Latent interaction - Structural Equation Model with Moderated Mediation // Problems with syntax

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Eva Neumeyer

Nov 13, 2019, 10:35:12 AM11/13/19
to lavaan
Hello together,

I'm currently finishing my studies in psychology and writing my master thesis. Therefore I analyse a moderated mediation model. I have two times of measurement.

My Model is attached.

I assume, that DV1 (Degree of Virtuality) predicts Health at both times of measurement (H1 and Ha2), mediated by Trust (T1 and T2 measured at time of measurement one and two). Additionally I assume Shared Leadership (SL1) to be a moderator of the connection between DV1 and T1/T2. My model is built like Hayes Model 7.

As DV1 and SL1 are both latent variables, measured by 12 items (DV1) and by 20 items (SL1), I used indProd() function to create the products of the items. Then I could define my interaction term using the products of all the items.

Somehow my Computer can not run the model. I don't know why and I tried everything.

It would be so great, if you have any suggestions how to make it run or what's wrong in my syntax.

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Best, Eva

This is my syntax:

masterarbeit <- indProd(masterarbeit,
                      var1 = c("DV02_01","DV02_02","DV02_03","DV02_04","DV02_05","DV02_06","DV02_07","DV02_08","DV02_09","DV02_10","DV02_11","DV02_12"),
                      var2 = c("SL01_01","SL01_02","SL01_03","SL01_04","SL01_05","SL01_06","SL01_07","SL01_08","SL01_09","SL01_10","SL01_11","SL01_12","SL01_13","SL01_14",
                      match = FALSE,
                      meanC = TRUE,
                      residualC = FALSE,
                      doubleMC = TRUE,
                      namesProd = NULL)

SEMModel <- 'H1 =~ H102_01+H103_01+H103_02+H104_01+H104_02+H105_01+H105_02+H106_01+H107_01+H107_02+H107_03+H107_04
H2 =~ H202_01+H203_01+H203_02+H204_01+H204_02+H205_01+H205_02+H206_01+H207_01+H207_02+H207_03+H207_04
DV1 =~ DV02_01+DV02_02+DV02_03+DV02_04+DV02_05+DV02_06+DV02_07+DV02_08+DV02_09+DV02_10+DV02_11+DV02_12
SL1 =~ SL01_01+SL01_02+SL01_03+SL01_04+SL01_05+SL01_06+SL01_07+SL01_08+SL01_09+SL01_10+SL01_11+SL01_12+SL01_13+SL01_14+SL01_15+SL01_16+SL01_17+SL01_18+SL01_19+SL01_20
T1 =~ T102_01+T102_02+T102_03+T102_04+T102_05+T102_06+T102_07+T102_08
T2 =~ T202_01+T202_02+T202_03+T202_04+T202_05+T202_06+T202_07+T202_08

## Interaction of DV1 and SL1
interaction =~  DV02_01.SL01_01+DV02_01.SL01_02+DV02_01.SL01_03+DV02_01.SL01_04+DV02_01.SL01_05+DV02_01.SL01_06+DV02_01.SL01_07+DV02_01.SL01_08+DV02_01.SL01_09+DV02_01.SL01_10+DV02_01.SL01_11+DV02_01.SL01_12+DV02_01.SL01_13+DV02_01.SL01_14+DV02_01.SL01_15+DV02_01.SL01_16+DV02_01.SL01_17+DV02_01.SL01_18+DV02_01.SL01_19+DV02_01.SL01_20+

## Regressions
H1 ~ c*DV1 + b*T1
H2 ~ c2*DV1 + b2*T2
T1 ~ a*DV1 + SL1 + interaction
T2 ~ a2*DV1 + SL1 + interaction

indirect :=a*b
indirect2 :=a2*b2
direct := c
direct2 :=c2
total := c + (a*b)
total2 := c2 + (a2*b2)'

## correlated residuals
## H1 und H2
H102_01 ~~ H202_01
H103_01 ~~ H203_01
H103_02 ~~ H203_02
H104_01 ~~ H204_01
H104_02 ~~ H204_02
H105_01 ~~ H205_01
H105_02 ~~ H205_02
H106_01 ~~ H206_01
H107_01 ~~ H207_01
H107_02 ~~ H207_02
H107_03 ~~ H207_03
H107_04 ~~ H207_04

## T1 und T2
T102_01 ~~ T202_01
T102_02 ~~ T202_02
T102_03 ~~ T202_03
T102_04 ~~ T202_04
T102_05 ~~ T202_05
T102_06 ~~ T202_06
T102_07 ~~ T202_07
T102_08 ~~ T202_08

## residual correlations between items and interaction term
DV02_01 ~~ interaction
DV02_02 ~~ interaction
DV02_03 ~~ interaction
DV02_04 ~~ interaction
DV02_05 ~~ interaction
DV02_06 ~~ interaction
DV02_07 ~~ interaction
DV02_08 ~~ interaction
DV02_09 ~~ interaction
DV02_10 ~~ interaction
DV02_11 ~~ interaction
DV02_12 ~~ interaction
SL01_01 ~~ interaction
SL01_02 ~~ interaction
SL01_03 ~~ interaction
SL01_04 ~~ interaction
SL01_05 ~~ interaction
SL01_06 ~~ interaction
SL01_07 ~~ interaction
SL01_08 ~~ interaction
SL01_09 ~~ interaction
SL01_10 ~~ interaction
SL01_11 ~~ interaction
SL01_12 ~~ interaction
SL01_13 ~~ interaction
SL01_14 ~~ interaction
SL01_15 ~~ interaction
SL01_16 ~~ interaction
SL01_17 ~~ interaction
SL01_18 ~~ interaction
SL01_19 ~~ interaction
SL01_20 ~~ interaction'

##estimator = MLR
fitSEMModel <- sem(SEMModel, data=masterarbeit, estimator='MLR', missing = "fiml")
summary(fitSEMModel, fit.measure=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 15, 2019, 2:54:52 PM11/15/19
to lavaan
Somehow my Computer can not run the model. I don't know why and I tried everything. 

I would be surprised if somehow it could fit a model to so many variables.  You have 12 and 20 indicators, and 120 product indicators.  Try using scale sums and calculate a product term as a new variable in your data.  If that model runs, you can revisit the idea of trying it with latent variables, but I highly doubt you will be successful with so many indicators.  What is your sample size?
Terrence D. Jorgensen
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam

Eva Neumeyer

Nov 19, 2019, 5:07:16 AM11/19/19
to lavaan
Thank you so much for your answer and help! I need to reduce my indicators.

Does that mean that instead of listing all the single items in my syntax, I just take the mean of the scale like in the following?

SEMModel_mean <- '
H1 =~ H1_total
H2 =~ H2_total
DV1 =~ DV1_mean
SL1 =~ SL_mean
T1 =~ T1_mean
T2 =~ T2_mean

## Interaktion von DV1 und SL1
interaction =~  DV1_mean:SL_mean

## Regressionen

H1 ~ c*DV1 + b*T1
H2 ~ c2*DV1 + b2*T2
T1 ~ a*DV1 + SL1 + interaction
T2 ~ a2*DV1 + SL1 + interaction

indirect :=a*b
indirect2 :=a2*b2
direct := c
direct2 :=c2
total := c + (a*b)
total2 := c2 + (a2*b2)'

##estimator = MLR (maximum likelihood estimation with robust (Huber-White) standard errors and a scaled test statistic that is (asymptotically) equal to the Yuan-Bentler test statistic. For both complete and incomplete data.)

fitSEMModel_mean <- sem(SEMModel_mean, data=masterarbeit, estimator='ML', missing = "fiml", meanstructure=TRUE,, orthogonal=TRUE, check.gradient = FALSE)
summary(fitSEMModel_mean, fit.measure=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)

Then I get the following error:
Error in `[[<`(`*tmp*`,[iv], value = integer(0)) : 
  replacement has 0 rows, data has 157

What did you mean by using scale sums?

And using scale sums would mean I work with manifest variables instead, right?

I read about building item parcels, would that also be an option?

Thank you so much for your help!! This forum is incredibly helpful!

Message has been deleted

Eva Neumeyer

Nov 19, 2019, 5:22:22 AM11/19/19
to lavaan
And if I change the following syntax line to this:

interaction =~  DV1:SL

I get the lavaan Error:
lavaan ERROR: missing observed variables in dataset: H1_total H2_total DV1_mean SL_mean T1_mean T2_mean

So I need to specify my means in my syntax of the sem model, right? 

But how do I do this while not using all the items as indicators?

Thank you so much!

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 19, 2019, 5:22:26 AM11/19/19
to lavaan
Does that mean that instead of listing all the single items in my syntax, I just take the mean of the scale like in the following? 

