I am currently trying to calculate a latent growth model with four time points. The model is pretty simple:
model1<- '
i =~ 1*t5 + 1*t6 + 1*t7 + 1*t8
s =~ 0*t5 + 1*t6 + 2*t7 + 3*t8
fit <- growth(model, data=data, estimator = "ml", missing = "fiml")
summary(fit, fit.measures = TRUE, standardized = TRUE)
When executing the growth command, I am allways getting the error message, that some variances are negative.
The past hours, I tried to solve the problem and searched the internet for a solution but couldn't find anything that could help me.
My data looks pretty much like this simulated one:
data2 <- array(0, dim=c(1000,4))
data2 <- as.data.frame(data)
colnames(data2) <- c("t5","t6","t7","t8")
for (k in 1:1000) {
data2[k,1] <- sample(seq(0, 0.1, by=0.0001),1)
data2[k,2] <- sample(seq(0.1001, 0.2, by=0.0001),1)
data2[k,3] <- sample(seq(0.2001, 0.5, by=0.0001),1)
data2[k,4] <- sample(seq(0.5001, 1, by=0.0001),1)
The data2 data frame does also receive the same error message.
I hope that anyone can help me.