Dear community,
I have two kind'a related questions and any help will be much appreciated.
1- As far as I understand, lavaan still does not have the logit link even if the help file states otherwise. Is this correct? So, probit is the only way to go if we have a binary outcome variable?
2- Let's say I have the following baby model with a binary outcome variable (vote) where I use a probit link. What would be the easiest way to plot the predicted probability plot for the latent variable, conf? (Predicted probabilities for different values of conf fixing all other variables.)
Note that conf is also in the mediated through migr.
model <- '
# 1. measurement model
conf =~ k1 + k2
univ =~ k3 + k4
# outcome model
vote ~ c1*conf + c2*univ + b1*migr + age + gender
# mediator models
migr ~ a1*conf + a2*univ + age + gender
# indirect effects (IDE)
migrconf := b1*a1
migruniv := b1*a2
# total effects
totalConf := c1 + migrconf
totalConf := c2 + migruniv