catching up the group

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kang kyu lee

Aug 29, 2014, 8:36:55 PM8/29/14
Hello, for anybody trying to (which is me) I kinda pulled out a list.. from the postings. And I was there only once last week, totally unreliable information. Thank you for your kindness.

May 2011
Everyday Scripting in Ruby

July 2011
Well-Grounded Rubyist 

October 2011
The RSpec Book

(working on Ride-Bum)

April 2012
Agile Web Development With Rails

July 2012
Objects on Rails 

October 2012
Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby

January 2013
Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby

March 2013 
Metaprogramming in Ruby

April 2013
Eloquent Ruby

August 2013
Rebuilding Rails

November 2013
Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby

February 2014
Refactoring in Ruby : Ruby Edition

March 2014
Crafting Rails 4 Applications

July 2014
working on a Rack middleware (rack-middleware-visualization)

kang kyu lee

Aug 31, 2014, 1:31:33 AM8/31/14

Cynthia Kiser

Aug 31, 2014, 5:38:44 PM8/31/14
Quoting kang kyu lee <>:
> They are running a discount for Labor Day
> And any recommended books from InformIT? I'm considering these...
> Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer
> <>

POODR is a must have - even if you are not programming in Ruby. I was
in the middle of refactoring a Python project the last time the group
read POODR and I was able to apply all of the concepts discussed right
away. The group read it twice because some people had joined the group
after we had already read it. And I fully expect to reread parts of it
just to remind myself of other things I should be doing.

> Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript
> <>

That looks good. If you get it, you will have to tell us what you
think once you have read it.

> Refactoring in Ruby <>

I have that one but haven't read it yet. I would love for the group to
read it so I'll have the discipline to work through it.

> Eloquent Ruby <>

I really liked Eloquent Ruby. Good explanations of some the language
with a lot of excellent "do it this way" advice.

And thanks for pulling together the list below. We have read some
great stuff!
> --
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Cynthia N. Kiser
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