I wrote code to do an SEM using lavaan 6months+ ago. The code worked beautifully then; I am having issues with it today. Specifically, I get this error code when running semPaths in semPlot. Any thoughts on what's wrong today? I have multiple sem's and plots, and I get this error with all of them.
Hypo.lbls<-c("Shrub\nCover\n2015","Shrub\nCover\n2004", "Introduced\nCover\n2015","Introduced\nCover\n2004",
"Time\nBetween\nFires 2015","Time\nBetween\nFires 2004","Number of\n Reburns\n2015","Number of\n Reburns\n2004",
"dNBR\n2008","dNBR\n2003", "MAP\nResiduals","Rock\nCover\n2015")
Hypo.ly<-matrix(c( 1, 0.4, #Shrub Cover 2015
1, -0.25, #Shrub Cover 2004
0.25,-1.1, #Introduced Cover 2015
-0.25,-1.1, #Introduced Cover 2004
-1.35, .25, #Most Recent FRI 2015
-1.35, -0.25, #Most Recent FRI 2004
-1, -0.6, #Rbrns1878.2015
-1.1, -1.1, #Rbrns1878.2004
-1.1, 1.1, #dnbr2008
-1, 0.6, #dnbr2003
-0.25, 1.1, #MAP
0.25, 1.0), #Rock.2015
nodeLabels=Hypo.lbls,# Variable Labels
intercept=FALSE, #removes intercepts
residuals=FALSE, #Removes residuals
posCol=c("Black",1),#color of positive lines
negCol=c("Black",1),# Color of negative lines
nDigits=1,#number of significant digits
edge.label.position= 0.55,# moves where the estimates are located along the lne
edge.label.cex=5,#Estimate font size
label.scale=FALSE,#Size of the variable fonts are all the same
sizeMan=12,#Box sizes
sizeMan2 = 10,
font=11,#Specific font
asize=4, #arrowhead size
#cardinal="all" ,
#curvePivot=.2, # turns the lines sharpley