Multiple Mediation with covariates

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Chia-Hao Shih

Nov 30, 2018, 11:07:28 AM11/30/18
to lavaan
Dear all,

I am trying to run a multiple mediation model in lavaan with 1 predictor (X), 4 parallel mediators (M1, M2, M3, M4), and 3 variables that I want to control for (i.e., age, duration, and severity). I wonder if someone could check my syntax and let me know if my model specification is correct. Thanks in advance.

Model <- ' 
      X ~ b1 * M1 + b2 * M2 + b3 * M3 + b4 * M4 + c1 * X + c2 * age + c3 * duration + c4 * severity
     C1 ~ a1 * X + a5 * age + a6 * duration + a7 * severity
     C2 ~ a2 * X + a8 * age + a9 * duration + a10 * severity
     C3 ~ a3 * X + a11 * age + a12 * duration + a 13 * severity
     C4 ~ a4 * X + a14 * age + a15 * duration + a 16 * severity
     indirect1 := a1 * b1
     indirect2 := a2 * b2
     indirect3 := a3 * b3
     indirect4 := a4 * b4
     total := c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 + (a1 * b1) + (a2 * b2) + (a3 * b3) + (a4 * b4)
     C1 ~~ C2
     C1 ~~ C3
     C1 ~~ C4
     C2 ~~ C3
     C2 ~~ C4
     C3 ~~ C4
fit <- sem(model = Model, data = Data, se = "bootstrap", bootstrap = 5000)
summary(fit, estimates = TRUE, ci = TRUE)

Christopher David Desjardins

Nov 30, 2018, 4:17:02 PM11/30/18
This isn't quite right. If M1 though M4 are mediators then need to be on the left-hand side. Also, is each mediator associated with a single C outcome? I'm assuming that below:

Model <- '

# Mediator is regressed on to X
M1 ~ b1*X + age + duration + severity
M2 ~ b2*X + age + duration + severity
M3 ~ b3*X + age + duration + severity
M4 ~ b4*X + age + duration + severity

# Y (Cs) is regressed onto mediator and X
C1 ~ c1*X + b1*M1 + age + duration + severity
C2 ~ c2*X + b1*M2 + age + duration + severity
C3 ~ c3*X + b1*M3 + age + duration + severity
C4 ~ c4*X + b1*M4 + age + duration + severity

indirect1 := a1 * b1
indirect2 := a2 * b2
indirect3 := a3 * b3
indirect4 := a4 * b4

totalC1 := c1 + (a1 * b1)
totalC2 := c2 + (a2 * b2)
totalC3 := c3 + (a3 * b3)
totalC4 := c4 + (a4 * b4)

But I am just guessing this is what you want ...
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Chia-Hao Shih

Dec 1, 2018, 9:01:25 PM12/1/18
to lavaan
Hi Chris,

Thanks for your reply. I realized that I made typos on the original syntax: the C1 to C4 (capital C) should be M1 to M4 and X should be Y. Also, based on your reply, I guess I don't need to assign coefficients to my covariates. Below is my revised syntax, hope you or other people in the group could give me feedback. Thank you.

Model <- ' 
      Y ~ b1 * M1 + b2 * M2 + b3 * M3 + b4 * M4 + c1 * X + age + duration + severity
     M1 ~ a1 * X +  age +  duration +  severity
     M2 ~ a2 * X +  age +  duration +  severity
     M3 ~ a3 * X +  age +  duration +  severity
     M4 ~ a4 * X +  age +  duration +  severity
     indirect1 := a1 * b1
     indirect2 := a2 * b2
     indirect3 := a3 * b3
     indirect4 := a4 * b4
     total := c1 + (a1 * b1) + (a2 * b2) + (a3 * b3) + (a4 * b4)
     M1 ~~ M2
     M1 ~~ M3
     M1 ~~ M4
     M2 ~~ M3
     M2 ~~ M4
     M3 ~~ M4

Christopher Desjardins

Dec 2, 2018, 8:56:48 AM12/2/18
This looks fine to me. It’s not necessarily clear to me that you need to allow your mediators to covary. So, you could remove that. Do you have a reason or a citation as to why you are covarying them?

You might also be interested in the size of each indirect effect. For example, maybe you want this in your code?

a1b1 := a1*b1
a2b2 := a2*b2

If you think the effects are the same for each regression, then you can assign labels to age, duration, and severity. Otherwise, it’s fine to leave them without the labels.

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Chia-Hao Shih

Dec 3, 2018, 8:57:32 AM12/3/18
to lavaan

Hi Chris,

I really appreciate your help. As you pointed out, I don't need my mediators to covary with each other. I saw a sample lavaan syntax online and didn't think it through. Thank you again.

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