You don't need to treat each variable as a single indicator of a common factor.  Just could just do path analysis on observed variables.

What did you mean by using scale sums? 

For each row of data, calculate the sum (or mean) across items of the scale.

And using scale sums would mean I work with manifest variables instead, right? 

Yes.  Having so many scale items hopefully minimizes the measurement error in the composite.  You could run a measurement model on each construct to estimate the reliability using semTools::reliability()

I read about building item parcels, would that also be an option?

Yes, but I would recommend accounting for the arbitrary allocation error by using different parceling schemes, then treating those as multiple imputations.  See the semTools function ?parcelAllocation for examples and references.

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 19, 2019, 5:30:32 AM11/19/19
to lavaan

I get the lavaan Error:
lavaan ERROR: missing observed variables in dataset: H1_total H2_total DV1_mean SL_mean T1_mean T2_mean

So I need to specify my means in my syntax of the sem model, right? 

But how do I do this while not using all the items as indicators? 

By adding variables to your data set.  That is what the message is saying: it doesn't find those variables in your data.

Eva Neumeyer

Nov 19, 2019, 5:45:58 AM11/19/19
to lavaan
Thank you very much!

Yes, I calculated the means before for every person, because I did regression analyses before.

I used the function select() and cbind(), but still it can't find the variables. Do you have an idea, why R can not find the variables?

And would you say the syntax is correct so far?

So first I try it with means and if this doesn't work, I try the parceling.

Thank you so so much for your help and investing your time!

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 19, 2019, 6:52:58 AM11/19/19
to lavaan
I used the function select() and cbind(), but still it can't find the variables. Do you have an idea, why R can not find the variables? 

I'm not sure what you mean with select(), but you can run head(masterarbeit) to check if your new variables are in the data.  You can explicitly add a new variable using the $ operator:

DV1.names <- c("DV02_01","DV02_02","DV02_03","DV02_04","DV02_05","DV02_06",


.names <- c("SL01_01","SL01_02","SL01_03","SL01_04","SL01_05","SL01_06","SL01_07","SL01_08","SL01_09","SL01_10",

## be cognizant of how you deal with missing scale items
<- rowMeans(masterarbeit[ , DV1.names], na.rm = TRUE) # this option assumes MCAR!
<- rowMeans(masterarbeit[ , SL1.names], na.rm = FALSE) # this returns NA if any item is NA

Then you can use the variables DV1 and SL1 in your model, as they were already in your syntax, but you can omit the measurement model because they will be observed variables.

Eva Neumeyer

Nov 19, 2019, 8:30:58 AM11/19/19
to lavaan
Thank you so much! That worked out well, I now have the variables in my dataset.

Due to the fact that SL1, DV1 and H1/H1 have subdimensions, I took their means to describe the total mean.

But when I run the syntax with estimator = "MLR" I get the following Warning:

Warning messages:
1: In lav_model_vcov(lavmodel = lavmodel2, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,  :
  lavaan WARNING:
    Could not compute standard errors! The information matrix could
    not be inverted. This may be a symptom that the model is not
2: In lav_test_yuan_bentler(lavobject = NULL, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,  :
  lavaan WARNING: could not invert information matrix needed for robust test statistic

When I use estimator = "ML" I only get the ones with the standard errors.

My Syntax:

SEMModel_mean <- '
H1_total =~ H1_ment_total+H1_phys_total
H1 =~ H1_total
H2_total =~ H2_ment_total+H2_phys_total
H2 =~ H2_total
DV1_mean =~ DV1_teamdistribution_mean+DV1_workplacemobility_mean+DV1_varietyofpractices_mean
DV1 =~ DV1_mean
SL1_mean =~ SL1_taskleadership_mean+SL1_relationleadership_mean+SL1_changeleadership_mean+SL1_micropoliticalleadership_mean
SL1 =~ SL1_mean

T1 =~ T1_mean
T2 =~ T2_mean

## Interaktion von DV1 und SL1
interaction =~  DV1:SL1

## Regressionen

H1 ~ c*DV1 + b*T1
H2 ~ c2*DV1 + b2*T2
T1 ~ a*DV1 + SL1 + interaction
T2 ~ a2*DV1 + SL1 + interaction

indirect :=a*b
indirect2 :=a2*b2
direct := c
direct2 :=c2
total := c + (a*b)
total2 := c2 + (a2*b2)'

Is there anything important missing in my model?

Thank you so so much!

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 19, 2019, 2:45:15 PM11/19/19
to lavaan
Due to the fact that SL1, DV1 and H1/H1 have subdimensions,

In that case, you don't need ad-hoc arbitrary "parcels".  You can treat subdimensions as indicators.

I took their means to describe the total mean.

I don't understand.
H1_total =~ H1_ment_total+H1_phys_total
H1 =~ H1_total

Why are you needlessly defining a higher-order construct?   Why not just H1 =~ H1_ment_total+H1_phys_total?  Same note for your other constructs.
## Interaktion von DV1 und SL1
interaction =~ DV1:SL1

This makes even less sense.  I think you need to read a foundational text on factor analysis, like Tim Brown's book.  Common factors are not sum scores, they are in some respects the opposite.  A common factor is a predictor of its indicators, the source of common variance (i.e., covariance) among indicators.  

indicator1 = intercept1 + loading1*factor + residual1
= intercept2 + loading2*factor + residual2
= intercept3 + loading3*factor + residual3

A composite (scale sum or scale mean) is instead the outcome that is predicted (without error) by a set of indicators.

ScaleSum = indicator1 + indicator2 + indicator3 # (no residual)

The latter is sometimes called a "formative construct".

The interaction is another predictor, not an outcome of a hypothesized construct called "interaction".  Just treat it the way you would in a regression.  That's what path analysis is.

T1 ~ a*DV1 + SL1 + DV1:SL1

Eva Neumeyer

Nov 20, 2019, 5:33:13 AM11/20/19
to lavaan
Thank you so much! Especially for the book recommendation!

I think I got it now. Only one thing is weird: When I use the DV1:SL1 interaction term in my model I get the following results:

  T1 ~                                                                  
    DV1        (a)   -0.008    0.148   -0.052    0.959   -0.004   -0.004
    SL1               1.749    0.269    6.506    0.000    0.868    0.868
    DV1:SL1           0.000  149.078    0.000    1.000    0.000    0.000 

But when I first define the interaction in my syntax like the following:
masterarbeit$ModVar_nonc <- DV1_mean*SL1_mean

Then I get this output:

T1 ~ DV1 (a) 0.680 0.871 0.780 0.435 0.257 0.257 SL1 2.232 0.789 2.830 0.005 0.843 0.843 ModVr_nnc -0.121 0.151 -0.804 0.421 -0.046 -0.285

So probably second version is the correct one, right? I'm a bit confused.

Is there nessecarity to center the moderator variable like I do in regression?

Thank you so much.

This is the current syntax:

SEMModel_mean <- '

H1 =~ H1_phys_total+H1_ment_total
H2 =~ H2_phys_total+H2_ment_total

DV1 =~ DV1_teamdistribution_mean+DV1_workplacemobility_mean+DV1_varietyofpractices_mean

SL1 =~ SL1_taskleadership_mean+SL1_relationleadership_mean+SL1_changeleadership_mean+SL1_micropoliticalleadership_mean

T1 =~ T102_01+T102_02+T102_03+T102_04+T102_05+T102_06+T102_07+T102_08
T2 =~ T202_01+T202_02+T202_03+T202_04+T202_05+T202_06+T202_07+T202_08

## Regressionen
H1 ~ c*DV1 + b*T1
H2 ~ c2*DV1 + b2*T2
T1 ~ a*DV1 + SL1 + DV1:SL1
T2 ~ a2*DV1 + SL1 + DV1:SL1

indirect :=a*b ## Mediation MZP 1
indirect2 :=a2*b2 ## Mediation MZP 2
direct := c ## Direkter Effekt von DV1 auf Health1
direct2 :=c2 ## Direkter Effekt von DV1 auf Health"
total := c + (a*b) ## Totaler Effekt: Direkter + Indirekter Effekt (MZP1)
total2 := c2 + (a2*b2) ## Totaler Effekt: Direkter + Indirekter Effekt (MZP2)

H1 ~~ H1
H2 ~~ H2
H1 ~~ H2
H1_phys_total ~~ H2_phys_total
H1_ment_total ~~ H2_ment_total
T1 ~~ T1
T2 ~~ T2
T1 ~~ T2

T102_01 ~~ T202_01
T102_02 ~~ T202_02
T102_03 ~~ T202_03
T102_04 ~~ T202_04
T102_05 ~~ T202_05
T102_06 ~~ T202_06
T102_07 ~~ T202_07
T102_08 ~~ T202_08
SL1 ~~ SL1
DV1 ~~ DV1'

fitSEMModel_mean <- sem(SEMModel_mean, data=masterarbeit, estimator='ML', missing = "fiml", meanstructure=TRUE,, orthogonal=TRUE, check.gradient = FALSE)
summary(fitSEMModel_mean, fit.measure=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)

Thank you for being so helpful! 

