Hello everyone,
I am new to R and lavaan.
I have a syntax to estimate a bifactor and a second-order model in order to compare them. I would like to execute this syntax on a simulated dataset. Unfortunately, I have no dataset to call (“your dataset”) and associated results of simulations are not that of the observed variables but that of general and specific factors.
I would like therefore to have help regarding syntax either :
a) to get the associated data (for overserved variables and not loadings parameters) with my simulation in order to execute my syntax regarding bifactor model on this data;
b) or to execute my syntax on the results of the simulation.
I have a syntax on simsem but I could also simulate my date with lavaan. Syntaxes for simulation and estimation of models are below.
Many thantks fro your help.
## Fit the bifactor model
fit_bifactor <- cfa(bifactor_model, data = your_data)
## Fit the second-order model
fit_second_order <- cfa(second_order_model, data = your_data)
## S-L decomposition
fit_sl <- schmidLeiman(fit_second_order)
## Extract loadings
loadings_bifactor <- parameterEstimates(fit_bifactor)
loadings_sl <- parameterEstimates(fit_sl)
## Compare models
anova(fit_bifactor, fit_second_order)
For non-nested (most likely)
## Manually extract factor loadings
loadings_bifactor <- parameterEstimates(fit_bifactor)$est
loadings_second_order <- parameterEstimates(fit_second_order)$est
## Compute differences and test significance
loading_differences <- loadings_bifactor - loadings_second_order
## Wald
lavTestWald(fit_bifactor, constraints = "loadings_bifactor == loadings_second_order")
## define population model
populationModel <- '
# define loadings
G =~ .6*y1 + .6*y2 + .6*y3 + .6*y4 + .6*y5 + .6*y6 + .6*y7 + .6*y8 + .6*y9
S1 =~ .2*y1 + .4*y2 + .4*y3
S2 =~ .4*y4 + .4*y5 + .4*y6
S3 =~ .4*y7 + .4*y8 + .4*y9
# define residual variances of indicators (= 1 - .6^2 - .4^2)
y1 ~~ .6*y1
y2 ~~ .48*y2
y3 ~~ .48*y3
y4 ~~ .48*y4
y5 ~~ .48*y5
y6 ~~ .48*y6
y7 ~~ .48*y7
y8 ~~ .48*y8
y9 ~~ .48*y9
# set factor variances to 1 (so that loadinGS are in a standardized metric)
G ~~ 1*G
S1 ~~ 1*S1
S2 ~~ 1*S2
S3 ~~ 1*S3
# define factors to be orthoGonal
S1 + S2 + S3 ~~ 0*G
S1 + S2 ~~ 0*S3
S1 ~~ 0*S2
## define analysis model
analysisModel <- '
G =~ NA*y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6 + y7 + y8 + y9
S1 =~ NA*y1 + y2 + y3
S2 =~ NA*y4 + y5 + y6
S3 =~ NA*y7 + y8 + y9
S1 + S2 + S3 ~~ 0*G
S1 + S2 ~~ 0*S3
S1 ~~ 0*S2
G ~~ 1*G
S1 ~~ 1*S1
S2 ~~ 1*S2
S3 ~~ 1*S3
I’m a bit confused about your question, thus forgive me if I understood it wrong.
a) If you want a data frame that simulates your syntax, you can use the following syntax:
data.sim <- simsem::sim(nRep = 1e4, #number of desired data frames model = populationModel, n = nrow(your_data), #number of observations in the data frames seed = 123, #seed to allow replications multicore = TRUE, #paralellize to make it faster dataOnly = TRUE) #returns a list of data frames with no analysisThen, you can try to fit the list of data frames with the following syntax:
fit.sim <- simsem::sim(model = analysisModel, rawData = data.sim, lavaanfun = "cfa", seed = 123, multicore = TRUE, #orthogonal = TRUE, # Uncomment here to orthogonalize the factors, rather than doing it in the analysis model syntax. std.lv = TRUE) #Use this command to identify the model by standardizing the factors instead of doing it in the analysis model syntaxb) if you tell simsem to generate and analyze the data at once, you can get the estimated loadings through the summary function or inside the $coef of the result. E.g.,
#generate and analyze the data at once fit.sim <- simsem::sim(model = analysisModel, generate = populationModel, nRep = 1e4, n = nrow(your_data), lavaanfun = "cfa", seed = 123, multicore = TRUE, #orthogonal = TRUE, # Uncomment here to orthogonalize the factors, rather than doing it in the analysis model syntax. std.lv = TRUE) #Use this command to identify the model by standardizing the factors instead of doing it in the analysis model syntax # Get estimated loadings through summary function print(simsem::summary(fit.sim)) #get estimated loadings inside simsem result print(summary(fit.sim@coef))Best regards,