I am running a regression based on covariances matrix with two predictors, PS and PC (script to follow).
All is working as intended but I get slightly different p-values for PS (p = .082) and PC (p = .013) than the SPSS values.
Many thanks in advance.
# Y : Dv
# PS, PC predictors (k:2 predictors, plus 1 intercept)
# N contains 100 onservations
N <- 100
k <-2
#define correlation matrix
cor_matrix =
1, 0.1, -0.2,
0.1, 1, 0.3,
-0.2, 0.3, 1
), nrow = 3, ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(
c("Y", "PS", "PC"),
c("Y", "PS", "PC")
# convert correlation matrix to covvariance matrix for lavaan
sd_vector = c(1,1,1)
mean_vector = c(0,0,0)
cov_matrix = lavaan::cor2cov(cor_matrix, sd_vector)
# fit the model
fit <- sem( "Y ~ PS + PC",
sample.cov = cov_matrix,
sample.nobs = N,
meanstructure = TRUE,
sample.mean = mean_vector)
# get Rsquare
inspect(fit, "r2")
R2 <-inspect(fit, "r2")
# get F-statistic and p-value
fvalue <-((R2)*(N-k-1))/((1-R2)*(k))
cat("F = ", fvalue)
pvalue <- pf(fvalue, k, N-k-1, lower.tail = FALSE)
cat("p = ", pvalue)
# look at the regression
summary(fit, standardize=TRUE, rsquare = TRUE)