Thanks for the link, Terrence, and for spelling things out clearly as usual.
Unfortunately, it would appear that my situation is a little more complicated. The model that I’m testing examines measurement invariance using your measurementInvarianceCat() function. When I apply the fitMeasures() function to the mi object. My specific syntax is below:
mi <- measurementInvarianceCat(model =, ordered = c("PP1", "PP2", "PP3", "PP4", "PP5", "PP6", "PP7", "PP8", "PP9", "PP10", "IRB1", "IRB2", "IRB3", "IRB4", "IRB5", "IRB6", "IRB7", "OCBI1", "OCBI2", "OCBI3", "OCBI4", "OCBI5", "OCBI6", "OCBI7", "OCBO1", "OCBO2", "OCBO3", "OCBO4", "OCBO5", "OCBO6", "OCBO7"), data = data1, group="COND", estimator = "DWLS", strict = TRUE, parameterization = "theta", information = "expected”)
The error that is thrown is:
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘fitMeasures’ for signature ‘"list”’
Clearly this is because the mi function generates a list of model fit statistics corresponding to each tested model. I could print all of these statistics to their relative location in a table and then print that table, but I was wondering if a more convenient method was available.
Thanks again in advance for your help.