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Measurement invariance Chisquare difference test statistic - ordinal variables

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Ignazio Craparo

Feb 27, 2020, 6:35:17 PM2/27/20
to lavaan
Hi everyone,

I'm working on testing measurement invariance in 3 groups using cfa() with 54 ordinal variables (5 points Likert type) and 8 latent factors.
My question regards on whether the Chisquare statistic with method="satorra.bentler.2010" is reliable or affected by sample size, complexity of the estimated.
Regarding the Difference in CFI, TLI and RMSEA I'm not sure on what cut-off values should I choose, someone suggests to use the .01 for delta.CFI and 0.015 for delta.RMSEA, others 0.001 for CFI.
Is there also a function I could use to "automatically" check for constraints to free for partial invariance? Having so many variables and thresholds make things complex.

Thank you in advance!!

Best regards

Terrence Jorgensen

Mar 21, 2020, 9:39:16 AM3/21/20
to lavaan
My question regards on whether the Chisquare statistic with method="satorra.bentler.2010" is reliable or affected by sample size, complexity of the estimated.

The test statistic is always affected by these things. You could test invariance of 1 factor at a time to reduce the size of the model relative to N.
Regarding the Difference in CFI, TLI and RMSEA I'm not sure on what cut-off values should I choose, someone suggests to use the .01 for delta.CFI and 0.015 for delta.RMSEA, others 0.001 for CFI.

None, a fixed cutoff for the change in a fit index is never consistent.  If you are going to use a critical value, it should be one from a known distribution for the statistic, so that sampling variability is properly accounted for.
Is there also a function I could use to "automatically" check for constraints to free for partial invariance? Having so many variables and thresholds make things complex.

The semTools package has a function partialInvarianceCat() that might be useful. 

Terrence D. Jorgensen
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam

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