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 20, 2019, 5:43:34 AM11/20/19
to lavaan
I realize now my last post probably led to more confusion because I gave advice about 2 different scenarios you were considering.  Let me clarify:


If you calculate the scale composites (i.e., H1, H2, T1, T2DV1 and SL1 are observed variables in your data set), you don't need to put anything in the latent space by needless making single-indicator constructs for everything.  That is, your entire model syntax can simply be

SEMModel <- '
## Regressions

H1 ~ c*DV1 + b*T1
H2 ~ c2*DV1 + b2*T2
T1 ~ a*DV1 + SL1 + DV1:SL1
T2 ~ a2*DV1 + SL1 + DV1:SL1

indirect := a*b
indirect2 := a2*b2
direct := c
direct2 := c2

total := c + (a*b)
total2 := c2 + (a2*b2)'

Although you need to think more carefully about your defined parameters.  If your mediation path(s) are moderated, you need to define simple/conditional indirect effects to probe the interaction.  See related links here:

Also, testing causation within the same timepoint is dubious.  You have 2 occasions, so you could specify a more appropriate model for your "half-longitudinal" design.  See Slide 13:


If you are defining SUBscale composites, which you then use as multiple indicators of a common factor, then you cannot use the colon operator (i.e., DV1:SL1 only works if both variables are observed, not latent).  If this is the route you want to take, you would then use indProd() as before, but the observed indicators would be SUBscale composites (i.e., the mean of items within subdimensions).  Then you would use the product indicators to define a latent interaction, as shown in the syntax examples on the ?probe2WayMC help page.  (Note that unfortunately, probe2WayMC() is not designed to help probe interactions involving indirect effects, only direct effects.)

It is always best to start simple and build up from there.  So I would recommend you try (1) first, then (2).

Eva Neumeyer

Nov 21, 2019, 4:44:39 AM11/21/19
to lavaan
Thank you so much for being so patient with me! It's so helpful!

I worked on it and tried your suggestions. After step (1) I used the indProd() function with subscales as you described in step (2).

As T1/T2 is the only construct that doesn't have subdimension, I used the items as indicators. Is this a possible way to deal with it? (see orange marker)

SEMModel <- '

H1 =~ H1_phys_total_raw+H1_ment_total_raw
H2 =~ H2_phys_total_raw+H2_ment_total_raw

DV1 =~ DV1_teamdistribution_mean+DV1_workplacemobility_mean+DV1_varietyofpractices_mean
SL1 =~ SL1_taskleadership_mean+SL1_relationleadership_mean+SL1_changeleadership_mean+SL1_micropoliticalleadership_mean
T1 =~ T102_01+T102_02+T102_03+T102_04+T102_05+T102_06+T102_07+T102_08
T2 =~ T202_01+T202_02+T202_03+T202_04+T202_05+T202_06+T202_07+T202_08
DV1xSL1 =~  DV1_teamdistribution_mean.SL1_taskleadership_mean+DV1_teamdistribution_mean.SL1_relationleadership_mean+DV1_teamdistribution_mean.SL1_changeleadership_mean+DV1_teamdistribution_mean.SL1_micropoliticalleadership_mean+

## Regressionen

H1 ~ c*DV1 + b*T1
H2 ~ c2*DV1 + H1 + b2*T2 + T1
T1 ~ a*DV1 + w*SL1 + mw*DV1xSL1
T2 ~ a2*DV1 + T1 +w*SL1 + mw*DV1xSL1

indirect :=a*b            ## Mediation MZP 1
indirect2 :=a2*b2         ## Mediation MZP 2
direct := c               ## Direkter Effekt von DV1 auf Health1
direct2 :=c2              ## Direkter Effekt von DV1 auf Health2
total := c + (a*b)        ## Totaler Effekt: Direkter + Indirekter Effekt (MZP1)
total2 := c2 + (a2*b2)    ## Totaler Effekt: Direkter + Indirekter Effekt (MZP2)

#Indirect effects conditional on moderator // probing SL == -2, SL == -1, SL1 == 1, SL == 2 // I used SD -+2/-+1
indirect.SDbelow2 := (a + mw*-2)*b
indirect.SDbelow := (a + mw*-1)*b
indirect.SDabove := (a + mw*1)*b
indirect.SDabove2 := (a + mw*2)*b

#Direct effects conditional on moderator
direct.SDbelow2 := c
direct.SDbelow := c
direct.SDabove := c
direct.SDabove2 := c

#Total effects conditional on moderator
total.SDbelow2 := direct.SDbelow2 + indirect.SDbelow2
total.SDbelow := direct.SDbelow + indirect.SDbelow
total.SDabove := direct.SDabove + indirect.SDabove
total.SDabove2 := direct.SDabove + indirect.SDabove2

#Proportion mediated conditional on moderator
prop.mediated.SDbelow2 := indirect.SDbelow2 / total.SDbelow2
prop.mediated.SDbelow := indirect.SDbelow / total.SDbelow
prop.mediated.SDabove := indirect.SDabove / total.SDabove
prop.mediated.SDabove2 := indirect.SDabove / total.SDabove2

#Index of moderated mediation
#An alternative way of testing if conditional indirect effects are significantly different from each other := mw*b

H1 ~~ H1
H2 ~~ H2
T1 ~~ T1
T2 ~~ T2
SL1 ~~ SL1
DV1 ~~ DV1
DV1xSL1 ~~ DV1
DV1xSL1 ~~ SL1

fitSEMModel_test <- sem(SEMModel_test, data=masterarbeit, estimator='MLR', missing = "fiml", meanstructure=TRUE,, orthogonal=TRUE, check.gradient = FALSE)
summary(fitSEMModel_test, fit.measure=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)

Although you need to think more carefully about your defined parameters.  If your mediation path(s) are moderated, you need to define simple/conditional indirect effects to probe the interaction.  See related links here:

I tried to find a solution for this in the syntax. Is the way I did it now correct to probe the interaction?

Also, testing causation within the same timepoint is dubious.  You have 2 occasions, so you could specify a more appropriate model for your "half-longitudinal" design.  See Slide 13:

Thank you for the advice! I tried to specify it more appropriate and marked my changes yellow. Is that what you meant? Or am I totally wrong?


If you are defining SUBscale composites, which you then use as multiple indicators of a common factor, then you cannot use the colon operator (i.e., DV1:SL1 only works if both variables are observed, not latent).  If this is the route you want to take, you would then use indProd() as before, but the observed indicators would be SUBscale composites (i.e., the mean of items within subdimensions).  Then you would use the product indicators to define a latent interaction, as shown in the syntax examples on the ?probe2WayMC help page.  (Note that unfortunately, probe2WayMC() is not designed to help probe interactions involving indirect effects, only direct effects.)

It is always best to start simple and build up from there.  So I would recommend you try (1) first, then (2).

So far it worked well with the subdimensions! Thank you so much!

Last thing where I am unsure is the green marked part. When I leave it in I get the following warning:

In lav_model_vcov(lavmodel = lavmodel2, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,  :
 lavaan WARNING:
    The variance-covariance matrix of the estimated parameters (vcov)
    does not appear to be positive definite! The smallest eigenvalue
    (= 4.574149e-15) is close to zero. This may be a symptom that the
    model is not identified.

When I leave it out there is no warning.

Thank you so much for helping me!!


Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 21, 2019, 10:47:37 AM11/21/19
to lavaan
As T1/T2 is the only construct that doesn't have subdimension, I used the items as indicators. Is this a possible way to deal with it? (see orange marker)

Yes, you don't need T1/2 product terms, so just use all the indicators.

I tried to find a solution for this in the syntax. Is the way I did it now correct to probe the interaction?

I think that's the right idea, assuming the moderator has SD == 1 (which should be the case, since you set and the moderator is exogenous).  But the model is still hard to follow without a path diagram that depicts your actual (not conceptual) model.  

Thank you for the advice! I tried to specify it more appropriate and marked my changes yellow. Is that what you meant? Or am I totally wrong? 

No, there are still within-time causal effects.  Causation needs time to unfold.  Did you look at the Slide 13 in the link I posted?  In a half-longitudinal model, all Time-1 variables covary, they all predict the Time-2 variables, and the Time-2 residuals covary.

