latest version of the (inofficial) LASvalidator includes support for compressed LAS 1.4

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Martin Isenburg

Mar 22, 2018, 1:30:13 PM3/22/18
to LAStools - efficient command line tools for LIDAR processing, The LAS room - a friendly place to discuss specifications of the LAS format

in the latest LAStools release (180322) from today you will find an updated version of the LASvalidator

E:\LAStools\bin>lasvalidate.exe -i 726_5099_201701_clip.laz
This is version 170315 of the LAS validator. Please contact
me at '' if you disagree with
validation reports, want additional checks, or find bugs as
the software is still under development. Your feedback will
help to finish it sooner.
needed 0.00 sec for '726_5099_201701_clip.laz' fail

E:\LAStools\bin>more validate.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <system_identifier>LAStools (c) by rapidlasso GmbH</system_identifier>
      <generating_software>las2las (version 180209)</generating_software>
      <CRS>not valid or not specified</CRS>
        <note>variable length records define LASF_Spec with unknown record ID 7</note>
        <note>variable length records define LASF_Spec with unknown record ID 7</note>
        <note>variable length records define LASF_Spec with unknown record ID 7</note>
        <note>variable length records define LASF_Spec with unknown record ID 7</note>
    170315 built with LASread version 1.1 (170315)
    lasvalidate.exe -i 726_5099_201701_clip.laz

Please let me know if lasvalidate does not behave as you expect.


Martin @rapidlasso


Martin @rapidlasso
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