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Christopher Galgo

Jul 19, 2019, 4:21:09 AM7/19/19
to lavaan

I have 8 latent variables with 5 to 7 indicators per variable and I want to do a factor score path analysis. I have tried to do the steps enumerated by Rosseel which are 

1. Perform factor analysis for all latent variables separately and calculate their respective factor scores. 

2. Calculate the variance-covariance matrix of the factor scores (ΣFS). 

However, I had a hard time understanding what they mean with the third and fourth step i.e. to estimate the true variances and covariances for all elements in this variance-covariance matrix (Σ^η ). 

and performing the path analysis  using the estimated variances and covariancesΣ^η as the input covariance matrix for the model.

May someone explain this to me further? when they said true variances and covariances of the elements what exactly do they mean? 

Thank you so much.


Christopher Jr Galgo

MSc Rural Development, Universiteit Gent


Jul 19, 2019, 5:45:23 AM7/19/19
to lavaan
Try the :::fsr function. See the articles that discuss this approach, which explain the variance/covariances decomposition. 
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