How to modify the format of my references?

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Arjan van Dijk

Mar 30, 2016, 1:21:55 PM3/30/16
to LaTeX Users Group

The journal that I am preparing my paper for (Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences) wants references like this:

1 M. F. Holick, Vitamin D: a millennium perspective, J. Cell. Biochem., 2003, 88, 296–307.

Any citation should be done via superscripts that enumerate in order of appearance.
I constructed a file "vitaminD.bib" with all possible references (and a bit more...) in BibTeX-format and added the following to the preamble of my paper:


and after the last section with conclusions I added:


Now I get NEARLY what is required.
Volume number is not in boldface and the year of publication appears at the end and not after the name of the journal.
How can I modify the references to exactly match the style of the journal?
I could not find a style file for the journal on their site.



Giovanni Ramirez Garcia

Mar 31, 2016, 7:31:26 AM3/31/16
to LaTeX Users Group

Hi Arjan,

In many cases the publisher provides you a class and the style for the references.
I do not know this journal, but in in some cases the publisher has a section with
the guidelines for authors.


Darshan Beniwal

Mar 30, 2020, 11:27:09 PM3/30/20
to LaTeX Users Group
Did you get any solution for the same? I'm also looking for the answer to this query.


Peter Flynn

Mar 31, 2020, 3:32:44 PM3/31/20
On 31/03/2020 02:54, Darshan Beniwal wrote:
> Hi
> Did you get any solution for the same? I'm also looking for the answer
> to this query.

I checked the archives and there were no useful answers.

But I was away at the time and I missed asking some important questions
that Dr van Dijk didn't mention at the time. Perhaps you can help answer

> On Wednesday, 30 March 2016 22:51:55 UTC+5:30, Arjan van Dijk wrote:
> The journal that I am preparing my paper for (Photochemical &
> Photobiological Sciences) wants references like this:

1. Does the journal specify a NAMED bibliographic style?
The P&PS is part of the Royal Society of Chemistry, who have their
own named style: does P&PS use that?

> 1 M. F. Holick, Vitamin D: a millennium perspective, /J. Cell.
> Biochem./, 2003, *88*, 296–307.

2. This is not useful for people using text-only email systems. Can
you give a link to a web site that shows this typographically?

> Any citation should be done via superscripts that enumerate in order
> of appearance.
That's OK, many systems use superscript citations.

> I constructed a file "vitaminD.bib" with all possible references
> (and a bit more...) in BibTeX-format and added the following to the
> preamble of my paper:

Are you constrained to use old BiBTeX? There is an old RSC style
available: see

I notice that biblatex also has a specific RSC style available
(chem-rsc), see

3. Is either of those the one you need?

> \usepackage{natbib}
> \bibpunct{}{}{;}{s}{,}{,}
> \renewcommand{\bibnumfmt}[1]{#1}
> and after the last section with conclusions I added:
> \bibliographystyle{unsrtnat}
> \bibliography{vitaminD}
> Now I get NEARLY what is required.
> Volume number is not in boldface and the year of publication appears
> at the end and not after the name of the journal.
> How can I modify the references to exactly match the style of the
> journal?

THIS is the problem. Old BiBTeX is very hard to modify: it uses a
language (in the .bst files) that is used only in BiBTeX style, and
modifying it is a job for a programmer.

The current biblatex styles are all written in LaTeX, so they can easily
be modified into a new style if they don't do what you need.

> I could not find a style file for the journal on their site.

If a journal does not provide a style, the first place to look is always
CTAN, which is where the rsc and biblatex-chem styles are. If you have a
modern up-to-date copy of LaTeX, these should already be on your system.

IFF the RSC styles are NOT what P&PS needs, then I recommend using the
biblatex package and modifying the parameters using the commands
provided, because this is usually easier than trying to reprogram rcs.bst.


Darshan Beniwal

Apr 5, 2020, 10:36:24 AM4/5/20
to LaTeX Users Group
The following steps fix this issue.

We can set all references as per your choice. For this, we have to create a bibliography style bst file e.g. manual_bib_style.bst. For bst file, just run latex makebst in system terminal and then create bst file. After successfully creation just use


You may refer:
I hope this helps us. 
Please let me know further.
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