Options in listings package

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Stephen Taylor

Mar 28, 2023, 10:56:59 AM3/28/23
to LaTeX Users Group
This minimal file using the listings package to display code reports an error: Couldn't load requested aspect. Removing the options (as in the commented-out line) removes the problem. The option is as documented in 4.3.9 of the package documentation

% \usepackage{keyval} % makes no difference
% \usepackage{listings} % works



It is a privilege to learn a language
A journey into the immediate

-- Marilyn Hacker


Logfile attached. Can you see what is causing my problem?



Gildas Cotomale

Mar 28, 2023, 11:47:56 AM3/28/23
to LaTeX Users Group
Hello Stephen,

I can't see this option in 2.2 of latest package documentation.
Also, 2.3 stats that the key=value interface is used by lstset
Options in 4.3.9 are to use with the environement (or lstset if you want to do it once)


It is a privilege to learn a language
A journey into the immediate

-- Marilyn Hacker



Stephen Taylor

Mar 31, 2023, 11:49:45 AM3/31/23
to LaTeX Users Group
Tx. Using \lstset does the job. I had wrongly understood from LaTeX Users’ Guide that any option could be set through \usepackage
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