Anyone that knows how to fit a growth curve model with ordinal indicators?
x1 | 0*t1
y4 | 0*t1
i1 ~ 0*1
i2 ~ 0*1
model<-'ifreq =~ 1*freq1 + 1*freq2 + 1*freq3 + 1*freq4ipsy =~ 1*psy1 + 1*psy2 + 1*psy3 + 1*psy4sfreq =~ 0*freq1 + 1*freq2 + 2*freq3 + 3*freq4spsy =~ 0*psy1 + 1*psy2 + 2*psy3 + 3*psy4ifreq ~ 0*1ipsy ~ 0*1freq1 | 0*t1freq2 | 0*t1freq3 | 0*t1freq4 | 0*t1psy1 | 0*t1psy2 | 0*t1psy3 | 0*t1psy4 | 0*t1
'fit<-runMI(model, milist,estimator="WLSMV", fun="growth",
ordered=c("freq1", "freq2", "freq3", "freq4","psy1", "psy2", "psy3", "psy4"))
Error in lav_partable_flat(FLAT, blocks = "group", meanstructure = meanstructure, :lavaan ERROR: expected 4 threshold(s) for variable ‘freq1’; syntax contains 1
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However, this error code appeared:Error in lav_partable_flat(FLAT, blocks = "group", meanstructure = meanstructure, :lavaan ERROR: expected 4 threshold(s) for variable ‘freq1’; syntax contains 1Any suggestions on how to proceed/fix the code?
freq1 | 0*t1 + 1*t2 + 2*t3 + 3*t4