Dear Lavaan Experts,
I am a beginner to Lavaan and SEM and would like to very kindly ask for your help.
I tried to estimate a longitudinal Actor Partner Interdependence Model for one single variable (heart rate) for indistinguishable dyads. I am interested in partner effects but also in concurrent synchrony (correlation between two subjects within each time point). When I estimated my model (please see the figure) I got a correlation only within Time1 and residual covariances within Time2 and Time 3 (so only the partial correlations). When I estimated the same model but only for two time points (Time2 and Time3 and Time3 and Time1) I got signifiant correlations for all three time points. This would mean a concurrent synchrony in heart rate within time points. Is there any way to obtain correlations within each time points directly in my three time points model? If not, is it still possible to report the values that I found by treating each time point as exogenous variable?
In advance, thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,