Hi everyone,
I am comparing two models in which the first model is a two-factor model and the second model is a second-order factor including one higher order factor with two lower order factors. After comparing the two models using anova() I received a warning message following: scaling factor is negative. More details about the output are following:
> anova(modelfit1,modelfit2)
Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
Df AIC BIC Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)
modelfit2 42 15705 15846 147.77
modelfit1 43 15703 15840 147.77 1
Warning message:
In lav_test_diff_SatorraBentler2001(mods[[m]], mods[[m + 1]]) :
lavaan WARNING: scaling factor is negative
Unfortunately I am not sure if it is valid to conclude that the two models are significant difference. Can anyone help me explain why I received the warning message?
Any help will be appreciated,
Thank you,