This Wednesday 11/8: Ed Pentin on the Synod | ALMS Speaker Series

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Arlington Latin Mass Society

Nov 5, 2023, 6:19:54 PM11/5/23
to Arlington Latin Mass Society
For the next installment of the ALMS Speaker Series, coming up this Wednesday, November 8 at 6:30 p.m. in Tysons–McLean, Ed Pentin will deliver an exclusive update on "The Synod on Synodality: New Springtime or Pandora's Box?"


Mr. Pentin is a leading Vatican correspondent, writing for publications including the National Catholic Register, EWTN, and The Catholic Herald UK. He is the author of The Rigging of a Vatican Synod? An Investigation into Alleged Manipulation at the Extraordinary Synod on the Family (Ignatius Press, 2015) and The Next Pope — The Leading Cardinal Candidates (Sophia Institute Press, 2020).

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