## mediator model
~ T1 + a*DV1 + w*SL1 + aw*DV1xSL1
## outcome model
~ H1 + b*T1 + c*DV1

## if model fit is poor, try adding the effects you hypothesize are zero:
# H2 ~ SL1 + DV1xSL1 # potentially, the c path could also be moderated
# T2 ~ H1 # reciprocal effect is also possible

## cfa() automatically estimates all variances (no need to specify them)
## Time-1 covariances should also be automatically estimated
~~ SL1 + DV1xSL1 + T1 + H1
~~ DV1xSL1 + T1 + H1
~~ T1 + H1
~~ H1
## Time-2 endogenous covariance should also be automatically estimated
~~ T2

## define conditional indirect effects
:= (a - 2*aw)*b
:= (a - aw)*b
:= a*b

:= (a + aw)*b
:= (a + 2*aw)*b
## define total effects (not sure this is makes sense in moderated mediation)
:= ind_m2 + c
:= ind_p2 + c
## define proportion
:= ind_m2 / tot_m2
:= ind_p2 / tot_p2

Last thing where I am unsure is the green marked part. When I leave it in I get the following warning: 

In lav_model_vcov(lavmodel = lavmodel2, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,  :
  lavaan WARNING:
    The variance-covariance matrix of the estimated parameters (vcov)
    does not appear to be positive definite! The smallest eigenvalue
    (= 4.574149e-15) is close to zero. This may be a symptom that the
    model is not identified.

When I leave it out there is no warning.

That should be automatically estimated anyway, since they are exogenous factors.  Compare your parameter tables to see what changes, and make sure you fit the model you expected to fit.  If you don't see strange results (out of bounds estimates of large SEs), then you can probably ignore the error, assuming you can rule out underidentification.
Message has been deleted

Eva Neumeyer

Nov 22, 2019, 10:30:18 AM11/22/19
to lavaan

Thank you so much!! The model runs!! It's uncredible how fast you give appropriate hints and solutions without even knowing the entire background! Absolutely wow! 1000 Thanks.

I think I understood the halflongitudinal design now.

I always thought I would need this additionally in my syntax:
## mediator model
T1 ~ a*DV1 + w*SL1 + aw*DV1xSL1
T2 ~ T1 + a2*DV1 + w2*SL1 + a2w2*DV1xSL1
## outcome model
H1 ~ b*T1 + c*DV1
H2 ~ H1 + b2*T1 + c2*DV1

I attach the hypothetical model I should estimate for you. Maybe this makes clear what I thought needs to be inside the regression-model.

So even if my model looks different I don't need the yellow parts, right? :)

Thank you so much!

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 23, 2019, 9:26:54 AM11/23/19
to lavaan
So even if my model looks different I don't need the yellow parts, right?

Your model looks different because it is different.  The model you attached is conceptual, not an actual path diagram that represents your statistical model (in which case variables cannot point to arrows: that is a conceptual depiction of moderation).

I recommended the half-longitudinal model to avoid trying to draw causal inferences from within-time paths.  This article explains why:

Also see their 2003 and 2007 papers in the references.

Eva Neumeyer

Nov 26, 2019, 3:57:59 AM11/26/19
to lavaan
Thank you very much, Terrence! These articels are perfect for understanding it. Thank you!

Using the indProd() function and the indicators I did in my syntax, I am back at latent modeling and not manifest modeling, right?

Thank you so much for your time and passion! :)

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 26, 2019, 8:29:15 AM11/26/19
to lavaan
Thank you very much, Terrence! These articels are perfect for understanding it. Thank you!

Using the indProd() function and the indicators I did in my syntax, I am back at latent modeling and not manifest modeling, right? 


Eva Neumeyer

Nov 28, 2019, 12:20:32 PM11/28/19
to lavaan
Perfect! Thank you Terrence!

I'm a bit wondering about my covariances in my summary.

Is it alright that the yellow marked is so high? How can that happen?

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  DV1 ~~                                                                
    SL1               0.261    0.090    2.901    0.004    0.261    0.261
    DV1xSL1           0.068    0.148    0.460    0.646    0.068    0.068
    T1                0.233    0.097    2.406    0.016    0.233    0.233
  H1 ~~                                                                 
    DV1               0.231    0.103    2.249    0.024    0.231    0.231
  SL1 ~~                                                                
    DV1xSL1          -0.295    0.155   -1.909    0.056   -0.295   -0.295
    T1                0.847    0.038   22.494    0.000    0.847    0.847
  H1 ~~                                                                 
    SL1               0.445    0.105    4.256    0.000    0.445    0.445
  T1 ~~                                                                 
    DV1xSL1          -0.267    0.163   -1.645    0.100   -0.267   -0.267
  H1 ~~                                                                 
    DV1xSL1          -0.171    0.138   -1.235    0.217   -0.171   -0.171
    T1                0.535    0.119    4.487    0.000    0.535    0.535
 .H2 ~~                                                                 
   .T2               98.180   40.588    2.419    0.016   98.180   98.180

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 29, 2019, 6:19:11 AM11/29/19
to lavaan
Is it alright that the yellow marked is so high? How can that happen? 

Hard to tell when you only provide that little bit of information instead of your full output.

Eva Neumeyer

Nov 29, 2019, 8:53:42 AM11/29/19
to lavaan
Your right, I'm sorry!

Here is the complete one: 

> summary(fitSEMModel, fit.measure=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)
lavaan 0.6-5 ended normally after 645 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of free parameters                        135
  Number of observations                           157
  Number of missing patterns                        26
Model Test User Model:
                                              Standard      Robust
  Test Statistic                              1936.189    1913.671
  Degrees of freedom                               684         684
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
  Scaling correction factor                                  1.012
    for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant) 

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                              4841.276    4364.296
  Degrees of freedom                               741         741
  P-value                                        0.000       0.000
  Scaling correction factor                                  1.109

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.695       0.661
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.669       0.632
  Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.690
  Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.665

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -7796.566   -7796.566
  Scaling correction factor                                  1.854
      for the MLR correction                                      
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)             NA          NA
  Scaling correction factor                                  1.151
      for the MLR correction                                      
  Akaike (AIC)                               15863.131   15863.131
  Bayesian (BIC)                             16275.724   16275.724
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        15848.396   15848.396

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.108       0.107
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.102       0.101
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.114       0.113
  P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000       0.000
  Robust RMSEA                                               0.108
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower                     0.102
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper                     0.113

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.088       0.088

Parameter Estimates:

  Information                                      Observed
  Observed information based on                     Hessian
  Standard errors                        Robust.huber.white

Latent Variables:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  H1 =~                                                                 
    H1_phys_ttl_rw    1.113    0.766    1.453    0.146    1.113    0.209
    H1_ment_ttl_rw    8.111    1.064    7.623    0.000    8.111    0.822
  H2 =~                                                                 
    H2_phys_ttl_rw    0.006    0.002    3.550    0.000    2.326    0.389
    H2_ment_ttl_rw    0.019    0.002   12.494    0.000    7.253    0.783
  DV1 =~                                                                
    DV1_tmdstrbtn_    1.041    0.117    8.896    0.000    1.041    0.706
    DV1_wrkplcmbl_    0.880    0.094    9.342    0.000    0.880    0.756
    DV1_vrtyfprct_    1.112    0.125    8.889    0.000    1.112    0.738
  SL1 =~                                                                
    SL1_tskldrshp_    0.631    0.088    7.174    0.000    0.631    0.752
    SL1_rltnldrsh_    1.014    0.076   13.391    0.000    1.014    0.937
    SL1_chngldrsh_    0.911    0.072   12.649    0.000    0.911    0.944
    SL1_mcrpltcll_    0.793    0.071   11.250    0.000    0.793    0.801
  T1 =~                                                                 
    T102_01           0.580    0.072    8.071    0.000    0.580    0.608
    T102_02           0.494    0.060    8.170    0.000    0.494    0.693
    T102_03           0.509    0.079    6.427    0.000    0.509    0.710
    T102_04           0.677    0.090    7.502    0.000    0.677    0.749
    T102_05           0.491    0.075    6.537    0.000    0.491    0.711
    T102_06          -0.634    0.105   -6.030    0.000   -0.634   -0.570
    T102_07          -0.727    0.085   -8.536    0.000   -0.727   -0.720
    T102_08           0.708    0.055   12.918    0.000    0.708    0.791
  T2 =~                                                                 
    T202_01           0.316    0.049    6.439    0.000    0.604    0.566
    T202_02           0.300    0.054    5.515    0.000    0.574    0.754
    T202_03           0.342    0.055    6.171    0.000    0.654    0.835
    T202_04           0.389    0.063    6.198    0.000    0.744    0.781
    T202_05           0.269    0.050    5.343    0.000    0.513    0.715
    T202_06          -0.341    0.060   -5.655    0.000   -0.652   -0.635
    T202_07          -0.369    0.060   -6.156    0.000   -0.705   -0.682
    T202_08           0.334    0.050    6.688    0.000    0.639    0.775
  DV1xSL1 =~                                                            
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.875    0.186    4.698    0.000    0.875    0.659
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    1.039    0.229    4.541    0.000    1.039    0.685
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.932    0.212    4.398    0.000    0.932    0.701
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    1.021    0.219    4.653    0.000    1.021    0.672
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.625    0.173    3.611    0.000    0.625    0.645
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.803    0.187    4.295    0.000    0.803    0.689
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.727    0.189    3.852    0.000    0.727    0.674
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.735    0.157    4.674    0.000    0.735    0.679
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    1.113    0.184    6.043    0.000    1.113    0.823
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    1.454    0.215    6.775    0.000    1.454    0.852
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    1.384    0.200    6.915    0.000    1.384    0.870
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    1.287    0.152    8.482    0.000    1.287    0.831

