I'm working with R for the second time and unfortunately I don't know the program very well and now I have a problem.
I did a measure invariance analysis with the packages semTools and lavaan.
My commands were:
> PT_Total <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=T, sep=";", dec=",")
> PT_F1 <- ' f1 =~ q5 + q6 + q7 +q8 +q9 + q10 + q11 +q12 + q13 + q14 + q15 + q16 + q17 + q18 + q19 + q20 + q21 + q22 + q23 + q24
+ f2 =~ q25 + q26 + q27 + q28 + q29
+ f3 =~ q35 + q36 + q37 + q38 + q39 + q40 + q41 + q42 + q43 + q44 + q45 + q46 + q47 + q48 + q49 + q50 + q51 + q52 + q53 + q54 + q55 + q56 + q57 + q58 + q59 + q60 + q61 + q62 + q63 + q64 '
> measurementInvariance (PT_F1, data = PT_total, group="gender", estimator= "mlm", strict=T)
I got the following warning: "In lav_test_diff_SatorraBentler2001(mods[[m]], mods[[m + 1]]) :
lavaan WARNING: scaling factor is negative"
and don't understand this warning and don't know if it is relevant for me.
It may be that the scaling factor is negative, because my items differ in polarity. Certainly 40% of the items are negative. Could I take the values anyway or are the values with this warning useless for me?
Many thanks and greetings
lavaan WARNING: scaling factor is negative"
But how can I pass the argument? Its automatically there.
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measurementInvariance(PT_F1, data = PT_total, group="gender", estimator= "mlm", strict=T,
method = "satorra.bentler.2010")
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