3   3         LV2       =~       Item5    1     1     1    0      1   0         .p3. 1.000  1.000 0.000

4   4         LV2       =~       Item11   1     1     1    2     NA   0         .p4. 0.168  0.101 0.018

5   5         F3        =~       Item4    1     1     1    0      1   0         .p5. 1.000  1.000 0.000

6   6         F3       =~       Item8     1     1     1    3     NA   0         .p6. 0.592  0.532 0.055

7   7         F3        =~       Item10   1     1     1    4     NA   0         .p7. 0.880  0.644 0.051

8   8         F4        =~       Item10   1     1     1    0      1   0         .p8. 1.000  1.000 0.000

9   9         F4       =~       Item10    1     1     1    5     NA   0         .p9. 0.745  0.295 0.031

10 10         F4        =~       Item12   1     1     1    6     NA   0        .p10. 0.537  0.191 0.027

11 11         F2        =~       Item3    1     1     1    0      1   0        .p11. 1.000  1.000 0.000

12 12         F2        =~       Item3    1     1     1    7     NA   0        .p12. 0.096  0.052 0.020

13 13         F1       =~         LV1     1     1     1    0      1   0        .p13. 1.000  1.000 0.000

14 14         F1        =~         LV2    1     1     1    0      1   0        .p14. 1.000  1.000 0.000

15 15         U1        =~          F3    1     1     1    0      1   0        .p15. 1.000  1.000 0.000

16 16         U1        =~          F4    1     1     1    8     NA   0        .p16. 1.000  0.537 0.033

17 17         U1        =~          F2    1     1     1    9     NA   0        .p17. 1.000  0.794 0.047

18 18         F1       ~~          F1     1     1     1   10     NA   0        .p18. 0.050  0.292 0.019

19 19         U1       ~~            U1   1     1     1    0      1   0    Na  .p19. 1.000  1.000 0.000

20 20         F1        ~~          U1    1     1     1   11     NA   0        .p20. 0.000  0.045 0.032

21 21        LV1        ~~         LV2    1     1     1    0      0   0        .p21. 0.000  0.000 0.000

22 22        LV1        ~~          F3    1     1     1    0      0   0        .p22. 0.000  0.000 0.000

23 23        LV1        ~~          F4    1     1     1    0      0   0        .p23. 0.000  0.000 0.000

24 24        LV1        ~~          F2    1     1     1    0      0   0        .p24. 0.000  0.000 0.000

25 25         LV2       ~~          F3    1     1     1    0      0   0        .p25. 0.000  0.000 0.000

26 26         LV2       ~~          F4    1     1     1    0      0   0        .p26. 0.000  0.000 0.000

27 27         LV2       ~~          F2    1     1     1    0      0   0        .p27. 0.000  0.000 0.000

28 28          F3       ~~          F4    1     1     1    0      0   0        .p28. 0.000  0.000 0.000

29 29          F3       ~~          F2    1     1     1    0      0   0        .p29. 0.000  0.000 0.000

30 30          F4       ~~          F2    1     1     1    0      0   0        .p30. 0.000  0.000 0.000

31 31       Item1       ~~       Item1    0     1     1   12     NA   0        .p31. 0.356 -0.583 0.024

32 32       Item7       ~~       Item7    0     1     1   13     NA   0        .p32. 0.320  0.562 0.019

33 33       Item5       ~~       Item5    0     1     1   14     NA   0        .p33. 0.402 -0.496 0.027

34 34      Item11       ~~      Item11    0     1     1   15     NA   0        .p34. 0.428  0.843 0.028

35 35       Item4       ~~       Item4    0     1     1   16     NA   0        .p35. 0.578  0.639 0.107

36 36       Item8       ~~       Item8    0     1     1   17     NA   0        .p36. 0.504  0.695 0.061

37 37       Item10      ~~      Item10    0     1     1   18     NA   0        .p37. 0.499  0.538 0.067

38 38       Item10      ~~      Item10    0     1     1   19     NA   0        .p38. 0.418 -0.345 0.048

39 39       Item10      ~~      Item10    0     1     1   20     NA   0        .p39. 0.440  0.785 0.027

40 40      Item12      ~~      Item12     0     1     1   21     NA   0        .p40. 0.402  0.764 0.026

41 41       Item3       ~~       Item3    0     1     1   22     NA   0        .p41. 0.572 -0.344 0.058

42 42       Item3       ~~       Item3    0     1     1   23     NA   0        .p42. 0.508  1.012 0.030

43 43         LV1       ~~         LV1    0     1     1    0      1   0        .p43. 1.000  1.000 0.000

44 44         LV2      ~~       LV2       0     1     1    0      1   0        .p44. 1.000  1.000 0.000

45 45          F3      ~~        F3       0     1     1    0      1   0        .p45. 1.000  1.000 0.000