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  T2 ~                                                                  
    T1                1.680    0.518    3.243    0.001    0.879    0.879
    DV1        (a)   -0.289    0.135   -2.134    0.033   -0.151   -0.151
    SL1        (w)    0.050    0.285    0.176    0.860    0.026    0.026
    DV1xSL1   (aw)    0.223    0.159    1.404    0.160    0.117    0.117
  H2 ~                                                                  
    H1              378.770   49.762    7.612    0.000    1.009    1.009
    T1         (b)   12.074   76.586    0.158    0.875    0.032    0.032
    DV1        (c)  -66.938   41.960   -1.595    0.111   -0.178   -0.178

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  DV1 ~~                                                                
    SL1               0.261    0.090    2.901    0.004    0.261    0.261
    DV1xSL1           0.068    0.148    0.460    0.646    0.068    0.068
    T1                0.233    0.097    2.406    0.016    0.233    0.233
  H1 ~~                                                                 
    DV1               0.231    0.103    2.249    0.024    0.231    0.231
  SL1 ~~                                                                
    DV1xSL1          -0.295    0.155   -1.909    0.056   -0.295   -0.295
    T1                0.847    0.038   22.494    0.000    0.847    0.847
  H1 ~~                                                                 
    SL1               0.445    0.105    4.256    0.000    0.445    0.445
  T1 ~~                                                                 
    DV1xSL1          -0.267    0.163   -1.645    0.100   -0.267   -0.267
  H1 ~~                                                                 
    DV1xSL1          -0.171    0.138   -1.235    0.217   -0.171   -0.171
    T1                0.535    0.119    4.487    0.000    0.535    0.535
 .H2 ~~                                                                 
   .T2               98.180   40.588    2.419    0.016   98.180   98.180

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
   .H1_phys_ttl_rw   -3.159    0.431   -7.327    0.000   -3.159   -0.592
   .H1_ment_ttl_rw  -11.644    0.794  -14.669    0.000  -11.644   -1.180
   .H2_phys_ttl_rw   -3.996    0.510   -7.840    0.000   -3.996   -0.669
   .H2_ment_ttl_rw  -11.562    0.778  -14.861    0.000  -11.562   -1.248
   .DV1_tmdstrbtn_    2.831    0.120   23.678    0.000    2.831    1.919
   .DV1_wrkplcmbl_    3.429    0.095   36.087    0.000    3.429    2.944
   .DV1_vrtyfprct_    3.303    0.129   25.619    0.000    3.303    2.192
   .SL1_tskldrshp_    4.583    0.067   68.177    0.000    4.583    5.463
   .SL1_rltnldrsh_    4.516    0.087   52.022    0.000    4.516    4.170
   .SL1_chngldrsh_    4.623    0.077   59.808    0.000    4.623    4.789
   .SL1_mcrpltcll_    4.235    0.082   51.825    0.000    4.235    4.280
   .T102_01           4.032    0.076   52.964    0.000    4.032    4.227
   .T102_02           4.185    0.057   73.619    0.000    4.185    5.875
   .T102_03           4.293    0.057   75.111    0.000    4.293    5.994
   .T102_04           4.102    0.072   56.840    0.000    4.102    4.536
   .T102_05           4.382    0.055   79.406    0.000    4.382    6.337
   .T102_06           2.153    0.089   24.246    0.000    2.153    1.935
   .T102_07           1.987    0.081   24.668    0.000    1.987    1.969
   .T102_08           4.038    0.071   56.533    0.000    4.038    4.512
   .T202_01           3.815    0.090   42.439    0.000    3.815    3.573
   .T202_02           4.081    0.063   64.890    0.000    4.081    5.361
   .T202_03           4.089    0.065   63.343    0.000    4.089    5.223
   .T202_04           3.868    0.079   48.720    0.000    3.868    4.059
   .T202_05           4.243    0.060   71.137    0.000    4.243    5.910
   .T202_06           2.066    0.086   24.013    0.000    2.066    2.015
   .T202_07           1.947    0.087   22.437    0.000    1.947    1.884
   .T202_08           3.919    0.068   57.370    0.000    3.919    4.756
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__   -0.006    0.107   -0.053    0.957   -0.006   -0.004
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.017    0.125    0.135    0.893    0.017    0.011
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.008    0.108    0.071    0.943    0.008    0.006
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__   -0.034    0.127   -0.268    0.789   -0.034   -0.022
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__   -0.007    0.081   -0.085    0.932   -0.007   -0.007
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.010    0.097    0.109    0.913    0.010    0.009
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.012    0.089    0.137    0.891    0.012    0.011
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__   -0.029    0.095   -0.305    0.761   -0.029   -0.027
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__   -0.009    0.115   -0.081    0.936   -0.009   -0.007
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.034    0.147    0.228    0.820    0.034    0.020
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.033    0.138    0.240    0.810    0.033    0.021
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__   -0.041    0.135   -0.306    0.759   -0.041   -0.027
    H1                0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .H2                0.000                               0.000    0.000
    DV1               0.000                               0.000    0.000
    SL1               0.000                               0.000    0.000
    T1                0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .T2                0.000                               0.000    0.000
    DV1xSL1           0.000                               0.000    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
   .H1_phys_ttl_rw   27.237    5.632    4.836    0.000   27.237    0.956
   .H1_ment_ttl_rw   31.571   13.259    2.381    0.017   31.571    0.324
   .H2_phys_ttl_rw   30.309    5.215    5.812    0.000   30.309    0.849
   .H2_ment_ttl_rw   33.183   11.299    2.937    0.003   33.183    0.387
   .DV1_tmdstrbtn_    1.093    0.177    6.164    0.000    1.093    0.502
   .DV1_wrkplcmbl_    0.582    0.153    3.800    0.000    0.582    0.429
   .DV1_vrtyfprct_    1.033    0.238    4.334    0.000    1.033    0.455
   .SL1_tskldrshp_    0.306    0.054    5.666    0.000    0.306    0.435
   .SL1_rltnldrsh_    0.144    0.023    6.206    0.000    0.144    0.123
   .SL1_chngldrsh_    0.102    0.022    4.674    0.000    0.102    0.109
   .SL1_mcrpltcll_    0.350    0.046    7.635    0.000    0.350    0.358
   .T102_01           0.574    0.215    2.670    0.008    0.574    0.630
   .T102_02           0.263    0.037    7.175    0.000    0.263    0.519
   .T102_03           0.254    0.060    4.272    0.000    0.254    0.496
   .T102_04           0.359    0.045    8.049    0.000    0.359    0.439
   .T102_05           0.237    0.029    8.080    0.000    0.237    0.495
   .T102_06           0.835    0.174    4.793    0.000    0.835    0.675
   .T102_07           0.490    0.096    5.122    0.000    0.490    0.481
   .T102_08           0.299    0.142    2.110    0.035    0.299    0.374
   .T202_01           0.774    0.290    2.672    0.008    0.774    0.679
   .T202_02           0.250    0.051    4.925    0.000    0.250    0.432
   .T202_03           0.185    0.029    6.292    0.000    0.185    0.302
   .T202_04           0.355    0.060    5.947    0.000    0.355    0.391
   .T202_05           0.252    0.041    6.119    0.000    0.252    0.489
   .T202_06           0.627    0.153    4.099    0.000    0.627    0.596
   .T202_07           0.572    0.144    3.980    0.000    0.572    0.535
   .T202_08           0.271    0.097    2.788    0.005    0.271    0.399
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.998    0.239    4.179    0.000    0.998    0.566
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    1.224    0.322    3.797    0.000    1.224    0.531
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.898    0.238    3.770    0.000    0.898    0.508
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    1.266    0.300    4.216    0.000    1.266    0.548
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.548    0.296    1.849    0.064    0.548    0.583
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.712    0.302    2.353    0.019    0.712    0.525
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.634    0.319    1.991    0.047    0.634    0.545
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.632    0.196    3.222    0.001    0.632    0.539
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.589    0.150    3.912    0.000    0.589    0.322
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.797    0.288    2.764    0.006    0.797    0.274
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.614    0.237    2.592    0.010    0.614    0.243
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.742    0.177    4.184    0.000    0.742    0.309
    H1                1.000                               1.000    1.000
   .H2                1.000                               0.000    0.000
    DV1               1.000                               1.000    1.000
    SL1               1.000                               1.000    1.000
    T1                1.000                               1.000    1.000
   .T2                1.000                               0.274    0.274
    DV1xSL1           1.000                               1.000    1.000

