Hi everyone,
I am running multiple SEM in lavaan. When I set
std.lv=TRUE, the model will converge. However, when I leave it as default, the model does not converge. I am relatively new in SEM, could someone please tell me why this should happen?
The codes are as follows,
External =~ sf1+sf2+sf3+sf4+sq1+sq2
Improvement =~ si1+si2+si3+si4+si5+ti1+ti2+ti3+ti4+ti5+ti6
Irrelevance =~ ig1+ig2+ig3+bd1+bd2+bd3+bd4+bd5
General =~ sf1+sf2+sf3+sf4+sq1+sq2+si1+si2+si3+si4+si5+ti1+ti2+ti3+ti4+ti5+ti6+ig1+ig2+ig3+bd1+bd2+bd3+bd4+bd5+pe1+pe2+ce1+ce2+ce3+ce4+ce5+ce6
General ~~0*External
General ~~0*Improvement
General ~~0*Irrelevance
General ~~0*affect
External ~~0*Improvement
External ~~0*Irrelevance
External ~~0*affect
Improvement ~~0*Irrelevance
Improvement ~~0*affect
Irrelevance ~~0*affect
TM_EFFORT =~ tm_ef1+ tm_ef4 + tm_ef5
TM_Importance =~ tm_ip3 + tm_ip4 + tm_ip5
TM_TA =~ tm_ta1 + tm_ta2
TM_EFFORT ~ TM_Importance
TM_EFFORT ~ General
TM_Importance ~ External
TM_Importance ~ General
TM_TA ~ General
TM_TA ~~ TM_Importance
fit.All.model5.config <- sem(ALL.model5, estimator="MLM", data=OriData,
and lavaan gives me warning:
Warning message:
In lavaan::lavaan(model = ALL.model5, data = OriData, group = "TM_Conditions", :
lavaan WARNING: the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!
However, if I do
fit.All.model5.config <- sem(ALL.model5, estimator="MLM", data=OriData,
+ group="TM_Conditions")
lavaan would process normally.
Am I not supposed to use
std.lv=TRUE in sem?
Thank you in advance!