I didn't find an entry on this subject:
I have a simple simultaneous CFA:
> model <-
" rskminor =~ h0106.r + h0108.r + h0109.r + h0112.r
rskwork =~ h0505.r + h0315.r
rskviol =~ h0104.r + h0105.r"
I calculate the fit:
> fit <- cfa(model,
std.lv = F,
estimator = "MLR")
I ask for the residuals:
> resid(fit, type = "standardized")
I get the error message:
"Fehler in A1 %*% Gamma : nicht passende Argumente" - "error in A1 %*% Gamma: not appropriate arguments"
No error is generated when the estimator is ML.
I had a similar problem when running multi group CFA.
Is this a version but?
I use lavaan 0.6_1 within RStudio 1.1.423 on a MacBook Pro with macOS High Sierra.