Hello all,
We are pleased to announce that version 0.28 of LArray is now available.
The complete description of changes including examples can be found at:
The highlights of this release include:
An online executable version of the tutorial (as a Jupyter notebook) can be launched by clicking on the ``launch|binder`` badge on top of the tutorial web page.
Or you can run it using the following link :
A notebook contains text and code "cells". Code cells appear with a gray background and start with In[ ].
To run it, click inside the cell and press SHIFT+ENTER. You can also click on the "Run" button on top of the notebook.
At any time, you can add a new code cell and test anything you want by clicking on the "+" button.
Added a method equals to LArray objects to compare two arrays. It returns True or False while the == operator returns a boolean array.
In particular, the equals method includes the arguments `rtol` (relative tolerance) and `atol` (absolute tolerance) allowing to test the equality
between two arrays within a given relative or absolute tolerance. -
The ndrange function has been deprecated in favor of sequence and ndtest.
Added the argument "wide" in "to_csv" and "to_excel" methods.
When argument "wide" is set to False, the array is exported in "narrow" format, i.e. one column per axis plus one value column
(see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_and_narrow_data for more details about the "wide" and "narrow" formats). -
Added argument "wide" to "read_csv" and "read_excel" functions.
If False, the array to be loaded is assumed to be stored in "narrow" format.
Added "Load from Script" in the File menu of the editor allowing to load commands from an existing Python file.
Added "Edit" menu allowing to undo and redo changes of array values by editing cells and removed "Apply" and "Discard" buttons.
Changes are now kept when switching from an array to another instead of losing them as previously. -
Allowed to provide an absolute or relative tolerance value when comparing arrays through the "compare" function.
As always, *any* feedback is very welcome, preferably on the larray-users mailing list:
larray...@googlegroups.com (you need to register to be able to post).
Those who already have larray 0.25 or later can upgrade by simply clicking on "Update LArray" in the "LArray" menu of the Windows start menu.
Those who do not have this menu (who have an earlier version of larray), rather need to type the following command in a "Command Prompt" window
(right-click on the "Windows" icon and choose "Command Prompt"):
conda update larrayenv
In case of any problem, it is possible to go back to the previous version of larray. Open a "Command Prompt" window and run:
conda install larrayenv=0.27
Alix Damman - Expert
Cellule informatique
Bureau fédéral du Plan
Analyses et prévisions économiques
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