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FW: LArray 0.32 released

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Alix Damman

Nov 18, 2019, 8:30:47 AM11/18/19

Hello all,

We are pleased to announce that version 0.32 of LArray is now available.

Please note that the conda channel to install/update packages changed from gdementen to larray-project.

As a consequence, you will first need to type the following command in a "Command Prompt" window (right-click on the "Windows" icon and choose "Command Prompt"):


    conda config --add channels larray-project


Then, update LArray as usual: use the "Update LArray" link in the "LArray" menu of the Windows start menu (or type the following command in the "Command Prompt" window):


    conda update larrayenv

The complete description of changes including examples can be found at:

The highlights of this release include:

  • Renamed the LArray class to Array
  • Size of the viewer window and its components are saved when quitting the viewer and restored when it is reopened
  • A few bug fixes

As always, any feedback is very welcome, preferably on the larray-users mailing list: (you need to register to be able to post).


Gaëtan & Alix

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