Installing dynr

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Dave Bell

Apr 22, 2020, 11:47:50 AM4/22/20
to lavaan
Good afternoon,

Does anyone have any experience with installing dynr?

I am using a Mac with the Catalina software. I have installed Xcodes and MacPorts as per the recommendation in the User's Instruction Manual (attached), but have no experience with either of these. Instruction 2.1.3 says to type "sudo port install gsl" into the terminal window, but when I do this I get error terms which leads me to believe I'm not typing it into the correct place (picture attached).

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Screenshot 2020-04-22 at 16.44.49.png
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Terrence Jorgensen

Apr 23, 2020, 1:38:00 AM4/23/20
to lavaan
Does anyone have any experience with installing dynr?

This is a lavaan forum, and I don't see on the CRAN page that dynr has anything to do with lavaan.  The gimme package extends lavaan to handle time-series data, although I'm not sure it would provide what you need:

Slide available here:

Terrence D. Jorgensen
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam

Dave Bell

Apr 23, 2020, 5:27:57 AM4/23/20
Many thanks Terrence, I wasn’t aware of the gimme package but will look into it today.

Kind regards,


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