Thank you very much Terrence!
I would, however, like to ask you a few more questions if you allow me:
1) I get this message with my results:
Warning message:
In lavTestScore(fit, add = test.mi) :
lavaan WARNING: se is not `standard'; not implemented yet; falling back to ordinary score test
What does it mean and, above all, is it problematic?
2) I am interested in the direct effects between my latent variable (and the items that constitute them) and my outcome (aq_comport_tcstatutglobal_i). Here is an example of my results with two latent variables :
lhs op rhs X2 df p.value
1 aq_comport_tcstatutglobal_i~dep == 0 0.000 1 1.000
2 aq_comport_tcstatutglobal_i~som == 0 29.743 1 0.000
Why op is "==" and rhs is "0" and not "~" and "dep" or "som", respectively?
3) Finally, I don't understand the difference with the index modification function (modificationindices).
Why does it not give the result of the "outcome ~ variable" regression but only of the "variable ~ outcome" regression?
For other relationships, should the two functions give the same results (I have the impression that this is not the case...)?
Thanks again really for your help