Mediator effect - problem with direct, indirect and total effect

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Ana Carolina Sauer Liberato

Nov 5, 2018, 6:19:52 PM11/5/18
to lavaan
Hello everyone, 

I believe I can use a little of your expertise with lavaan. 
I am running this model in which I am evaluating the mediating effects (SE, OE, SMB and KSA) between intervention and outcomes (latent variables of physical and psychological).

I was pretty happy with my model in code 1. However I decided to change a little to make easier to see direct, indirect and total effect (Code 2) according to a code that i found in a book. The problem is that I am having now 2 different results with code 1 and code 2 (different fit and loading) and I believe they were suppose to be the same. 

Code 1:

Intervention_all_mediators<- '

Psychological =~ 
SF.MentalHealth_T.3_rescale + 
SF.RoleEmotional_T.3_rescale + 
SF.SocFunct_T.3_rescale + 
STAI_3months_TS_Rescale  +

physical =~   
SF.PhysFunct_T.3_rescale + 
SF.RolePhys_T.3_rescale + 
SF.BodilyPain_T.3_rescale + 

#SE portion
SE =~  SE_3Months

SE ~ Psychological
SE ~ physical

#OE portion

OE =~ OE_3Months

OE ~ Psychological
OE ~ physical

#SMB portion
SMB =~ SMB_dic_3Months_rescale

SMB ~ Psychological
SMB ~ physical

#KSA portion
KSA =~ KSA_3Months_rescale

KSA ~ Psychological
KSA ~ physical

# Intervention
Intervention =~ intervention_num
intervention_num ~~ 0*intervention_num

SE ~ Intervention
OE ~ Intervention
KSA ~ Intervention
SMB ~ Intervention

Psychological ~ Intervention
physical ~ Intervention

#Correlated error
SF.RolePhys_T.3_rescale ~~ PCA_3months_Rescale 
SF.MentalHealth_T.3_rescale ~~ PHQ_3months_TS
SF.MentalHealth_T.3_rescale ~~ STAI_3months_TS_Rescale 
SF.MentalHealth_T.3_rescale ~~  SF.SocFunct_T.3_rescale
SF.RoleEmotional_T.3_rescale ~~ SF.SocFunct_T.3_rescale
OE ~~ SE

Psychological ~~ physical


Intervention_out <- sem(Intervention_all_mediators, data = dataaim1

summary(Intervention_out, standardized=TRUE, fit.measures=TRUE, rsq=TRUE, modindices = TRUE)

resid(Intervention_out, type = "cor")

semPaths(Intervention_out, whatLabels = "est")


Code 2: 

######direct, mediator, Indirect and total effect

model_DIT3M<- '
Psychological =~ 
SF.MentalHealth_T.3_rescale + 
SF.RoleEmotional_T.3_rescale + 
SF.SocFunct_T.3_rescale + 
STAI_3months_TS_Rescale  +

physical =~   
SF.PhysFunct_T.3_rescale + 
SF.RolePhys_T.3_rescale + 
SF.BodilyPain_T.3_rescale + 

#SE portion
SE =~ SE_3Months

#OE portion

OE =~ OE_3Months

#SMB portion
SMB =~ SMB_dic_3Months_rescale

#KSA portion
KSA =~ KSA_3Months_rescale

# Intervention
Intervention =~ intervention_num
intervention_num ~~ 0*intervention_num

#Correlated error
SF.RolePhys_T.3_rescale ~~ PCA_3months_Rescale 
SF.MentalHealth_T.3_rescale ~~ PHQ_3months_TS
SF.MentalHealth_T.3_rescale ~~ STAI_3months_TS_Rescale 
SF.MentalHealth_T.3_rescale ~~  SF.SocFunct_T.3_rescale
SF.RoleEmotional_T.3_rescale ~~ SF.SocFunct_T.3_rescale
OE ~~ SE

Psychological ~~ physical

######direct, mediator, Indirect and total effect

#Direct effect
Psychological ~ e*Intervention
physical ~ d*Intervention

SE ~ a*Intervention
OE ~ f*Intervention
SMB ~ i*Intervention
KSA ~ l*Intervention

physical ~ b*SE
Psychological ~ c*SE

physical ~ g*OE
Psychological ~ h*OE

physical ~ j*SMB
Psychological ~ k*SMB

physical ~ m*KSA
Psychological ~ n*KSA

#Indirect effect
indirect_SE_Physical:= a*b
indirect_SE_Psychological:= a*c

indirect_OE_Physical:= f*g
indirect_OE_Psychological:= f*h

indirect_SMB_Physical:= i*j
indirect_SMB_Psychological:= i*k

indirect_KSA_Physical:= l*m
indirect_KSA_Psychological:= l*n

#Total effect
Total_SE_Physical:= d+(a*b)
Total_SE_Psychological:= e+(a*c)

Total_OE_Physical:= d+(f*g)
Total_OE_Psychological:= e+(f*h)

Total_SMB_Physical:= d+(i*j)
Total_SMB_Psychological:= e+(i*k)

Total_KSA_Physical:= d+(l*m)
Total_KSA_Psychological:= e+(l*n)

#Direct print
Direct_Psychological:= e
Direct_Physical:=  d

#Mediator print
Mediator_Psychological:= c
Mediator_Physical:= b
Mediator_SE := a
Mediator_OE := f
Mediator_SMB := i
Mediator_KSA := l

fit_DIT3M <- sem(model_DIT3M, data = dataaim1)
summary(fit_DIT3M, standardized=TRUE, fit.measures=TRUE, rsq=TRUE, modindices = TRUE)

semPaths(fit_DIT3M, whatLabels = "est")

Terrence Jorgensen

Nov 8, 2018, 4:44:00 AM11/8/18
to lavaan
I am having now 2 different results with code 1 and code 2 (different fit and loading) and I believe they were suppose to be the same. 
fit_DIT3M <- sem(model_DIT3M, data = dataaim1)

You left out ordered=c("Intervention") from this sem() call, so this one used ML estimation, whereas the first used DWLS estimation (and the meaning of the Invervention variable is different).

If Intervention is binary, you can just represent it with a dummy code.  It is exogenous, so you don't need to make any distributional assumptions about it if you set fixed.x = TRUE (which is the default setting).

You can also simplify your code by regressing the factors directly on your mediators.  You don't need to "put them into latent space" by creating 4 single-indicator constructs.  

Terrence D. Jorgensen
Assistant Professor, Methods and Statistics
Research Institute for Child Development and Education, the University of Amsterdam

Ana Carolina Sauer Liberato

Nov 9, 2018, 2:33:31 PM11/9/18
to lavaan
Thank you so much Terry for your reply! 
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