    H1_phys_ttl_rw    0.044
    H1_ment_ttl_rw    0.676
    H2_phys_ttl_rw    0.151
    H2_ment_ttl_rw    0.613
    DV1_tmdstrbtn_    0.498
    DV1_wrkplcmbl_    0.571
    DV1_vrtyfprct_    0.545
    SL1_tskldrshp_    0.565
    SL1_rltnldrsh_    0.877
    SL1_chngldrsh_    0.891
    SL1_mcrpltcll_    0.642
    T102_01           0.370
    T102_02           0.481
    T102_03           0.504
    T102_04           0.561
    T102_05           0.505
    T102_06           0.325
    T102_07           0.519
    T102_08           0.626
    T202_01           0.321
    T202_02           0.568
    T202_03           0.698
    T202_04           0.609
    T202_05           0.511
    T202_06           0.404
    T202_07           0.465
    T202_08           0.601
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.434
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.469
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.492
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.452
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.417
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.475
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.455
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.461
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.678
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.726
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.757
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.691
    H2                1.000
    T2                0.726

Defined Parameters:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
    indirect         -3.490   22.341   -0.156    0.876   -0.005   -0.005
    direct          -66.938   41.960   -1.595    0.111   -0.178   -0.178
    total           -70.428   49.743   -1.416    0.157   -0.183   -0.183
    ind_SDbelow2     -8.881   57.030   -0.156    0.876   -0.012   -0.012
    ind_SDbelow1     -6.186   39.668   -0.156    0.876   -0.009   -0.009
    ind_0            -3.490   22.341   -0.156    0.876   -0.005   -0.005
    ind_SDabove1     -0.794    5.393   -0.147    0.883   -0.001   -0.001
    ind_SDabove2      1.902   12.787    0.149    0.882    0.003    0.003
    tot_SDbelow2    -75.819   74.835   -1.013    0.311   -0.191   -0.191
    tot_SDbelow1    -73.123   61.116   -1.196    0.232   -0.187   -0.187
    tot_0           -70.428   49.743   -1.416    0.157   -0.183   -0.183
    tot_SDabove1    -67.732   42.638   -1.589    0.112   -0.179   -0.179
    tot_SDabove2    -65.036   42.025   -1.548    0.122   -0.176   -0.176
    prop_SDbelow2    -7.998   57.687   -0.139    0.890    0.923    0.923
    prop_SDbelow1    -5.270   40.159   -0.131    0.896    0.945    0.945
    prop_0           -2.539   22.639   -0.112    0.911    0.969    0.969
    prop_SDabove1     0.194    5.472    0.035    0.972    0.993    0.993
    prop_SDabove2     2.931   12.986    0.226    0.821    1.018    1.018     2.696   17.384    0.155    0.877    0.004    0.004

Thank you in advance for your time!

Eva Neumeyer

Nov 29, 2019, 8:58:21 AM11/29/19
to lavaan
I could imagine it is because of my Health (H1/H2) scale. The scoring is a bit different than the scoring of the others. For the health scale I had to weight each response with different weights. And then build a sum score of these weights, individual for each person. Afterwards I had to add a constant of 56. But in my SEM I already used the raw scales without the constant to avoid such high numbers.
But could the scaling be the reason for that?

I have no idea.

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 29, 2019, 9:35:59 AM11/29/19
to lavaan
But could the scaling be the reason for that? 

No, the Std.all column should provide residual correlations, in a correlation metric.  Could you install the development version to make sure this wasn't an old issue that has already been resolved?

install.packages("lavaan", repos = "", type = "source")

If it still occurs, I wonder whether lavaan is standardizing residual covariances relative to the model-implied total variances instead of relative to residual variances being 1.  Please compare the results of these two options, the first of which should match your summary() output, but perhaps the second one does instead.

standardizedSolution(fitSEMModel, cov.std = TRUE)
(fitSEMModel, cov.std = FALSE)

Eva Neumeyer

Dec 2, 2019, 2:58:07 AM12/2/19
to lavaan

No, the Std.all column should provide residual correlations, in a correlation metric.  Could you install the development version to make sure this wasn't an old issue that has already been resolved?

install.packages("lavaan", repos = "", type = "source")

I installed it but I can not use the function library() for it. Then I get the following error message:

> library(lavaan)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘lavaan’ in get(method, envir = home):
 lazy-load database 'C:/Users/Eva/Documents/R/win-library/3.6/lavaan/R/lavaan.rdb' is corrupt
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In .registerS3method(fin[i, 1], fin[i, 2], fin[i, 3], fin[i, 4],  :
  restarting interrupted promise evaluation
2: In get(method, envir = home) :
  restarting interrupted promise evaluation
3: In get(method, envir = home) : internal error -3 in R_decompress1

And if I now install the 'normal version of lavaan [install.packages("lavaan")] and use the function library(lavaan) afterwards I get the following error message:

> library(lavaan)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘lavaan’ in get(Info[i, 1], envir = env):
 lazy-load database 'C:/Users/Eva/Documents/R/win-library/3.6/lavaan/R/lavaan.rdb' is corrupt
In addition: Warning message:
In get(Info[i, 1], envir = env) : internal error -3 in R_decompress1

 Did I do something wrong in library()? Or anything else? Or could it be masked by another package?

Thank you, Terrence!

Eva Neumeyer

Dec 2, 2019, 3:04:44 AM12/2/19
to lavaan
If i restart the R session the 'normal' lavaan is working again.


standardizedSolution(fitSEMModel, cov.std = TRUE)
(fitSEMModel, cov.std = FALSE)

the first one matches my summary.

Eva Neumeyer

Dec 2, 2019, 3:22:44 AM12/2/19
to lavaan
 I restarted R again and I think now
install.packages("lavaan", repos = "", type = "source")
works. But results are still the same.

Terrence Jorgensen

Dec 4, 2019, 7:38:07 AM12/4/19
to lavaan
results are still the same.

The R-squared for H2 is nearly 100%, matching the near-zero standardized residual variance.  I expect this makes it hard to estimate related parameters when you are identifying the model by fixing H2's residual variance to 1.  Try instead fixing its first loading to 1 and freely estimating its residual variance (manually doing so in the syntax will override the argument for that factor).  I wonder whether your estimated residual variance might end up being negative...

Eva Neumeyer

Dec 5, 2019, 3:30:18 AM12/5/19
to lavaan
Thank you, Terrence! I would say it helped! The warning of a non positive definite covariance matrix of latent variables I had before is gone now! :)

I hope I did it correctly.

SEMModel <- '
H1 =~ H1_phys_total_raw+H1_ment_total_raw
H2 =~ 1*H2_phys_total_raw+H2_ment_total_raw

DV1 =~ DV1_teamdistribution_mean+DV1_workplacemobility_mean+DV1_varietyofpractices_mean
SL1 =~ SL1_taskleadership_mean+SL1_relationleadership_mean+SL1_changeleadership_mean+SL1_micropoliticalleadership_mean
T1 =~ T102_01+T102_02+T102_03+T102_04+T102_05+T102_06+T102_07+T102_08
T2 =~ T202_01+T202_02+T202_03+T202_04+T202_05+T202_06+T202_07+T202_08
DV1xSL1 =~  DV1_teamdistribution_mean.SL1_taskleadership_mean+DV1_teamdistribution_mean.SL1_relationleadership_mean+DV1_teamdistribution_mean.SL1_changeleadership_mean+DV1_teamdistribution_mean.SL1_micropoliticalleadership_mean+

## mediator model
T2 ~ T1 + a*DV1 + w*SL1 + aw*DV1xSL1
## outcome model
H2 ~ H1 + b*T1 + c*DV1
## Time-1 covariances should also be automatically estimated
DV1 ~~ SL1 + DV1xSL1 + T1 + H1
SL1 ~~ DV1xSL1 + T1 + H1
DV1xSL1 ~~ T1 + H1
T1 ~~ H1
## Time-2 endogenous covariance should also be automatically estimated
H2 ~~ T2

