SimSem and Estimation of Kappa Free Matrix

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J Pap

Sep 13, 2024, 1:42:00 PMSep 13
to lavaan
Hi all!

I am working on estimating the power analysis for the mediation model. I have a model similar to the one presented by Donnelly et al. (2021) specifically the one of moderated mediation (M = b1X + b2W + b3XW).

My problem is that I do not have a value for b1, b2  to use for the simulation. Instead I have a value for b1 - b2. <- kappa.pop <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(c("M","Y"), names(exoData)))["M","X"] <- "b1"["M","W"] <- "b2"["M","XW"] <- "b3"["Y","X"] <- "c1"["Y","W"] <- "c2"["Y","XW"] <- "c3"

## fill in population parameters
kappa.pop["M","X"] <- b1
kappa.pop["M","W"] <- b2
kappa.pop["M","XW"] <- b3
kappa.pop["Y","X"] <- c1
kappa.pop["Y","W"] <- c2
kappa.pop["Y","XW"] <- c3
(exoPaths <- bind(free =, popParam = kappa.pop))

So, my problem is that I do not have a value for b1 or b2, but only for b1 - b2. Can I pass it into the kappa matrix somehow?

An alternative was to give a random number to b1 and then based on this estimate b2. Yet, I was thinking if is possible to not add restrictions beyond those implemented from the model.

Thanks a lot!

Terrence Jorgensen

Sep 16, 2024, 3:54:16 AMSep 16
to lavaan
I do not have a value for b1 or b2, but only for b1 - b2. Can I pass it into the kappa matrix somehow?

b1-b2 is not a model parameter.  It is a linear function of 2 model parameters.  An infinite number of {b1, b2} pairs can satisfy the single constraint that their difference equals the one you have in mind for your population.  That is effectively a scaling constraint, and you need a second (location) constraint to "identify" these 2 population  parameters.

An alternative was to give a random number to b1

Yeah, like that, for example.  But b1 is the simple "a" path (i.e., the effect of X on M when W==0), so you probably want to think about what you expect that to be.  If b1 == 0, then there is no indirect effect when W == 0.  

Yet, I was thinking if is possible to not add restrictions beyond those implemented from the model.

Your fitted model would freely estimate b1 and b2, and simply calculate the defined parameter from those

b_diff := b1 - b2

The population "model" does not estimate anything.  To generate data, you need to specify values in the entire matrix.
If by "give a random number to b1", you mean that you would specify a different population parameter in every sample, then yes. You can specify a distribution instead of a fixed population parameter for b1:

That would make power dependent upon that random parameter.

Terrence D. Jorgensen    (he, him, his)
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam

J Pap

Sep 16, 2024, 8:58:28 AMSep 16
to lavaan
Thanks a lot for the fast reply! I considered the same with the random population parameter. Thanks for clarifying it and providing the link!

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