Moderated-Mediation with SEM

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Thomas Trebilco

Aug 4, 2022, 2:19:57 AM8/4/22
to lavaan
I'm attempting to run the following moderated-mediation model in lavaan

Screenshot 2022-08-04 142548.png

Y is an ordinal outcome variable with two levels. Samples are either classified as 0's or 1's. X, M and W are all continuous/numeric. All variables are observed variables.

After having written and run my code, I get the following output with an error:
For search engines, the error is: "Error in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan ERROR: some variables have no values (only missings) or no variance"

Based on the output, the issue looks to be with the third factor, the interaction between W and M - for some reason I cannot understand it is not being indexed in the model. 

When I check for missing values and variance estimates on this variable, it shows no missing values and shows that it has substantial variance.


It doesn't matter whether I create this interaction term within lavaan (i.e. "term := W:M") or within R (i.e., "Interaction <- W*M), the same error comes up.

The code I wrote for this can be found here:

Please note that I have intentionally changed the variable names.

Thomas Trebilco

Aug 4, 2022, 2:35:20 AM8/4/22
to lavaan
I seem to be also getting this same error in a simple moderation model.

Terrence Jorgensen

Aug 24, 2022, 8:22:39 AM8/24/22
to lavaan
Without data, it will be difficult to track down the problem.  But in your GitHub syntax, you do not add McxWc to the data.frame  ModMed_Data.  Perhaps lavaan does not find the variable?

Terrence D. Jorgensen
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam

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