bifactor indicators

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R Monica S

Dec 9, 2018, 9:03:29 AM12/9/18
to lavaan
Dear all,

I have a basic question regarding bifactor models.

Is it possible for some indicators to load only on the general factor?  For example..

GeneralFactor =~ A1 + A2 + B1 + B2 + C
FactorA =~ A1 + A2
FactorB =~ B1 + B2

I would be very grateful for your help!

Chao Xu

Dec 9, 2018, 11:20:34 AM12/9/18
to lavaan
I would say methodologically yes because it is equivalent to a model where C loads on to factor A/B yet with its loading fixed to 0. It should be estimable. You can try.

But you would have to find a theoretical meaning for this conceptualization. Reviewer will surely be picky on this issue.


R Monica S

Dec 10, 2018, 5:01:50 AM12/10/18
to lavaan
Dear Chao,

Thank you very much for your help and reply!

I am wondering whether dropping insignificant indicators (based on p-values of parameter estimates) from factors while retaining those indicators in the general factor is a usual procedure?  For example, in an established measurement, indicator C also loads onto FactorB, but in my data it is only a significant indicator for GeneralFactor.

GeneralFactor =~ A1 + A2 + B1 + B2 + C
FactorA =~ A1 + A2
FactorB =~ B1 + B2 (+ C)

In this case, shall I still keep C on FactorB, or drop it only from FactorB?
And if I do this, can I still compute bifactor indices (e.g., omega)?

It would be very helpful if you could kindly give me further suggestions.

Chao Xu

Dec 10, 2018, 10:19:35 AM12/10/18
to lavaan
I assume by insignificant indicators, you mean indicators with very weak loadings. However, its loading on the general factor is very strong.

If this is the case, you must keep C onto the factor B in order to estimate coefficient omega and/or other statistical indices.

Or you could simply drop C off of both the factor B and the general factor. For me, I fail to see the reason of keeping C because it has little substantive meaning (weak loading on the substantive factor B).


R Monica S

Dec 14, 2018, 1:52:08 AM12/14/18
to lavaan
Dear Chao,

Sorry for the late response and thank you for your help!  I understood that I must keep C on both of the factors to estimate coefficients indices.  Maybe the factor structure does not fit my data thus I should modify the model as you suggest.

Many thanks again!
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