Issues with saturated model fit indexes

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Ionut Mone

Jul 26, 2018, 8:10:26 AM7/26/18
to lavaan
Ok so i have been having a problem with r not presenting fit indices for my model.
 From what i`ve figured r doesn`t return fit indices because my model is fully saturated as the number of observations are equal to the number of parameters i want to estimate. If i eliminate parameters or i constraint a variable`s variance to be constant (TraditionAndConformity ~~1*TraditionAndConformity) r does return fit indices. 

Now my question is: can i raport my results without the fit indices while mentioning that my model is fully saturated? If yes, do you know of a reference that might be of use?

And if not what types of constraints would be legitimate so that my model wouldn`t be fully saturated anymore?

The code is below

r2 <- r[,c("TraditionAndConformity", "Relatedness", "AgencyAndSelfDirectedness", "SelfDirectionActionC", "ConformityRulesC", "AutoRelEthno", "Heteroetno", "SeparatenessEtno", "IOSTOTAL", "dispototal")]
simpleMediation <- '
Heteroetno ~ b * TraditionAndConformity + c * dispototal
TraditionAndConformity ~ a * dispototal
indirect := a * b
total    := c + (a * b)
TraditionAndConformity ~~1*TraditionAndConformity
Heteroetno ~~ Heteroetno
dispototal ~~ dispototal

fit <- sem.mi(model = simpleMediation, data = r2, m = 40, miPackage = "Amelia", seed = 12345)


summary(fit, se = TRUE, ci = TRUE, level = 0.95,
        standardized = TRUE, rsquare = FALSE, fmi = FALSE, header = TRUE,
        scale.W = TRUE, asymptotic = FALSE, add.attributes = TRUE)

coef(fit, type = "free", labels = TRUE)

vcov(fit, type = c("pooled", "between", "within",
                      "ariv"), scale.W = FALSE)

anova(fit, h1 = NULL, test = c("D2"),
      pool.robust = F, scale.W = FALSE, asymptotic = F,
      constraints = NULL, indices = TRUE, baseline.model = NULL,
      method = "default", A.method = "delta", scaled.shifted = TRUE,
      H1 = TRUE, type = "Chisq")

Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal

Jul 26, 2018, 8:59:26 PM7/26/18
to lavaan

Yes, you can report the results of your model, and explain that you dont have fit indices because you have a saturated model. If a reviewr argues you can say that the actual fit indices would be perfect CFI=1, RMSEA=0. You can reference Kline book about what  saturated model is. I had to add a couple of lines to explain in a paper due to a reviewer

In path analysis models, I actually dont like to talk about fit indices. I see them more relevant to the measurement model with latent constructs, when you try to defend that a specific factorial structure is a plausible data generating model for your data. With path, I dont wee the representation of a plausible generative model as useful. Also, a path analysis its easy to make it a saturated model and have "perfect fit".

Ionut Mone

Jul 27, 2018, 3:40:41 AM7/27/18
Thank you very much for the answer!

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Mone Ionut-Sergiu
PhD Student
Developmental Psychology Laboratory
Department of Psychology 
Babes-Bolyai University 
400015 Republicii 37 
Cluj-Napoca, Romania 
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