46 46          F4      ~~        F4       0     1     1    0      1   0        .p46. 1.000  1.000 0.000

47 47          F2      ~~       F 2       0     1     1    0      1   0        .p47. 1.000  1.000 0.000

48 48       Item1      ~1                 0     1     1   24     NA   0        .p48. 3.792  3.792 0.021

49 49       Item7      ~1                 0     1     1   25     NA   0        .p49. 3.986  3.987 0.020

50 50       Item5      ~1                 0     1     1   26     NA   0        .p50. 3.744  3.744 0.022

51 51      Item11      ~1                 0     1     1   27     NA   0        .p51. 2.996  2.997 0.023

52 52       Item4      ~1                 0     1     1   28     NA   0        .p52. 2.731  2.730 0.027

53 53       Item8      ~1                 0     1     1   29     NA   0        .p53. 2.727  2.727 0.025

54 54      Item10      ~1                 0     1     1   30     NA   0        .p54. 2.812  2.813 0.025

55 55       Item10     ~1                 0     1     1   31     NA   0        .p55. 3.392  3.393 0.023

56 56       Item10     ~1                 0     1     1   32     NA   0        .p56. 3.514  3.516 0.023

57 57      Item12      ~1                 0     1     1   33     NA   0        .p57. 3.329  3.330 0.022

58 58       Item3      ~1                 0     1     1   34     NA   0        .p58. 2.948  2.948 0.026

59 59       Item3      ~1                 0     1     1   35     NA   0        .p59. 3.368  3.367 0.025

60 60         LV1      ~1                 0     1     1    0      0   0        .p60. 0.000  0.000 0.000

61 61         LV2      ~1                 0     1     1    0      0   0        .p61. 0.000  0.000 0.000

62 62          F3      ~1                 0     1     1    0      0   0        .p62. 0.000  0.000 0.000

63 63          F4      ~1                 0     1     1    0      0   0        .p63. 0.000  0.000 0.000

64 64          F2      ~1                 0     1     1    0      0   0        .p64. 0.000  0.000 0.000

65 65         F1      ~1                  0     1     1    0      0   0        .p65. 0.000  0.000 0.000

66 66          U1      ~1                 0     1     1    0      0   0        .p66. 0.000  0.000 0.000


Without using and fixing all loadings to one:

HierarchicalDetailed2 <- '
### first-order variables
LV1   =~ 1*Item1 + 1*Item 7
LV 2 =~ 1*Item5 + 1*Item11

F3 =~ 1*Item4 + Item8 + Item10
F4 =~ 1*Item2 + Item6 + Item12
F2 =~ 1*Item3 + 1*Item 9

## second-order models

F1      =~ 1*LV1+ 1*LV2
U1 =~ 1*F3 + F4 + F2

#Free estimation of variance*
F1 ~~ NA*F1
U1 ~~ Na*U1

## covariances
F1 ~~ U1
LV1 ~~ 0*LV2
LV1 ~~ 0*F3
LV1 ~~ 0*F4
LV1 ~~ 0*F2
LV2 ~~ 0*F3
LV2 ~~ 0*F4
LV2 ~~ 0*F2
F2 ~~ 0*F3
F2 ~~ 0*F4
F3 ~~ 0*F4



For both variations I received the warning:

some estimated lv variances are negative



The models don't fit very well but at the moment I am more curious about understanding what to do about the loadings, why I get different results and which method is the best.

I am happy about any advice, literature or explanation in general.

Thank you,

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 23, 2018, 11:04:06 AM11/23/18
to lavaan

I've heard something about "underidentification" when using only two Items but why do I need to fix both loadings to one?

When you only have 2 indicators (e.g., X and Y), the common variance is simply their covariance. You have 3 observed pieces of information (variance of X, variance of Y, and X-Y covariance), so you can only estimate 3 parameters (both residual covariances, and one parameter representing their common variance). Fixing both loadings to 1 means the common-factor variances is literally their covariance. Alternatively, you can fix the factor variance to 1 and constrain the loadings to equality, so they will be the square-root of the covariance.

When you have multiple factors, though, you can often (but not always) freely estimate both factor loadings (or only fixing the first loading to 1) because the covariance between items of different factors provides enough information to empirically identify the extra parameter. But if the factor covariances are not large (close to zero), then that extra information is not there, so the model becomes empirically underidentified.

And what about the factor loadings belonging to the other factors which are measured by three items?

In that case, you have enough information to estimate all loadings (or fix only the first loading to 1). Any introductory SEM/CFA text should explain this.

I compared both and CFI, RMSEA and SRMR are slightly different. 

The identification methods are statistically equivalent, so your fit should be the same. When you set, you need to constrain the loadings to equality for the model to be equivalent to a model with a free factor variance and both loadings == 1.

Terrence D. Jorgensen
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam

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