## freely estimated residual variance of H2
H2 ~~ H2

# Mediation

indirect :=a*b            ## Mediation MZP 1
direct := c               ## Direkter Effekt von DV1 auf Health1
total := c + (a*b)  ## Totaler Effekt: Direkter + Indirekter Effekt (MZP1)

## Define conditional indirect effects
ind_SDbelow2 := (a - 2*aw)*b       ## SL1 == -2
ind_SDbelow1 := (a - aw)*b         ## SL1 == -1
ind_0 := a*b                       ## SL1 == 0
ind_SDabove1 := (a + aw)*b         ## SL1 == 1
ind_SDabove2 := (a + 2*aw)*b       ## SL1 == 2

## Define total effects
tot_SDbelow2 := ind_SDbelow2 + c
tot_SDbelow1 := ind_SDbelow1 + c
tot_0 := ind_0 + c
tot_SDabove1 := ind_SDabove1 + c
tot_SDabove2 := ind_SDabove2 + c

## Define proportion
prop_SDbelow2 := ind_SDbelow2 + c / tot_SDbelow2
prop_SDbelow1 := ind_SDbelow1 + c / tot_SDbelow1
prop_0 := ind_0 + c / tot_0
prop_SDabove1 := ind_SDabove1 + c/ tot_SDabove1
prop_SDabove2 := ind_SDabove2 + c / tot_SDabove2

#Index of moderated mediation := aw*b

This is the ouput:

> summary(fitSEMModel, fit.measure=TRUE, standardized=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)
lavaan 0.6-6.1502 ended normally after 147 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of free parameters                        134
  Number of observations                           157
  Number of missing patterns                        26
Model Test User Model:
                                              Standard      Robust
  Test Statistic                              1938.573    1920.801
  Degrees of freedom                               685         685
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
  Scaling correction factor                                  1.009
    for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant) 

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                              4841.276    4364.296
  Degrees of freedom                               741         741
  P-value                                        0.000       0.000
  Scaling correction factor                                  1.109

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.694       0.659
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.669       0.631
  Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.690
  Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.664

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -7797.758   -7797.758
  Scaling correction factor                                  1.873
      for the MLR correction                                      
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)             NA          NA
  Scaling correction factor                                  1.151
      for the MLR correction                                      
  Akaike (AIC)                               15863.515   15863.515
  Bayesian (BIC)                             16273.052   16273.052
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        15848.889   15848.889

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.108       0.107
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.102       0.102
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.114       0.113
  P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000       0.000
  Robust RMSEA                                               0.108
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower                     0.102
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper                     0.113

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.088       0.088

Parameter Estimates:

  Information                                      Observed
  Observed information based on                     Hessian
  Standard errors                        Robust.huber.white

Latent Variables:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  H1 =~                                                                 
    H1_phys_ttl_rw    0.881    1.072    0.822    0.411    0.881    0.165
    H1_ment_ttl_rw    8.748    1.672    5.233    0.000    8.748    0.887
  H2 =~                                                                 
    H2_phys_ttl_rw    1.000                               2.508    0.414
    H2_ment_ttl_rw    2.928    0.769    3.806    0.000    7.344    0.792
  DV1 =~                                                                
    DV1_tmdstrbtn_    1.040    0.117    8.891    0.000    1.040    0.705
    DV1_wrkplcmbl_    0.880    0.094    9.350    0.000    0.880    0.756
    DV1_vrtyfprct_    1.112    0.125    8.888    0.000    1.112    0.738
  SL1 =~                                                                
    SL1_tskldrshp_    0.631    0.088    7.173    0.000    0.631    0.752
    SL1_rltnldrsh_    1.014    0.076   13.401    0.000    1.014    0.937
    SL1_chngldrsh_    0.911    0.072   12.646    0.000    0.911    0.944
    SL1_mcrpltcll_    0.793    0.071   11.249    0.000    0.793    0.801
  T1 =~                                                                 
    T102_01           0.580    0.072    8.063    0.000    0.580    0.608
    T102_02           0.494    0.060    8.171    0.000    0.494    0.694
    T102_03           0.509    0.079    6.410    0.000    0.509    0.710
    T102_04           0.678    0.090    7.513    0.000    0.678    0.749
    T102_05           0.492    0.075    6.538    0.000    0.492    0.711
    T102_06          -0.634    0.105   -6.029    0.000   -0.634   -0.570
    T102_07          -0.727    0.085   -8.532    0.000   -0.727   -0.720
    T102_08           0.709    0.055   12.921    0.000    0.709    0.792
  T2 =~                                                                 
    T202_01           0.317    0.049    6.464    0.000    0.605    0.567
    T202_02           0.301    0.054    5.547    0.000    0.574    0.754
    T202_03           0.343    0.055    6.202    0.000    0.654    0.836
    T202_04           0.390    0.063    6.218    0.000    0.744    0.781
    T202_05           0.269    0.050    5.360    0.000    0.513    0.715
    T202_06          -0.342    0.060   -5.681    0.000   -0.652   -0.635
    T202_07          -0.369    0.060   -6.188    0.000   -0.705   -0.682
    T202_08           0.335    0.050    6.728    0.000    0.639    0.775
  DV1xSL1 =~                                                            
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.875    0.186    4.697    0.000    0.875    0.659
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    1.039    0.229    4.544    0.000    1.039    0.684
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.932    0.212    4.400    0.000    0.932    0.701
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    1.021    0.219    4.657    0.000    1.021    0.672
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.625    0.173    3.605    0.000    0.625    0.645
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.803    0.187    4.289    0.000    0.803    0.689
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.727    0.189    3.846    0.000    0.727    0.674
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.735    0.158    4.666    0.000    0.735    0.679
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    1.113    0.184    6.045    0.000    1.113    0.823
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    1.454    0.214    6.784    0.000    1.454    0.852
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    1.384    0.200    6.926    0.000    1.384    0.870
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    1.287    0.152    8.486    0.000    1.287    0.831

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  T2 ~                                                                  
    T1                1.670    0.509    3.280    0.001    0.876    0.876
    DV1        (a)   -0.287    0.135   -2.132    0.033   -0.151   -0.151
    SL1        (w)    0.057    0.277    0.205    0.838    0.030    0.030
    DV1xSL1   (aw)    0.224    0.156    1.429    0.153    0.117    0.117
  H2 ~                                                                  
    H1                2.189    0.975    2.245    0.025    0.873    0.873
    T1         (b)    0.316    0.582    0.543    0.587    0.126    0.126
    DV1        (c)   -0.392    0.285   -1.376    0.169   -0.156   -0.156

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
  DV1 ~~                                                                
    SL1               0.260    0.090    2.895    0.004    0.260    0.260
    DV1xSL1           0.069    0.148    0.466    0.641    0.069    0.069
    T1                0.233    0.097    2.407    0.016    0.233    0.233
  H1 ~~                                                                 
    DV1               0.219    0.102    2.150    0.032    0.219    0.219
  SL1 ~~                                                                
    DV1xSL1          -0.295    0.155   -1.909    0.056   -0.295   -0.295
    T1                0.846    0.038   22.431    0.000    0.846    0.846
  H1 ~~                                                                 
    SL1               0.417    0.124    3.353    0.001    0.417    0.417
  T1 ~~                                                                 
    DV1xSL1          -0.267    0.163   -1.636    0.102   -0.267   -0.267
  H1 ~~                                                                 
    DV1xSL1          -0.172    0.129   -1.336    0.181   -0.172   -0.172
    T1                0.493    0.146    3.365    0.001    0.493    0.493
 .H2 ~~                                                                 
   .T2                0.656    0.367    1.785    0.074    0.656    0.656

