Hi All:
I'm trying to create a simple canopy height model using the code below. The problem is, for some reason at least some buildings are still showing up as tall objects. I am wondering the best way to zero out buildings in the chm. For example, ts there a way to have lasheight automatically assign 0s to points classified as buildings (with replace_z).
Here is my code:
lastile -i *.laz ^
-tile_size 250 -buffer 20 ^
-extra_pass ^
-o tiled\b75.laz ^
lasheight -i tiled\b75*.laz ^
-class 2 -replace_z -drop_below 0.0 ^
-odir height -olaz ^
-v -cores 6
lasthin -i %BLOCK%\classified\*.laz ^
-subcircle 0.1 ^
-step %SUBGRIDSTEP% -highest ^
-odir %BLOCK%\tmp_dir -olaz ^
-cores %CORES%
las2dem -i %BLOCK%\tmp_dir\*.laz ^
-step %STEP% ^
-elevation ^
-set_min_max %MIN_MAX% ^
-use_tile_bb ^
-odir %BLOCK%\tiles_chm -obil ^
-cores %CORES%