blast2dem errors

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Oct 26, 2022, 11:18:43 AM10/26/22
to LAStools - efficient tools for LiDAR processing
I am new to LAStools and I am trying to apply blast2dem to several .laz files, yet I get the errors below. I honestly don't understand the 'unit xxxx not known' errors at all and don't know how to solve the 'EPSG' and 'tin2dem' errors. I assume that I need to add the EPSG code somehow? Could somebody explain / help? I have uploaded the according small.laz file.

F:\LAStools\bin>blast2dem -i %dir_out%\small.laz -o %dir_out%\small_dem.tif
ERROR: unit 9110 not known
ERROR: unit 9110 not known
ERROR: unit 9201 not known
ERROR: unit 9001 not known
transform 9815 of EPSG code 2056 not implemented.
ERROR: unknown EPSG code in '-epsg 2056'.
tin2dem usage error. contact ''
duplicate_points 100


Jochen Rapidlasso

Oct 26, 2022, 11:26:01 AM10/26/22
to LAStools - efficient tools for LiDAR processing
if your output is not as you expect always first check your input :)
    lasinfo -i small.laz
present me

lasinfo (220926) report for 'small.laz'
variable length header record 1 of 3:
  reserved             0
  user ID              'LASF_Projection'
  record ID            34735
  length after header  72
  description          'GeoTiff GeoKeyDirectoryTag'
    GeoKeyDirectoryTag version 1.1.0 number of keys 8
      key 1024 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 1 - GTModelTypeGeoKey: ModelTypeProjected
      key 1025 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 1 - GTRasterTypeGeoKey: RasterPixelIsArea
      key 1026 tiff_tag_location 34737 count 13 value_offset 0 - GTCitationGeoKey: CH1903+/LV95
      key 2049 tiff_tag_location 34737 count 8 value_offset 13 - GeogCitationGeoKey: CH1903+
      key 2054 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 9102 - GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey: Angular_Degree
      key 2062 tiff_tag_location 34736 count 3 value_offset 0 - GeogTOWGS84GeoKey: TOWGS84[674.374,15.056,405.346]
      key 3072 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 2056 - ERROR: unit 9110 not known

ERROR: unit 9110 not known
ERROR: unit 9201 not known
ERROR: unit 9001 not known
ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey: CH1903+ / LV95
      key 3076 tiff_tag_location 0 count 1 value_offset 9001 - ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey: Linear_Meter

so something with your GeoTiff VLR is wrong.
We have the option to fix the VLR or throw it away.
I choose throw - its easier :)

las2las -i small.laz -remove_all_vlrs -o s2.laz            

then blast2dem works as expected

blast2dem -i s2.laz -o small_dem.tif

and produce a more or less nice output.

Best regards,

Jochen @rapidlasso

Aug 7, 2024, 4:29:05 AMAug 7
to LAStools - efficient tools for LiDAR processing
Hello Jochen

I do reopen this thread to ask, whether it would be possible to add these EPSG Units in lastools, as they describe the unit used in a vast majority of coordinate systems. 
Under lastools/bin/serf/geo/pcs.csv, you will find 4531 pcs using meters (unit 9001),  2545 pcs using sexagesimal DMS (unit 9110) and 4333 pcs using EPSG unit 9201.
Here are the links to the Definition of the EPSG units:
unit 9001: metre - EPSG:9001
unit 9201: unity - EPSG:9201

In advance thank you a lot
Best regards,


Jochen Rapidlasso

Aug 7, 2024, 4:36:09 AMAug 7
to LAStools - efficient tools for LiDAR processing
Hi Florian,
we are working at the moment at the full integration of PROJ, so we can do all conversations and support every EPSG which PROJ supports.
This major change will be done within the next 1-2 month. Please be patient.


Jochen @rapidlasso

Jochen Rapidlasso

Oct 7, 2024, 10:38:43 AMOct 7
to LAStools - efficient tools for LiDAR processing
Hi Florian,
latest version of LAStools (241001) now support PROJ.
To convert from/to any EPSG code you simply can use
    las2las64 -i in.laz -o out.laz -proj_epsg 32633 4326

Please see the las2las README and the PROJ readme for details.
A more detailed documentation will follow.


Jochen @rapidlasso

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