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Random slopes?

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Jana Ja.

Jul 10, 2019, 11:11:33 AM7/10/19
to lavaan
Hi lavaan enthusiasts,

I'm new to lavaan, and I need to translate a linear mixed-effects model into SEM. I am in need of a little clarification, please :D
  • The changelog for version 6.0.1 mentions limitations: two-level SEM: no random slopes, no missing data, no categorical data.
  • The later changelogs don't mention this issue again. But the latest demo multilevel tutorial (link) seems to include random slopes. [maybe I am reading the code wrong]
Can somebody clarify the random-slopes + categorical data status in v 6.0.4?

I am interested in an SEM with two levels, random slope + random intercept, and categorical variables. But the categorical variables are coded as numerical reference grid.

Thanks a lot,
and kind regards

Terrence Jorgensen

Jul 13, 2019, 12:16:01 PM7/13/19
to lavaan
  • But the latest demo multilevel tutorial (link) seems to include random slopes. [maybe I am reading the code wrong]
If Yves is experimenting with random slopes already, it is not yet ready for public consumption. 

Can somebody clarify the random-slopes + categorical data status in v 6.0.4?

Still not available
But the categorical variables are coded as numerical reference grid.

Numeric codes for categories are still categories.  If the *class* is numeric, then the variable(s) will be treated as continuous unless you declare them as ordered using that argument.

Terrence D. Jorgensen
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam

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