if you already have a VLR in place and you just want to change it's name or description you can use lasinfo with one of these options and do it in place:
-set_vlr_record_id 2 4711
-set_vlr_user_id 1 "hello martin"
-set_vlr_description 0 "hello martin"
http://rapidlasso.com/lasinfo -add_empty_vlr "hello martin" 4711 "i like laser chickens"
http://rapidlasso.com/las2las Here an example run:
E:\software\LAStools\bin>las2las -i ..\data\fusa.laz -add_empty_vlr "hello martin" 4711 "i like laser chickens" -o fusa.laz
E:\software\LAStools\bin>lasinfo fusa.laz
lasinfo (201224) report for 'fusa.laz'
reporting all LAS header entries:
file signature: 'LASF'
file source ID: 0
global_encoding: 0
project ID GUID data 1-4: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
version major.minor: 1.1
system identifier: 'LAStools (c) by rapidlasso GmbH'
generating software: 'las2las (version 210114)'
file creation day/year: 40/2010
header size: 227
offset to point data: 375
number var. length records: 2
point data format: 1
point data record length: 28
number of point records: 277573
number of points by return: 263413 13879 281 0 0
scale factor x y z: 0.01 0.01 0.01
offset x y z: 0 0 0
min x y z: 277750.00 6122250.00 42.21
max x y z: 277999.99 6122499.99 64.35
variable length header record 1 of 2:
reserved 43707
user ID 'LASF_Projection'
record ID 34735
length after header 40
description 'by LAStools of Martin Isenburg'
GeoKeyDirectoryTag version 1.1.0 number of keys 4
key 1024 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 1 - GTModelTypeGeoKey: ModelTypeProjected
key 3072 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 32754 - ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey: WGS 84 / UTM 54S
key 3076 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 9001 - ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey: Linear_Meter
key 4099 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 9001 - VerticalUnitsGeoKey: Linear_Meter