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
   .H1_phys_ttl_rw   -3.158    0.432   -7.318    0.000   -3.158   -0.592
   .H1_ment_ttl_rw  -11.646    0.794  -14.674    0.000  -11.646   -1.180
   .H2_phys_ttl_rw   -3.994    0.511   -7.810    0.000   -3.994   -0.659
   .H2_ment_ttl_rw  -11.557    0.779  -14.832    0.000  -11.557   -1.246
   .DV1_tmdstrbtn_    2.831    0.120   23.677    0.000    2.831    1.919
   .DV1_wrkplcmbl_    3.429    0.095   36.090    0.000    3.429    2.944
   .DV1_vrtyfprct_    3.303    0.129   25.624    0.000    3.303    2.192
   .SL1_tskldrshp_    4.583    0.067   68.176    0.000    4.583    5.463
   .SL1_rltnldrsh_    4.515    0.087   52.025    0.000    4.515    4.170
   .SL1_chngldrsh_    4.622    0.077   59.803    0.000    4.622    4.789
   .SL1_mcrpltcll_    4.235    0.082   51.820    0.000    4.235    4.280
   .T102_01           4.032    0.076   52.963    0.000    4.032    4.227
   .T102_02           4.185    0.057   73.619    0.000    4.185    5.875
   .T102_03           4.293    0.057   75.110    0.000    4.293    5.994
   .T102_04           4.102    0.072   56.840    0.000    4.102    4.536
   .T102_05           4.382    0.055   79.406    0.000    4.382    6.337
   .T102_06           2.153    0.089   24.246    0.000    2.153    1.935
   .T102_07           1.987    0.081   24.668    0.000    1.987    1.969
   .T102_08           4.038    0.071   56.532    0.000    4.038    4.512
   .T202_01           3.815    0.090   42.445    0.000    3.815    3.573
   .T202_02           4.081    0.063   64.892    0.000    4.081    5.360
   .T202_03           4.089    0.065   63.348    0.000    4.089    5.222
   .T202_04           3.868    0.079   48.731    0.000    3.868    4.059
   .T202_05           4.243    0.060   71.153    0.000    4.243    5.909
   .T202_06           2.066    0.086   24.017    0.000    2.066    2.015
   .T202_07           1.947    0.087   22.436    0.000    1.947    1.884
   .T202_08           3.919    0.068   57.371    0.000    3.919    4.755
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__   -0.006    0.107   -0.053    0.958   -0.006   -0.004
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.017    0.125    0.136    0.892    0.017    0.011
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.008    0.108    0.073    0.942    0.008    0.006
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__   -0.034    0.127   -0.267    0.789   -0.034   -0.022
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__   -0.007    0.081   -0.084    0.933   -0.007   -0.007
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.011    0.096    0.110    0.913    0.011    0.009
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.012    0.088    0.138    0.890    0.012    0.011
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__   -0.029    0.095   -0.304    0.761   -0.029   -0.027
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__   -0.009    0.115   -0.080    0.936   -0.009   -0.007
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.034    0.147    0.228    0.820    0.034    0.020
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.033    0.138    0.241    0.809    0.033    0.021
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__   -0.041    0.135   -0.306    0.760   -0.041   -0.027
    H1                0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .H2                0.000                               0.000    0.000
    DV1               0.000                               0.000    0.000
    SL1               0.000                               0.000    0.000
    T1                0.000                               0.000    0.000
   .T2                0.000                               0.000    0.000
    DV1xSL1           0.000                               0.000    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
   .H2                1.000                               0.159    0.159
   .H1_phys_ttl_rw   27.707    5.710    4.853    0.000   27.707    0.973
   .H1_ment_ttl_rw   20.831   26.778    0.778    0.437   20.831    0.214
   .H2_phys_ttl_rw   30.475    5.271    5.782    0.000   30.475    0.829
   .H2_ment_ttl_rw   32.100   12.503    2.567    0.010   32.100    0.373
   .DV1_tmdstrbtn_    1.095    0.177    6.190    0.000    1.095    0.503
   .DV1_wrkplcmbl_    0.581    0.153    3.789    0.000    0.581    0.429
   .DV1_vrtyfprct_    1.033    0.238    4.335    0.000    1.033    0.455
   .SL1_tskldrshp_    0.306    0.054    5.666    0.000    0.306    0.435
   .SL1_rltnldrsh_    0.144    0.023    6.211    0.000    0.144    0.123
   .SL1_chngldrsh_    0.102    0.022    4.664    0.000    0.102    0.109
   .SL1_mcrpltcll_    0.350    0.046    7.637    0.000    0.350    0.358
   .T102_01           0.573    0.215    2.669    0.008    0.573    0.630
   .T102_02           0.263    0.037    7.177    0.000    0.263    0.519
   .T102_03           0.254    0.060    4.252    0.000    0.254    0.495
   .T102_04           0.358    0.044    8.069    0.000    0.358    0.438
   .T102_05           0.236    0.029    8.091    0.000    0.236    0.495
   .T102_06           0.835    0.174    4.792    0.000    0.835    0.675
   .T102_07           0.491    0.096    5.125    0.000    0.491    0.481
   .T102_08           0.299    0.142    2.108    0.035    0.299    0.373
   .T202_01           0.774    0.290    2.673    0.008    0.774    0.679
   .T202_02           0.250    0.051    4.924    0.000    0.250    0.432
   .T202_03           0.185    0.029    6.283    0.000    0.185    0.302
   .T202_04           0.355    0.060    5.944    0.000    0.355    0.391
   .T202_05           0.252    0.041    6.124    0.000    0.252    0.489
   .T202_06           0.627    0.153    4.100    0.000    0.627    0.596
   .T202_07           0.572    0.144    3.979    0.000    0.572    0.535
   .T202_08           0.271    0.098    2.783    0.005    0.271    0.400
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.998    0.239    4.180    0.000    0.998    0.566
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    1.224    0.322    3.801    0.000    1.224    0.531
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.898    0.238    3.776    0.000    0.898    0.508
   .DV1_tmd_.SL1__    1.267    0.300    4.224    0.000    1.267    0.549
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.548    0.296    1.848    0.065    0.548    0.584
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.712    0.303    2.351    0.019    0.712    0.525
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.634    0.319    1.990    0.047    0.634    0.546
   .DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.633    0.197    3.218    0.001    0.633    0.539
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.588    0.150    3.917    0.000    0.588    0.322
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.796    0.288    2.765    0.006    0.796    0.274
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.613    0.236    2.594    0.009    0.613    0.243
   .DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.742    0.177    4.188    0.000    0.742    0.309
    H1                1.000                               1.000    1.000
    DV1               1.000                               1.000    1.000
    SL1               1.000                               1.000    1.000
    T1                1.000                               1.000    1.000
   .T2                1.000                               0.275    0.275
    DV1xSL1           1.000                               1.000    1.000

    H2                0.841
    H1_phys_ttl_rw    0.027
    H1_ment_ttl_rw    0.786
    H2_phys_ttl_rw    0.171
    H2_ment_ttl_rw    0.627
    DV1_tmdstrbtn_    0.497
    DV1_wrkplcmbl_    0.571
    DV1_vrtyfprct_    0.545
    SL1_tskldrshp_    0.565
    SL1_rltnldrsh_    0.877
    SL1_chngldrsh_    0.891
    SL1_mcrpltcll_    0.642
    T102_01           0.370
    T102_02           0.481
    T102_03           0.505
    T102_04           0.562
    T102_05           0.505
    T102_06           0.325
    T102_07           0.519
    T102_08           0.627
    T202_01           0.321
    T202_02           0.568
    T202_03           0.698
    T202_04           0.609
    T202_05           0.511
    T202_06           0.404
    T202_07           0.465
    T202_08           0.600
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.434
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.469
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.492
    DV1_tmd_.SL1__    0.451
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.416
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.475
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.454
    DV1_wrk_.SL1__    0.461
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.678
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.726
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.757
    DV1_vrt_.SL1__    0.691
    T2                0.725

Defined Parameters:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
    indirect         -0.091    0.177   -0.512    0.609   -0.019   -0.019
    direct           -0.392    0.285   -1.376    0.169   -0.156   -0.156
    total            -0.483    0.303   -1.596    0.110   -0.175   -0.175
    ind_SDbelow2     -0.232    0.458   -0.506    0.613   -0.048   -0.048
    ind_SDbelow1     -0.161    0.316   -0.510    0.610   -0.034   -0.034
    ind_0            -0.091    0.177   -0.512    0.609   -0.019   -0.019
    ind_SDabove1     -0.020    0.064   -0.315    0.753   -0.004   -0.004
    ind_SDabove2      0.050    0.134    0.375    0.708    0.011    0.011
    tot_SDbelow2     -0.624    0.492   -1.268    0.205   -0.205   -0.205
    tot_SDbelow1     -0.553    0.382   -1.448    0.148   -0.190   -0.190
    tot_0            -0.483    0.303   -1.596    0.110   -0.175   -0.175
    tot_SDabove1     -0.412    0.280   -1.474    0.140   -0.161   -0.161
    tot_SDabove2     -0.342    0.326   -1.049    0.294   -0.146   -0.146
    prop_SDbelow2     0.397    0.966    0.411    0.681    0.715    0.715
    prop_SDbelow1     0.547    0.765    0.716    0.474    0.789    0.789
    prop_0            0.721    0.510    1.414    0.157    0.873    0.873
    prop_SDabove1     0.931    0.221    4.219    0.000    0.970    0.970
    prop_SDabove2     1.198    0.609    1.967    0.049    1.083    1.083     0.071    0.144    0.491    0.624    0.015    0.015

Thank you again for your time and passion!!

It's incredibly helpful!

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