Hello everyone,
I fit the model below:
##Create product terms
stumain.df3$gxb1<-with(stumain.df3, STgrit1cent * STbelong1cent)
stumain.df3$gxb2<-with(stumain.df3, STgrit2cent * STbelong4cent)
stumain.df3$gxb3<-with(stumain.df3, STgrit3cent * STbelong6cent)
stumain.df3$gxs1<-with(stumain.df3, STgrit1cent * PAReduyearscent)
stumain.df3$gxs2<-with(stumain.df3, STgrit2cent * PARjobindexcent)
stumain.df3$gxs3<-with(stumain.df3, STgrit3cent * homeposcent)
stumain.df3$sxb1<-with(stumain.df3, PAReduyearscent * STbelong1cent)
stumain.df3$sxb2<-with(stumain.df3, PARjobindexcent * STbelong4cent)
stumain.df3$sxb3<-with(stumain.df3, homeposcent * STbelong6cent)
stumain.df3$gxbxs1<-with(stumain.df3, STgrit1cent * STbelong1cent * PAReduyearscent)
stumain.df3$gxbxs2<-with(stumain.df3, STgrit2cent * STbelong4cent * PARjobindexcent)
stumain.df3$gxbxs3<-with(stumain.df3, STgrit3cent * STbelong6cent * homeposcent)
##Threeway interaction model
math =~ pv1m + pv2m + pv3m + pv4m + pv5m + pv6m + pv7m + pv8m + pv9m + pv10m
ses =~ PAReduyearscent + PARjobindexcent + homeposcent
grit =~ STgrit1cent + STgrit2cent + STgrit3cent + STgrit4cent
belong =~ STbelong1cent + STbelong2cent + STbelong3cent + STbelong4cent + STbelong5cent + STbelong6cent
##Interaction terms
gxs =~ gxs1 + gxs2 + gxs3
gxb =~ gxb1 + gxb2 + gxb3
sxb =~ sxb1 + sxb2 + sxb3
gxbxs =~ gxbxs1 + gxbxs2 + gxbxs3
grit ~~ cgxs*ses
grit ~~ cgxb*belong
ses ~~ csxb*belong
##Fix latent variable cov with interact at 0
grit ~~ NA*gxs
grit ~~ NA*gxb
grit ~~ NA*gxbxs
ses ~~ NA*gxs
ses ~~ NA*sxb
ses ~~ NA*gxbxs
belong ~~ NA*gxb
belong ~~ NA*sxb
belong ~~ NA*gxbxs
gxs ~~ NA*gxbxs
gxb ~~ NA*gxbxs
sxb ~~ NA*gxbxs
##Intercepts of int terms
gxs ~ cgxs*1
gxb ~ cgxb*1
sxb ~ csxb*1
gxbxs ~ cgxbxs*1
##Intercepts on Latent var
ses ~ NA*1
grit ~ NA*1
belong ~ NA*1
#Intercept of items fix to 0
pv1m ~ 0*1
pv2m ~ NA*1
pv3m ~ NA*1
pv4m ~ NA*1
pv5m ~ NA*1
pv6m ~ NA*1
pv7m ~ NA*1
pv8m ~ NA*1
pv9m ~ NA*1
pv10m ~ NA*1
PAReduyearscent ~ 0*1
PARjobindexcent ~ NA*1
homeposcent ~ NA*1
STgrit1cent ~ 0*1
STgrit2cent ~ NA*1
STgrit3cent ~ NA*1
STgrit4cent ~ NA*1
STbelong1cent ~ 0*1
STbelong2cent ~ NA*1
STbelong3cent ~ NA*1
STbelong4cent ~ NA*1
STbelong5cent ~ NA*1
STbelong6cent ~ NA*1
gxs1 ~ 0*1
gxs2 ~ NA*1
gxs3 ~ NA*1
gxb1 ~ 0*1
gxb2 ~ NA*1
gxb3 ~ NA*1
sxb1 ~ 0*1
sxb2 ~ NA*1
sxb3 ~ NA*1
gxbxs1 ~ 0*1
gxbxs2 ~ NA*1
gxbxs3 ~ NA*1
##Latent regressions
grit ~ ses
belong ~ ses
math ~ grit + ses + belong + gxs + gxb + sxb + gxbxs
st.ach7.fit<-sem(st.ach7, data=stumain.df3, meanstructure =T)
summary(st.ach7.fit, standardized = T, fit.measures = T)
st.ach7.probe<-probe3WayMC(st.ach7.fit, c("grit","ses","belong","gxs","gxb","sxb","gxbxs"), "math" ,c("ses","belong") ,
valProbe1 = c(-0.379*2,-0.379,0,0.379,0.379*2), valProbe2 = c(-0.7301,0,0.7301))
I am however unable to the probe3WayMC function to produce the simple intercepts of the model. Is there something wrong with my syntax? I am able to get a model that converges.
Melvin Sim